Start with an Archangel

Chapter 488 On the eve of the war

Now that the East China Sea and the South China Sea have become a mess, Daliang still can't leave to go to the kingdom of death, so he can only temporarily comfort Nicole.

"Ms. Nicole, this super summoning undead summoning array is in a relatively remote location. According to what you said, it will definitely take a lot of time to repair it. Now we still have to test the performance of the Black Pearl. Once this matter is resolved, we will It's not too late to build the summoning circle, since it can't escape anyway.

I think Miss Nicole needs to teach Black Pearl Alchemy first. The skeleton soldiers are really too stupid. "

When Nicole heard what Daliang said, she looked at the deck. The dull skeleton soldiers were all in order, completely unable to meet the "accuracy" and "efficiency" that Nicole required.

This is something that Nicole, a technical nerd, cannot tolerate, especially since Black Pearl's soul is a part of hers. As a "daughter", the somewhat paranoid Nicole only wants everything about Black Pearl to be perfect.

"Yes, Black Pearl must start practicing alchemy as soon as possible. I am not willing to use these lazy skeleton soldiers for a day. I also need to think carefully about the space exchange magic array, and the new magic node structure also needs to be redesigned. Big projects like this are very challenging and I like challenges.”

After saying that, an electric arc jumped up and Nicole left the bridge.

In the second cabin of the Black Pearl, there is a cabin specially set aside for teaching experiments. Geese, Prophet, and Nicole will take turns teaching Black Pearl earth magic, water magic, air magic, as well as space magic, potion, alchemy, and all the knowledge that the three masters know.

Since Geese and the Prophet were not on the ship, this classroom became Nicole's exclusive use. Alchemy was also a spell that Black Pearl urgently needed to master.

At this time, the Black Pearl has reached an altitude of 1,000 meters. The clouds are like gauze floating across the bottom of the ship. Below is the pitch-black sea. From time to time, you can see a fleet of lighted ships heading northeast. Those are sailing ships. The support fleet heading to the East China Sea battlefield.

The war in the East China Sea was a positional battle between two large fleets. The two sides fought fiercely on a narrow front and poured cannonballs on each other.

The war in the South China Sea has been a melee from the beginning. The surrounded dominant fleet took the lead in firing the first shot. The Southeast Asian Alliance, which originally planned to wait until the war in the East China Sea became clear before deciding whether to fight or not, had to be involved in the battle.

The Overlord Fleet wants to break out of the encirclement, the Southeast Asian Fleet wants to annihilate the Overlord Fleet to boost the morale of the coalition forces, while the Southern Fleet in the Chinese game area is desperately trying to connect the Overlord Fleet to the waters controlled by its own side. Just like the Judgment Fleet, the Dominator Fleet is the symbol of the Southern Fleet in the Chinese game area. If the Dominator Fleet defeats the last person and the last ship in a tight siege, it will be heroic. But the smooth return of the dominant fleet must be a great victory that boosts the morale of the military.

Just as the gold merchants demand the ruling fleet to return to the territorial waters of the Chinese game zone.

Heroes are needed in any era, and Chinese players need the courage and confidence to keep fighting during this difficult period.

Originally, the series of plans formulated by Daliang also led the main force of the Judgment Fleet to rush out from the Sea of ​​Japan. The empty shell fleet and the layout of Kraskino City were all used to confuse Tokugawa Nobunaga and Iori Yagami.

But now that we have received the task of testing the Black Pearl, the plan can be a little bolder.

Daliang took advantage of the flight time to learn as much as possible about the battle reports in the East China Sea, as well as information about players and ships around the entire Sea of ​​Japan.

The existing warships in the Japanese and Korean game areas have either gone to the battlefield in the East China Sea or headed north to Kraskino City, and new ships have not yet been launched in large numbers, and the entire southern Sea of ​​Japan is in a gap period.

At this time, the Judgment shell fleet has approached Kraskino City and will arrive at the supply point set up by the University Alliance at dawn. The supply point is currently being replenished overnight, and all the personnel requested by Dawn have also arrived through teleportation and transit.

