Start with an Archangel

Chapter 486 Sailing

Never imagined.

The Black Pearl is actually a heroic unit. Heroic units represent sustainable growth. Daliang has no idea what this warship will look like in the future.

Take a look at the skills of the Black Pearl: primary water magic, primary earth magic, and primary air magic. At first glance, they correspond to the fields that Gith, Prophet, and Nicole are good at. These three technology geeks really want to raise Black Pearl as their own daughter.

Looking at my brother again, he only learned ship design from Geese. The biological one and the stepmother are really different.

envy, jealousy, hate!

After all the complaints, the command of the Black Pearl has been handed over to Da Liang by Giese. And after getting a super battleship, Daliang decided not to be conservative anymore and to do whatever he wanted.

Anyway, Geese requires high-intensity fighting, so I will fight high-intensity. Junior sister, don’t blame senior brother. I don’t know how to care about women. It’s all because of your father.

As the magic power on the battleship became full, various alchemical equipment began to operate, and Daliang knew that the energy core had been connected to the battleship. From now on, this warship that can fly, dive, and float on the water is temporarily under his own control.

With this kind of super battleship in hand, even if...

The long pass of Xiongguan is really like iron,

Now we are starting from scratch.

When the road is rough, let out a roar,

Take action when it's time to take action.

There will be times when there are strong winds and waves,

Straight up the clouds and sails to help the sea.

Can hold the carved bow like the full moon,

Look northwest and shoot the Sirius.

No poem can express my brother's mood at this time, so I just want to find someone who is short-sighted to give him a slap in the face.

Daliang said to Gis: "Teacher, don't worry, leave the Black Pearl to me. I will take her for testing now, and I can find out any problems."

At this time, the prophet and Nicole appeared on the bridge together. The prophet said: "Let Nicole follow the Black Pearl. All the alchemy equipment here is made by Nicole. If any problems are discovered, Nicole can deal with them in time."

Nicole had no objections to staying on the Black Pearl. She said: "I can also teach Black Pearl alchemy. As long as her alchemy reaches an advanced level, she can make her own alchemy puppets to replace those crew members. To be honest, , I hate those idiotic skeleton soldiers, they can even misunderstand the instructions of 'bring over' and 'bring over'. Only alchemy puppets that are completely made by yourself are the best to use, but my alchemy puppets are all It was left behind in Beixing City, otherwise..."

Nicole was talking to herself there, and Giese said to Daliang: "Nicole just suffered a little damage to her soul. She can recover as long as she is given some time. Now you can leave. Remember, never give She has the opportunity to come into contact with the energy core, and now her desire for alchemy research is stronger than ever. When there is no need for Nicole, let her teach Black Pearl Alchemy, and don’t leave her idle."

Daliang looked at the helpless prophet who was being pestered by Nicole, and thought to himself that Nicole was probably a burden thrown out by the two of them.

After explaining the last precautions, Gith and the Prophet left the Black Pearl.

Daliang stood on the bridge, looked at the unattended steering wheel beside him, and gave an order to the Black Pearl: "Launch the water, let's set sail. The destination is the Black Fire Territory. We need to replenish more rare minerals. This time we You have to fly enough."

"Yes, my captain."

The Black Pearl on the shore slowly rowed into the water along the track, and then the warship entered dive mode.

The active sludge monster armor opened several water inlets on the ship wall, seawater began to pour into the water storage tank, and the ship slowly dived into the water.

All the crew members on the open deck entered the lower cabin, and the sludge monster armor spread over the sides of the ship until the entire upper structure was sealed. The seawater flooded up, and all the superstructures of the Black Pearl invaded the water, and then the highest point of the mast also reached the water.

Underwater is a strange environment. The bridge where Daliang is located is protected by a bubble-shaped force field shield. The view above, in front, and left and right is very wide, and sea creatures are wandering nearby.

The Black Pearl, completely submerged in the water, began to move forward. In front of it was a spacious and dark underwater cave. When the Black Pearl entered, the shimmering light emitted by the various alchemical equipment on the ship reflected colorful light on the cave wall. The magical colors were a bit mysterious and mysterious, and it was beautiful.

The underwater passage is about 100 meters long, and the accelerating Black Pearl quickly passed through it and reached the sea.

It was dark night outside now, and the moonlight shone on the rippling sea, forming streaks of swaying light underwater.

The Sea Pearl successfully entered the ocean and began to rise. She maintained her cruising speed and approached the water at a small angle. The squeezing water made the sea surface boil. Then she jumped out from under the water like a giant black whale, and Gliding a short distance above the water.

It fell heavily and splashed into the sky.

The battleship fell back into the sea, and the silt covering the upper deck and superstructure receded. The skeleton soldiers and sailors came out of the cabin one by one. They skillfully raised the sails, and the sea breeze made Black Pearl speed up again.

Daliang removed the force field shield protecting the bridge, and the hunting sea breeze rushed towards him. The speed of the battleship is still increasing, the bow has been slightly raised, and the movable mast is adjusting its position to shift the center of gravity of the ship backward.

Feeling the ups and downs under your feet, the battleship seemed to be about to fly.

Daliang said: "Black Pearl, take off."

"Captain, entering the flight state is not like adding as many resources as you need in the dive state. When taking off, the energy consumption is large and 4 units of rare resources need to be added at a time. However, our reserves only have 5 units of each of the four rare resources."

Daliang laughed loudly and said: "In the future, if you follow senior brother, you don't have to worry about the consumption of rare resources. You can fly if you want, dive if you want, and use it however you want. If you don't have it, just tell me. Now let's go to you." Senior brother, this is my territory. Please count the storage capacity of the rare resource compartments, and senior brother will fill them up for you. Hahaha..."

Rare resources are also very rare for the three technology geeks, Prophet, Geese, and Nicole. They rely on the Prophet to collect and steal underground to have some reserves. The construction of the Black Pearl is a huge consumption of rare resources. The originally sufficient reserves ended up being consumed in one shipbuilding operation. Recently, there have been successive sea trials, which has consumed a lot of money.

The Black Pearl's current reserves of five units of each of the four rare resources are their last remaining wealth.

Since the Black Pearl was built, it has rarely conducted flight tests because the flight state requires that all of the day's consumption be filled into the energy core at a time. Four units of rare resources a day are enough to pay the commissions of several ultimate creatures. Even if you have the Black Pearl, you really can't fly without a super-rich mine.

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