Start with an Archangel

Chapter 487 Big Chapter

But it cannot fly because for others, Daliang has two rare resource super-rich mines, which can produce 10 units of mercury a day, and the mercury bottle can produce one unit of mercury every day. After playing the game for so many days, the Black Fire Leader also mined some mines with rare resources while quarrying rocks. Although the output was only a few tenths of a unit per day, they could still produce one unit per day by combining them. .

In addition, in the Kingdom of Death, the exits and plane portals of Forgotten Hills have been occupied by Da Liang, and the entire area has been brought under the control of the Black Fire Leader. The resource collection team has been sent out. No matter how barren the Forgotten Hills are, they can still collect some dregs of rare mineral resources. They should be able to produce a resource per day.

Taken together, the daily output of the rare resource mine in Daliang's hands can reach 13 units.

A guild as big as the College Alliance comes to collect resources for Yunxiao Leader, and it only gets less than 4 units of rare resources every day.

4 units of rare resources per day, there will basically be no inventory left after the territory reaches level six.

Therefore, Da Liang can get 13 units of rare resources every day. Compared with other territories, he is like a rich man. I am afraid that ordinary system cities are not as high as the rare resource production capacity of the Black Fire Territory.

Letting the Black Pearl fly for a day only consumes 4 units of rare...

Daliang quickly said to Black Pearl: "Actually, if there is nothing urgent, it would be more appropriate for us to sail on the sea. Of course, it's not because I can't afford the resources, senior brother, but mainly because...because I'm a little airsick..."

"I understand, senior brother. We also like the feeling of sailing in the sea. It seems that I can cut the ocean open."

"This feels good, keep it up. But now we need to fly and I'm really in a hurry."

The Black Pearl's two auxiliary masts stowed on the ship's edge spread out laterally, and the sails were propped up to form a pair of wide wings. After adding 4 units of rare resources, the Black Pearl gained full power. The entire hull gradually left the sea and quickly climbed toward the sky.

Bumping, the Black Pearl began to bump violently as it entered flight, and then the entire hull began to shake from side to side.

It seems like it will fall down at any time.

"Black Pearl! What happened?"

"I don't know, Captain. My body seems to be out of control." The vibrating hull made the Black Pearl a little nervous. She tried her best to control it, but found that her body always wanted to fall downwards.

The Black Pearl was rising and falling at a height of 100 meters above the sea, like a huge and clumsy baby bird that seemed to be about to fall into the sea at any time.

At this time, an arc flashed and Nicole appeared on the bridge.

She said to Black Pearl, who was fully controlling the flight attitude of the ship: "Relax, my child. You have replaced the energy core with a more efficient one. Do you feel the strong thrust of your physical strength? There is no way you will fall, relax... Don’t be nervous. Think about how you felt the last time you flew. You flew in the sky for a whole day and nothing happened..."

Under Nicole's comfort, Black Pearl's mood became slightly calmer, the bumpy hull gradually became balanced, and the battleship began to continue to rise.

The Black Pearl gradually mastered the flying skills, adjusted its sails to reduce the resistance surface, and its flight speed increased again.

Howling towards the clouds.

The oncoming strong wind forced Da Liang to activate the force field shield protecting the bridge again, and then he asked Nicole: "What is going on? Shouldn't Black Pearl have completed its flight test? Are there any safety risks?"

Nicole replied: "The last flight test of the Black Pearl was in an empty state, and now it is in a fully loaded state. This child is just a little uncomfortable. Lord Earl, do you want the Black Pearl to gain more energy? As long as you Let me optimize the energy core of the Black Pearl. The extra energy can allow the Black Pearl to replace the full... at least semi-metal shell..."

metal shell!

Do you really want to build a Gundam?

But Daliang also kept in mind what Keith just said and asked Nicole to stay away from the energy core. And Daliang also felt that Nicole's current state was really unsettling.

What matters is.

"Ms. Nicole, did the Black Pearl only conduct one unloaded flight test?"

Nicole replied: "Yes, we have only conducted one flight test. Because we have run out of rare resources, and the Shangjiang City rare resource warehouse is now very tightly guarded due to multiple thefts..."


Da Liang couldn't help but cursed in his heart. The prophet, this old guy, is really cunning. He asked me to test the Black Pearl. It was clearly because he had to activate the flight state of the Black Pearl in order to go to the battlefield. To turn on the flight state, you need to use rare resources to pile up.

It seems that in order to test the flight status of the black pearl, he has long been eyeing brother's rare resources.

Could it be that meeting Nicole on the second floor of the sewer last night was deliberately arranged by the prophet?

Think about it. It's possible.

Fortunately, I asked Feichen Island to transport as many crystals as it produced, otherwise my warehouse would have been patronized by this old thief.

And after this test, I have to return the black pearl to Geese. Isn’t it a bit of a loss?

Da Liang looked at Nicole, and his heart suddenly lit up.

"Miss Nicole, I admire your achievements in alchemy very much. In my opinion, low-level leveling products like energy cores cannot bring out your talents at all. I don't know how much you know about summoning magic. What kind of research does the formation conduct?”

Alchemy is the integration of magic array into alchemical items, so the magic array is the real core of alchemy. For the same thing, an alchemist apprentice may only be able to inject ten magic arrays, but an alchemist master can inject hundreds or thousands of them at will, and the power and effects will naturally be different.