The empty-shell fleet will complete supplies here, and then start a battle with Yagami-an's King of Fighters fleet on the spot. The empty-shell fleet is all single-masted battleships. Facing an enemy several times larger than itself, it must be an arduous battle. While commanding the Battle of the East China Sea, Xu Man discovered Da Liang's plans for the alliance's military strength. After realizing that he was preparing to fight a tough battle in Kraskino City, he immediately contacted his allies in the Northeast and obtained an ancient Behemoth for the empty fleet. (14) and the aid of a red dragon (13).

Xu Man left a message to Daliang: "I really can't find the ultimate flying creature. If you really fight, let the fleet fight close to the sea. If that doesn't work, just sit in the shallow water and use it as a fixed fort."

After seeing the message, Daliang did not disturb Xu Man, but simply replied "Thank you..."

At this time, the personnel of the Judgment Fleet had already received the high-speed single-masted No. 1 ship prepared by Daliang, and were sailing towards the Tsushima Strait at full strength in the night.

Since the empty shell fleet will be completely exposed to the eyes of the King of Fighters fleet tomorrow, and the disappearance of the main force of the Judgment Fleet will also be discovered, Iori Yagami will definitely think that the Judgment Fleet is breaking through the Tsushima Strait. Therefore, there is no need for the ruling fleet’s high-speed sloop group to continue to conceal their whereabouts.

Under Da Liang's order, the high-speed single-mast fleet directly followed the ocean current route and broke through the Tsushima Strait at full speed. The estimated arrival time is one day later.

Orders were passed on one by one, and a large-scale battle plan began to be implemented. After receiving 4 ketch battleships, the main force of the Judgment Fleet sailing in the southern waters of the Sea of ​​Japan quietly changed its course on the sea in a dense formation of 17 ketch battleships. direction.

The Black Pearl also landed in the port opened by the Black Fire Territory in the dark night.

The sea was already filled with small boats filled with supplies and personnel. Once the Black Pearl stopped, they immediately surrounded it.

The supplies that had been prepared were quickly loaded into the cabin of the Black Pearl. Along with the supplies, 30 magic mages, 90 demons, 500 plague crawlers, and 500 skeleton soldiers entered the battleship (to prevent the plague crawlers from squeezing dead stuffing).

After the personnel and supplies were replenished, Daliang immediately ordered the Black Pearl to take off.

The huge black battleship left the Blackfire Port and flew towards the north at full speed.

The world of heroes is about to usher in a new morning.

The tension before the battle kept Iori Yagami of the new King of Fighters fleet on his flagship. On the map of his legion command system, the Judgment Fleet has entered the waters of Kraskino City, and the supply point set up by the Northern Fleet in the Chinese Game Zone has been put into action. When the Judgment Fleet docks at the shore, supplies and personnel will be supplied immediately.

According to intelligence, a Beamon and a red dragon were rushing from Huichun City to Kraskino City.

It seems that in order to reduce the pressure on the frontal battlefield, the Chinese Northern Fleet is determined to open a second battlefield in the Sea of ​​Japan.

Among the ultimate creatures, the Behemoth has invincible melee combat capabilities, jumps and skills, and heights below 100 are within its attack range. However, the brigantine cannot carry the Behemoth, so as long as it does not approach shallow water, this powerful land combat creature will not pose a threat to the King of Fighters fleet.

At the same time, players in the Chinese game area will not cross the border in large numbers, especially siege weapons such as artillery and catapults. Because once this kind of hostile transit operation touches the bottom line of the system city, it will trigger an attack by the system army.

China's Northern Fleet is incapable of fighting a frontal naval battle with Russia while establishing a so-called second battlefield.

Therefore, the Northern Fleet's ground support for the Judgment Fleet is very limited. It will not have heavy firepower, but if it exceeds 5,000 people, it will not be supplemented by warships.

At this time, specialized personnel from the Japanese and Korean joint fleets had arrived in Kraskino City from outside the game. They tried to bribe the local guild to attack players in the Chinese game area who were passing through, thereby triggering the system's army to join the war.

However, the situation is not optimistic, because the Northern Lords Alliance in the Chinese game area has also sent diplomats, and they also have advantages that Japanese and Korean players do not have.

China's influence on the border cities in Russia's Far East is too great, and Russian border cities are full of settled Chinese.

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