Start with an Archangel

Chapter 497 Xuanwei

Since the air control theory was proposed and realized, the sky has become a battleground for military strategists. If you gain air superiority, you can easily and quickly put firepower on the place you want to attack, but if you lose the sky, you can only be moved and beaten.

The Black Pearl is a comprehensive aerospace battleship built by three masters: Gith, Prophet, and Nico. Giese is the top ship designer in the entire gaming world. His experience at Shangjiang Shipyard gave him very practical ship design experience. From the beginning of its design, the Black Pearl was characterized as being able to cope with all-terrain and all-terrain situations. Positional battle.

In addition to being a potion master and an earth space master, the Prophet's other abilities are also unfathomable. An ordinary three-masted battleship only has a load capacity of 600, but the Prophet increased the load capacity of the Black Pearl to 2,000 through the space expansion spell. , reaching the load-carrying standard of a battleship.

There is enough space to load more materials and place more alchemy devices.

The magic prohibition device and magic amplification device that cannot be equipped on the three-masted battleship were easily installed into the Black Pearl.

All the alchemy equipment on the Black Pearl are all made by Nicole. This battleship does not belong to any battleship in the magic energy confrontation.

The materials used to build the Black Pearl were even more luxurious. Only Daliang knew about them were Archangels, Golden Dragons, Titans and the Super Boss Sludge Monster.

Top designers, top material processors, top alchemists, and top materials.

The Black Pearl is an extremely high-end weapon even if placed in the system's army, let alone used against current players.

Even if Daliang's strength is not enough to exert the full power of the Black Pearl, just showing a little power is like cheating in the eyes of players.

A double bombardment of shells and magic.

The air defense force that the King of Fighters had just gathered was bombarded to nothing, and the Black Pearl turned its guns again and aimed at the magic tower.

In order to save magic power, Da Liang stopped releasing magic, and the broadside cannon continued to spit out tongues of fire and gunpowder smoke.

The scene where the Black Pearl was fully firing just now almost made the world quiet. Even the three maritime battlefields that were originally fiercely fought saw their firepower output drop a lot in this short period of time.

After that splashing attack ended, the entire Chinese game area set off a wave of cheers.

With such a weapon, how can one lose...

Who told us how to lose!

Another series of roars sounded from the sea, and Daliang's live broadcast room switched a scene to the sea.

The Judgment bombardment fleet has completed the combat formation within the artillery range, and the broadside guns are aimed at the shore. After the targets are assigned to each ship by the background auxiliary commanders, the cleaning attack on the remaining shore defenses of the King of Fighters Territory begins.

More than a hundred missiles flew to various areas, but the shore defense responded very little.

The enhanced version of the meteor shower was so destructive that the surviving coastal defense weapons had not yet recovered from the bombardment when shells from the sea flew over.

The overloaded ammunition means that the Judgment bombardment fleet does not need to consider any saving issues. The flagship skill of the Black Pearl makes the shells of the bombardment fleet more penetrating and destructive.

The sparse counterattacks on the shore were quickly suppressed. The Judgment Air Combat Team covered the artillery fleet and pressed forward alternately, slowly sending the shells into the King of Fighters territory.

The artillery shells began to bombard the west wall of the King of Fighters' territory. The shore defenses built by Iori Yagami were completely destroyed, and all the buildings in the territory were exposed to the firepower of the Judgment Fleet.

In the air and on the sea, the Judgment Fleet poured out all its cannons. Although the audience could not see what the King of Fighters collar looked like in the smoke, they could imagine the misery inside just by imagining it. The magic guild that was still fighting against the aerial battleship has stopped firing magic cannons. In the video, Da Liang has already steered the battleship and pointed its side in another direction.

There was no counterattack within the King of Fighters territory, only the air combat personnel desperately attacking the air defense line composed of the Judgment air combat elite.

Flying creatures rained down, and the desperate charge of the aerial combat defenders from the King of Fighters territory could not slow down the pace of the artillery bombardment at all.

Iori Yagami no longer had the intention to direct the battle in front of him. Looking around Tottori, he could not find any warships or troops that could stop the Judgment Fleet. And he had the army in Kraskino City that could stop all this, but he could only watch the buildings being destroyed one after another in the territory prompts.

All the lords and presidents of the Japanese and Korean game areas also watched Daliang's live video, thinking that if this kind of force attacks their own territory, can they block such an attack?

What Dai Liang said on the World Channel before attacking Tottori was retold.

"I warn all guilds and lords on the coast of Japan, you are all on my attack list."

This kind of attack will come to everyone at any time.

Tokugawa Nobunaga did not look at the already crowded communication requests. He quietly looked at the pictures in the video.

The East Asian naval battle went very smoothly. Although the strong offensive did not defeat the defense of the Northern Fleet in the Chinese game area, it received a large amount of external aid for him.

New warships are about to roll off the assembly line from various shipyards. The shipbuilding blueprints and gold coins in his hands can allow him to build another fleet of the same size and continuously expand his advantage.

If you attack for a long time, you will gain; if you defend for a long time, you will lose.

As long as the Japanese and Korean combined fleets are continuously replenished, he will be able to defeat the Chinese Northern Fleet. At that time, when he went south to pacify the South China Sea battlefield, Tokugawa Nobunaga was the number one person in East Asia. He used the resources and manpower of the entire Western Pacific at will, and truly became the overlord of the game world.

However, now he was stabbed hard in the heart.

The west coast of the Korean game area is closely watched by the Yellow Sea fleet of China's Northern Fleet. The east coast of Japan is too far from the East Asian maritime battlefield, so the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan is an important source of warships for the Japan-South Korea combined fleet. This should have been the safest place on the entire battlefield, but now the ruling fleet is attacking our own territory unscrupulously.

The aerial warships attacked their targets in the air as if they were in an uninhabited land. The overloaded warships at sea could not move as fast as the merchant ships.

In this safest sea area, the Judgment Fleet found the emptiest place.

Above the video, fire clouds condensed from the sky again...

"Inform the Japanese and Korean combined fleets to shrink, alternately defend and move towards Jeju Island, and let the elite personnel leave the battlefield and return to the city to stand by. Inform the lords and presidents around the Sea of ​​Japan to hold a meeting. We must concentrate all our efforts to destroy the Judgment Fleet this time. Tell For them, the Judgment Fleet's attack on the King of Fighters Territory was just a tactical mistake on our part. No matter how strong the Judgment Fleet is, it cannot compete with our two game zones. We have dozens of ultimate creatures, hundreds of thousands of air combat units, and thousands of battleships. Kill the Judgment Fleet first, and then go back and fight the Chinese Northern Fleet for a decisive battle."

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