Start with an Archangel

Chapter 484 Strategy Change

Level 16 represents the top of the world pyramid. There are two level 16s in Shangjiang City, which is already a very high density.

There will definitely not be a third level 16 creature here who happens to have law-level space skills.

"It must be Angela who snatched His Majesty from Macaulay."

Joyce agreed with Daliang's judgment, but asked, "What is Angela's purpose in kidnapping His Majesty?"

Daliang said: "I definitely want to see Shangjiang City in chaos. If we don't have a king, Shangjiang will be in chaos; if we elect a new king and she puts His Majesty back, the battle between the two kings will be even more chaotic. In short, Shangjiang's most fatal weakness is With Angela in her hands, we will naturally kill each other. By then, enough people have died and her and Ergus's strength has recovered. Unless Yunzhong City and Hell send powerful men of level 16, who will There’s nothing you can do about them.”

Yes, Angela holds a king bomb in her hand. No matter how Shangjiang plays his cards, she will always have the last laugh.

"What should we do?" Joyce asked.

Daliang replied like this: "Lord Joyce, you shouldn't ask me what to do? Support Joshua, support His Majesty, or should you directly declare yourself king. I will fully support any choice you make, and the Navy will support you, Marquis Stanley Will support you, even some human nobles will support you.

Nothing you do at this time will make this city better. "

Daliang's words made Joyce think. Really... In this case, no matter what choice she made, it would not make the city better.

But how to prevent it from getting worse?

Be king? Joyce immediately threw away this idea. She should not turn the battle between two kings into a battle between three kings. It would only push Shangjiang into hell. She is a weight, between Joshua and Howard, she must make a choice.

However, if Joshua does not become king, Howard will not be released, and there will definitely be chaos in Shangjiang.

But when Joshua becomes king, he and Bartlett will inevitably declare their allegiance. When Howard comes back, how should he choose between the new king and the old king?

Choose to support Howard again? This is against the rules, and the oath of a noble should not be trampled on like this.

Continue to support Joshua?

Howard's death turns out not to be the worst ending.

Joyce raised his head and found that he was the only one in the room. Da Liang had left at some point.

Only an empty wine glass was left, and...

Another bottle of red wine was stolen by him.

Daliang left the Admiral's Mansion while Joyce was thinking. Now the situation in Shangjiang is completely out of control. The only thing he can do is to follow Joyce's choice. As for what Shangjiang will become in the end, it depends on The game between Cloud City, Hell and Lords and Kings.

In this incident, Shangjiang City was a pawn. What Daliang wanted was to watch rather than roll up his sleeves and participate.

And Daliang can be relied upon as a bystander. Apart from Jiading City and the Black Fire Territory, players are a force that has been ignored by NPCs but has begun to exert force.

As a member of the board of directors of Yingshi Virtual Bank, and as a well-known top player in the Chinese gaming area, Daliang's ability to mobilize the player base is not even clear to him. But what is certain is that it is relatively easy for him to summon hundreds of thousands of players in Shangjiang City with just one sentence.

What Daliang urgently needs to do now is to end the confrontation with the Japanese and Korean game areas at sea as soon as possible, so that the college alliance can regain its focus and deal with the sudden change of the situation in Shangjiang City at any time.

Aoba Island.

The energy core of the aerospace battleship has been loaded on the ship under Da Liang's order. After Da Liang arrived, the two-masted cargo ship set sail towards the cave where the Black Pearl was located.

Players' naval battles in the East China Sea continued at night after the battle during the day.

During night battles, vision is severely impaired. Detours and surprise attacks became the tactical strategies adopted by both warring parties. With the outbreak of raids and counter-attacks, the originally dense fleet continued to expand to both wings, and the scope of the battlefield was at least twice as large as during the day.

Both the Japanese and Korean Combined Fleets and the Chinese Northern Fleet are trying their best to win offensive and defensive victories. The front lines are anxious, and there are even larger groups in the rear to serve this war.

Various supply ships ply the wide sea. The Chinese Game Zone even mobilized small fishing boats just to transport more gunpowder and cannonballs.

The damaged warships that were unable to participate in the battle dragged their tilted hulls toward the rear port with thick smoke. At the same time, a large number of newly built warships, loaded with sailors and supplies, quickly filled the battlefields of fierce fighting everywhere.

Outside of the game, there are tens of thousands of people providing information support for this battlefield. On average, every warship fighting at the front has dozens of people supporting it with data and information.

Players are far inferior to the system navy in terms of naval warfare literacy, but the excellent information system still allows them to fight a wonderful war.

The whole world is watching this battlefield. As the largest player naval battle since the open beta of the game, there are too many things worth learning from.

On the Sea of ​​Japan, the Judgment Fleet quietly exercised on the open sea against the background of a large sea battle. On the raging front line, the aerial reconnaissance personnel of the Judgment Fleet could not see a single Japanese or Korean ship. The combat effectiveness displayed by the Chinese Northern Fleet also caused the Japanese and Korean game zones to devote all their efforts to supporting the battlefield.

The main force of the Judgment Fleet continued to sneak.

The empty shell fleet of the Judgment Fleet continued to advance towards Kraskino City. The Chinese players responsible for tactical deception had already crossed the border. The Russian players only made slight resistance and acquiesced to all actions of the Chinese players in their own game area.

A supply base was established on the coast of Japan.

Da Liang contacted Xu Man: "I want to make some changes to the next move of the Judgment Fleet."

The East Asian naval battle has left Xu Man very busy. The overall strength of China's Northern Fleet is at a disadvantage. To maintain the front line from being breached, efficient coordination from the rear is needed. The battle at night was more complicated than during the day. Xu Man's gang responded hurriedly: "You decide what the ruling fleet wants to do. I have notified the College Alliance. You can now use all the personnel and materials in the alliance that are not involved in the war. Call, just bring the Judgment Fleet back safely.

Our men needed a shot in the arm to boost morale. "

"Then there's no problem." Daliang, who had obtained the alliance's calling authority, ended the call with Xu Man.

"Kraskino City Supply Point, stop pretending, and immediately prepare supplies for the Judgment Fleet's long-term operations."

"The alliance immediately organized naval combat personnel who are currently without ships to go to Kraskino City to standby. There will be at least 3,000 personnel and at least 2,000 air combat units."

"After ruling that the empty shell fleet heading north arrives at Kraskino City, immediately replenish personnel and supplies and rely on the coastline for defense. If attacked by the King of Fighters fleet, fight to the death!"

"It is ruled that after the newly formed high-speed single-masted battleship fleet accepts the battleship, it will immediately sail towards the Tsushima Strait at full speed. If it encounters an intercepted ship, it is not allowed to stop fighting and will use its speed to escape."

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