Start with an Archangel

Chapter 498 The carrot has been given away

When the 10-minute skill cooldown time expired, Daliang used "Meteor Fire Shower" to wash away the King of Fighters' collar again, and the smoke in the air became thicker.

Then Da Liang ordered the Black Pearl to start attacking the King of Fighters' territory with its port artillery. The continuous bombardment made the starboard cannon overheat, and the durability of the artillery would accelerate if the fire continued.

At this time, Daliang received a message from Xu Man: "I asked you why you didn't rush out when you arrived at the Tsushima Strait and instead fought against the King of Fighters. It turns out you have a big weapon. On the East China Sea, the Japanese and Korean combined fleets are shrinking and retreating. There are signs that Tokugawa Nobunaga probably wants to concentrate his elite forces to attack you. Now this battle is fought around you, how do you need my cooperation? Or are you ready to give up as soon as possible and withdraw from the Tsushima Strait?"

While controlling the bombardment, Da Liang said to Xu Man: "If I withdraw from the Tsushima Strait now, Tokugawa Nobunaga will have no worries. Their new ships will be built soon, and the war in the East China Sea will drag on forever." , we cannot afford Tokugawa Nobunaga, and we should not be trapped in such a local war.

I think the breakthrough point to end this battle should be the Korean game area.

The Korean game area exists between China and Japan. Its geographical location and overall strength allow them to choose to follow us or follow Japan. The current situation is that if you follow us, you will definitely be the younger brother; if you follow Japan, it is possible to form a three-legged situation. "

Xu Man also agreed with Daliang's analysis: "Yes, even outside the game, South Korea is trying its best to deal with the major powers, and there are losers on both sides. In the game, how do you think we make them obedient?"

Daliang said: "Small countries serve big countries with wisdom, and big countries show small countries with strength. I suggest that at the military level... Since Japan and South Korea are preparing to temporarily return their focus to the Sea of ​​Japan, then we will take the opportunity to catch South Korea and beat them hard. Northern Fleet Donghai Ship The Japanese and Korean combined fleets were suppressed by the Japanese and Korean fleets. If they took a step back, we would take a step forward and push them to the vicinity of Jeju Island so that they could not threaten the Yellow Sea battlefield. The Yellow Sea fleet attacked the territories and legion stations on the west coast of South Korea and tried to find a way to land.

Anyway, if the Japanese and Korean combined fleets want to defeat me, they must let their elites return to the city. They have no time to take care of the Yellow Sea for the time being. There should be no problem for the Yellow Sea fleet to gain control of the sea. As long as we can land, we can let Korean players appreciate our population advantage and let them know that we are determined to beat them to death.

I am cooperating in the attack on the east coast of the Korean game zone in the Sea of ​​Japan. The greater the pressure on your side, the easier it will be on my side.

At the diplomatic level, we are actively contacting the lords and guild presidents of the Korean game area. Our bottom line is that the Korean game area withdraws from their Japan-Korea alliance and remains neutral. In addition, our future foreign strategy should also be modified. The reason why Tokugawa Nobunaga easily pulled so many lords and guilds onto the chariot this time is ultimately because the last national war made us too arrogant.

No matter what we do on land, there is no problem. It is our strength to be able to do this in a circle.

The competition at sea is a higher level, and our opponents are much stronger than those in the surrounding game areas on land. There is no benefit in being domineering and making enemies everywhere.

The location of the Korean game area is too important. They are hostile to us, so we are extremely passive strategically. The entire northern coast must guard against it. If they stand with us, we can form a fist, and Japan can only be obedient.

Therefore, I think that for the Korean game zone, we should carry out military and diplomatic activities at the same time, using carrots and sticks, so that they know how powerful we are, know the cost of opposing us, and understand that we can beat them at any time if we want.

At the same time, I also gave them a promise. If they hang out with us, we can eat meat and they can drink soup. "

Daliang's words touched Xu Man's heart, and she also wanted to end this battle as soon as possible. Not only did this East Asian naval battle not bring any benefits to the Northern Lords Alliance, it was also rapidly consuming the resources accumulated in the past. Although players throughout the Chinese gaming area are donating money, it is really a drop in the bucket for the protracted war.

"Fight as you say. I will immediately order the Northern Fleet to press forward and attack the west coast of the Korean game area to formulate a landing plan."

Daliang thought about the strategic layout for a moment, and then said: "I will let the high-speed single-masted battleship formation sailing towards the Tsushima Strait be diverted to the Korean Strait and enter the Sea of ​​Japan. The Korean Strait is guarded by the Korean Game Zone Association. After a while, I will divert the high-speed single-masted warship The route of the battleship formation is given to you. You ask our diplomats to forward it to the lords and guild presidents on the east coast of South Korea. That is to say: The warships of the ruling fleet should take this route. Whose ship should I see on this route? , I will hit whoever is next."

Xu Man immediately understood Daliang's purpose of doing this, which is called "beating the first bird with a stick". The destructive power of the main fleet of the Judgment Fleet is displayed here. With a big stick in hand, the next step is to go to the east coast of South Korea and beat the tough ones in the neck first, killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, and beating them severely. Those who know how to get out of the way will naturally be the breakthrough point for conquering the Korean game area.

Support some people and suppress others.

When the hard-liners are weakened, they will naturally have no say, and it will be easier to win over them.

