Start with an Archangel

Chapter 489 Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

It is difficult to draw the Kraskino City system army into the war through diplomatic channels, but Iori Yagami is very confident that the fleet he currently controls is enough to eliminate the Judgment Fleet on the coastline of Kraskino City.

"The Judgment Fleet will arrive at Kraskino City after dawn. I will join the auxiliary fleet at noon and then launch an attack on the Judgment Fleet. Support fleets from all departments, please arrive at the battlefield as soon as possible. No matter how powerful the Judgment Fleet is, we will continue to do so. Under our offensive, they will all be wiped out by us.

The battle will end before dawn tomorrow. I will make the second battlefield mentioned by Daliang the laughing stock of the whole world. "

Iori Yagami began to issue tactical instructions in the fleet channel. More and more support fleets were included in his command system. The size of the fleet in his hands became larger and larger. In one day, he will have nearly a thousand ships of various types at his disposal. for calling.

And the Judgment Fleet?

There were less than a hundred ships, and the war broke out at noon, leaving them no time to repair the ships.

A long night passed, and the sun illuminated the sea. The command systems of both sides, which continued to learn and adapt during the battle, did not shrink the battlefield that expanded at night. The fleet is constantly reorganized and subdivided during the battle, and the tactics become more changeable.

By detouring, outflanking, and breaking diplomatic ties, the Japanese and South Korean combined fleets tried to disrupt the supply rhythm of China's Northern Fleet through detailed fleets; while the Northern Fleet fought against tricks and retreated layer by layer to resist.

The battlefield expanded again, and even the hunting sea breeze could not disperse the smoke that filled the entire sea.

On a beach 20 kilometers north of Kraskino City, the University Alliance has established a supply point here. Gunpowder, cannonballs, ship planks, sails, food, fresh water... various supplies are divided into categories. Placed on the beach.

A group of Chinese players guarded the perimeter of the supply point with their own soldiers.

On a broken peak not far away, air combat personnel from the western sky landed on the top of the cliff. With a roar of a dragon, a red dragon flew down from a high altitude, and then a huge Beamon came down from the sky with heavy footsteps. Walked out of a bush.

"They are coming, the Judgment Fleet is coming."

The Japanese observers hidden in another mountain saw the sails exposed on the southeast sea. Soon a fleet of five single-masted warships quickly sailed towards the shore. The supply point on the shore was The Chinese players immediately became busy. Small wooden poles on the beach were pushed into the sea, and supplies were moved to the small boats.

Through the observation post placed, Iori Yagami saw the image of the Judgment Fleet for the first time.

More and more single-masted warships appear on the sea, and large groups of air combat personnel have swooped down from high altitudes. The formal adjudication air combat unit is headed by Commander Broken Moon. She does not have a mount, and the angel wings behind her are very easy to recognize.

The Judgment Fleet began to replenish. The air combat soldiers were handed over to the members of the Judgment Air Combat Force, and the supporting air combat players were temporarily incorporated into the command system of the Judgment Legion. The first batch of arriving single-masted battleships entered the shallow sea area, and the supply personnel rowed boats towards the battleships.

The entire replenishment process was carried out in an orderly manner. When a group of single-masted warships were replenished, they retreated and sailed away, and then another group of single-masted warships docked.



Hour by hour, the King of Fighters fleet has entered the waters of Kraskino City, and the auxiliary fleet taking the ocean current route from Hokkaido has arrived to join.

Iori Yagami leads the merged fleet about to enter the battlefield. The strange thing is that he did not see a brigantine battleship starting to replenish in the video.

There was no trace of the brigantine in the distant view of the sea given by the observation post.

Strange... Could it be that the Judgment Fleet hid the main fleet and relied on single-masted battleships for supplies?

But no matter what machinations the Judgment Fleet has, they are useless in the face of absolute power.

"The King of Fighters fleet is ready to fight. All air combat personnel take off. Pay attention to the location of the opponent's ultimate creatures Archangel and Frost Dragon. If they appear on the battlefield, attack them first. All battleships attack with all their strength. We have enough battleships to compete with them. Pay special attention to the ruling. There is a powerful creature in the fleet with high speed and high attack power. Once discovered, use control magic immediately, with priority on using the slowness method. After controlling it, hand it over to our ultimate creature to destroy it."

Iori Yagami issued the order to attack, and the air combat personnel rising from behind the fleet formed a dark cloud that quickly passed through the sky.

However, at this time, the intelligence department sent a message.

An unknown fleet composed entirely of single-masted warships has passed through the southeastern waters of Jeju Island and rushed towards the Tsushima Strait. Our ships have asked the other party's location many times, but they have been refused to answer. This fleet is most likely a Chinese fleet, and its purpose is temporarily unknown. We have deployed a fleet from around the Tsushima Strait to attack them, and we expect to encounter them in five hours.

Seeing this news, Iori Yagami wondered: What is the Chinese Game Zone doing at this time sending a small fleet to the Tsushima Strait? Even to support the battlefield of Kraskino City, it is too far, and what role can they play if they are all single-masted battleships? They can't even cross the Tsushima Strait.

However, Iori Yagami always felt that he had overlooked something?

At this time, Tokugawa Nobunaga sent an urgent message: "A single-masted fleet from China is advancing towards the Tsushima Strait. Haven't you found the main fleet of the Judgment Fleet yet?"

"No, the Judgment Fleet is very scattered at sea. Our observers on the shore did not see their two-masted battleships, but when my fleet enters the battlefield, their two-masted battleships will be quickly spotted by me no matter where they are hidden. The discovery of air combat power."

Tokugawa Nobunaga said anxiously: "Disperse! The war is imminent. Facing our overwhelming force, how can the Judgment Fleet adopt a dispersed formation far away from the coast! What does Daliang want to do... No! This is a scam, what kind of second battlefield?" , all are mazes mobilized by Daliang that we can't take care of. There is no main force of the Judgment Fleet in Kraskino City at all. They have already run away, running towards the Tsushima Strait. The fleet bound for the Tsushima Strait is coming To assist them in rushing out of the Sea of ​​Japan.

We have all been deceived by them. "


Iori Yagami couldn't believe that what he had been chasing turned out to be an empty fleet. At this time, the air combat forward who had entered the battlefield reported: "Legion Commander, we have arrived in the battlefield airspace, and the ruling fleet is approaching the coast at full speed. No discovery was made. Their two-masted battleship group, report! Their two-masted battleship group has not been seen in the entire sea area."

They really ran away.

However, Iori Yagami soon discovered that the news of losing traces of the main fleet of the Judgment Fleet was not the worst. The worst news was that he had just received information about the appearance of the main fleet of the Judgment Fleet.

"Discovered the main fleet of the Judgment Fleet, including 17 brigantine battleships. The enemy air combat force has begun air combat. The number of archangels was found to be one, the number of frost dragons was found to be one, and the commander of the Judgment air combat force was found to be Broken Moon. The location of the enemy fleet is bird. Taking the open sea, according to the speed, the enemy will reach the Tottori offshore sea within an hour.

Attention all Tottori coastal territories and legion stations, you are about to be attacked by the Judgment Fleet. Please prepare for defense. Please prepare for defense.

Urgently notify the Commander of the Yagami-an Army that your territory, the King of Fighters, is in the Tottori area. The coefficient of being attacked is red. Please arrange territory defense measures immediately. "

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