Nicole is a master of alchemy. Daliang talked with her about her profession, and she said in an awkward manner: "The summoning magic circle is a major category in alchemy. A summoning magic circle can summon creatures and spells. For example, the one I gave you Since the ring does not require lightning magic to attack, I did not design a magic circle to release attack magic, because it would be too complicated to build the entire magic circle because it needs to gather energy. A magic circle that summons arcs is much simpler, consumes less energy, and has a shorter release interval. will be shortened.

The magic circle for summoning creatures is much more complicated. Let me start with the lowest level magic circle for summoning flower demons. The first level of magic circle should be..."

Seeing that Nicole wanted to start with the basic summoning magic, Daliang quickly stopped him and said, "I'm really sorry, Miss Nicole. Since I am currently studying ship design with Master Giese, I can no longer learn alchemy from you. I want to blackmail you." Pearl should be a very good student.

I just want to know.

A large summoning circle may cover an area of ​​dozens of hectares, or even larger. There are many magic nodes on it, and all of them are permanent alchemical metal products. There is also a rare mine that provides energy for it, and the energy is very sufficient. Now, one of the magic nodes is covered by a plane teleportation array, causing the level of creatures summoned by the entire magic array to drop.

Based on your knowledge, is there any possibility of repairing this magic circle? "

Quentin, the former elder of the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild, set up a super-large magic circle for summoning the undead in the Bone Burial Ground.

At this time, due to the influence of the portal established by the Black Fire Leader, the summoning effect of this magic circle was greatly affected. The magic circle that could originally summon high-level undead could only summon skeleton soldiers. Then under the destruction of Da Liang, it completely lost its effectiveness.

Now that Daliang has obtained Quentin's Staff of the Undead and the Gate of the Undead, he only needs to restore the summoning undead formation in the Bone Burial Ground, and he can control this undead natural disaster in his hands.

However, the destroyed magic circle may be repaired, but how can the magic nodes affected by the portal be restored?

If the affected magic nodes cannot be restored, the originally domineering undead natural disasters will continue to spit out skeleton soldiers, and the practicality will be greatly reduced.

After all, the summoned undead are uncontrollable, and the only thing that can be done is to prevent them from attacking the people and objects covered by the Undead Staff.

Simply summoning skeleton soldiers is far from achieving the desired attack effect.

To be able to arrange such a large magic circle and design such a complex Gate of the Dead, Elder Quentin's alchemy must have reached a master level.

Therefore, if you want to repair the undead summoning circle, you have to find a master alchemist.

A trustworthy alchemy.

Da Liang didn't want to expose its location at will just because he was repairing the undead summoning circle.

Nicole's alchemy level is at the master level. Just look at the Black Pearl and you can see how advanced her alchemy level is.

As for whether she can be trusted or not, it remains to be considered, but in Nicole's current state, she should consider...deceiving her first.

First attract her interest so that she doesn't always think about hitting the energy core, and then slowly find a way to get her to the burial ground.

Of course, the first thing to do is to determine whether Nicole has the ability to repair the magic circle for summoning the dead.

Daliang's description immediately aroused Nicole's interest: "A summoning magic circle covering an area of ​​dozens of hectares? A permanent magic node! At least a rare resource rich ore is needed to provide energy for it. The creatures summoned by such a magic circle are not only high-level, And the quantity is large and long-lasting. If it can really work, it is definitely a miraculous project, at least I can't do it?"

Daliang was surprised: "Can't even Miss Nicole do it?"

"There's nothing surprising that I can't make it. If I were the only one to make such a large summoning magic circle, it would take at least a hundred years. If I didn't have a pure elemental body, I wouldn't be able to live that long. If it's just repairing it. "

It turns out that Nicole said she couldn't do it because she couldn't live that long. Quentin is an undead, so he has plenty of time to spend on making this super large magic circle.

Now only one magic node is affected, it shouldn't be difficult to repair it, right?

Da Liang asked anxiously: "It should be easy for Miss Nicole to fix such a small problem."

Nicole said: "The effect of the summoning magic circle has declined. It must be that the magic node is covered by the portal and its function is completely lost. If the node itself is not destroyed, you only need to dismantle the portal."

"The portal cannot be dismantled."

The portal on the territorial ground is dismantled and repositioned. I don’t know where it will appear. Now that the Black Fire Territory is directly connected to the Bone Burial Ground, it can deploy troops throughout the Kingdom of Death through the Gate of the Dead at any time. Once the portal changes location, not only will the defensive fortress have to be rebuilt, but the movement of the army will also be greatly restricted.

Therefore, even if the undead summoning magic array cannot be repaired, Da Liang will not dismantle the teleportation array just because of the one-way portal in the sulfur mine.

"Don't dismantle the portal? Things will be more difficult to handle." Nicole thought for a while and replied: "The original magic node must be unusable. Arrange new nodes? There will definitely be deviations in the position. We can put the new The node is built above the portal, and then a space exchange magic array is added, so that the new magic node is connected to the entire magic array through the sub-space. The magic flow in the magic array will be considered to be in its original correct position through the sub-space exchange. .

I need to go to the site to check the specific layout.

Moreover, this magic node must also be a large-scale alchemy facility. How the specific magic circuit is laid out, I also need to see the real thing to determine whether I can imitate it.

Count Daliang, where is this magic circle for summoning the dead that you mentioned? Take me to see it quickly. "

\u0026amp;lt;Villains don’t come clean\u0026amp;gt;Why do you recommend this book? Because the author is a girl.

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