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to do this immediately. And... can you dispel the smoke over the King of Fighters Territory? You fight beautifully on the sea and in the air, but you can't see what's going on inside the King of Fighters Territory. It lacks shock value and persuasiveness.”

Daliang replied: "I know, I will think of a solution immediately."

After ending the call with Xu Man, Daliang immediately called Nicole to the bridge.

Nicole was dissatisfied: "I am doing all the work of recording the operation of the alchemy equipment on the entire ship by myself. I am really busy. If there is nothing important, please don't disturb me."

After that, Nicole was leaving. Daliang hurriedly said: "Miss Nicole, can you think of a way to disperse the smoke below. I'm shooting chaotically here, and I can't see the shelling effect, which will affect the assessment of the Black Pearl's combat effectiveness."

Nicole didn't know that Daliang had ground observers and auxiliary artillery systems that could shoot accurately. She looked at the smoke that filled the territory below and realized that Daliang was telling the truth. The evaluation of the Black Pearl's combat capability was the most important item in the test. Without seeing the effect of the bombardment, it was naturally impossible to know the Black Pearl's performance. What is the level of attack capability?

"It's easy."

Nicole connected to the magic amplification device, and the magic eye shot a beam of magic towards the southern sky.

Then the south wind came strong, and soon the smoke over the King of Fighters territory was blown away without a trace.

The King of Fighters collar is revealed to the world.

It’s really miserable and desolate.

The west city wall near the sea has been demolished by the artillery fleet. The Judgment Fleet is conducting an extended bombardment inside the King of Fighters territory. No building can survive for long under the bombardment of more than a hundred cannons. The buildings in the territory are being bombarded into ruins one by one. .

On the other side, the meteor fire shower had just finished washing the ground. Fires burned, huge meteorites were embedded in the ground, and the surrounding areas were blasted into flat ground.

This is a territory that is sought after by all players. It is a symbol of strength. Owning it means that you have the top appeal of the game and become a star who can make all the difference in the game.

Currently, there are only 429 players' private territories in the entire Heroic World, 7 of which are in the Japanese game area.

And now it is such a territory that is being ravaged without any resistance.

The attacking party has made it very clear through the name of the live broadcast room that it rejects any request for peace talks. Daliang wanted to establish his authority here. He wanted all the lords participating in the East Asian naval battle to know that "if you don't seek death, you will not die."

All the reinforcements of the King of Fighters are on the way, and during this period of time, it can only withstand all damage.

The black warship in the sky slowly circled a building with elite escorts in the air, and a few rounds of shelling blasted away a ruin.

Then move on to the next target.

This kind of bullying even left many viewers with a feeling of resentment.

But the audience soon discovered that the damage caused by ordinary shelling was nothing compared to the subsequent attack method of the black battleship.

The cannonballs fired by the black battleship began to explode, and they also had splash and burning damage properties.

Iori Yagami originally hoped that there would be something left in his territory when reinforcements arrived, but now it seems that he can only build it again.

In the hero world, all conventional artillery fires are solid bullets, which are very powerful but have limited destructive power. The damage to the building is to destroy the supporting structure of the building through continuous penetration and impact, causing the collapse of the building.

If the supporting structure of the building cannot be damaged, a house may be shot dozens of times without any damage.

But the blooming bomb is different.

It does far more damage to structures than solid cannonballs.

The Black Pearl is both an air and space battleship and a heroic unit with advanced intelligence. Her hero specialty is the crazy destroyer: when the damage value caused by the Black Pearl's attack reaches 10,000, you can choose to enter a 30-minute state of crazy destruction (cannonballs Produce explosion, sputtering, burning effects).

The unscrupulous attack on the King of Fighters leader allowed Black Pearl to easily reach a cumulative damage value of 10,000.

In order to suppress all enemies, Daliang did not hesitate to activate the state of crazy destroyer.

The increased destructive power allows Da Liang to no longer concentrate all his broadside cannons on one target. He divided the twenty broadsides into four groups, each group responsible for a target.

There were roars and explosions, and buildings collapsed and burned.

The fire spread throughout the King of Fighters territory, and even the southerly wind could not quickly disperse the rising smoke.

At this moment, all the lords have seen the level of power that players in this game can achieve. How to protect their own airspace has become a problem that every lord and legion commander has to face.

The lords and guild leaders who were on Daliang's blacklist were even more worried.

At this time, the big guys in the Korean game area received information from the Northern China Lords Alliance.

The maritime situation in the East China Sea is quietly changing.

The Judgment Fleet's bombardment of the King of Fighters Territory continued until the evening. Before the arrival of the Japanese maritime support fleet, Dai Liang commanded the main force of the Judgment Fleet to evacuate to the depths of the Sea of ​​Japan. The entire Tottori coast was lined with flames, and the King of Fighters Territory was the brightest. one place.

"The flagship of the Judgment Fleet was changed to the Shuttle, and the fleet moved towards the west coast of the Korean game area."

The Judgment Fleet sped away after changing its flagship technology, and Da Liang contacted Xu Man again: "Find a way to purchase a batch of 28-pound artillery shells in Kraskino City. The Korean Game Zone will also prepare some, as well as gunpowder."

Xu Man said strangely: "Kraskino City? The battle there is over. The King of Fighters fleet is heading south along the ocean current route of the Korean Peninsula... Do you want to attack the King of Fighters fleet?"

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