Start with an Archangel

Chapter 499 New War Mode

All the single-masted battleships that Liang left in Kraskino City were destroyed, and with the cooperation of thousands of airmen, they also successfully delayed the end until night.

The King of Fighters Territory was still burning, and the worried Iori Yagami slowly sailed away towards the south with his fleet. There were broken hulls of ships in the shallow water, but there were cheers on the shore. However, the victorious fleet ceased its activities and disappeared into the night.

Tokugawa Nobunaga connected to Yagami'an's communication at this moment: "I am very sorry about what happened to the King of Fighters. But now that it has happened, we should continue to look back. The attack by the ruling fleet during the day has a great impact on our morale. Big, China's Northern Lords Alliance has taken the opportunity to contact our allies in the Korean game area. The Yellow Sea Fleet of the Northern Fleet is heading to the west coast of South Korea, and the Judgment Fleet is already on its way to the east coast of South Korea.

They definitely want to put pressure on the Korean game zone through military and diplomatic means and force South Korea to withdraw from this war.

Our current situation is very dangerous, and the live broadcast in broad daylight really scares many people. If he really destroys the territory of a Korean game area, we will really lose this barrier, and our situation will be very difficult at that time. "

Iori Yagami smiled helplessly: "You asked me to save the Korean game area? How to fight? Tactical suppression, you tell me how to fight? Daliang's air and space battleship flies faster than most flying units, and he has three top ones in his hands. The ultimate creature, plus Da Liang himself and Broken Moon, they have at least five top combat powers in the air. And his ship, did you see the Titan Divine Thunder, the magic barrier, and the magic amplification device are all there, they can easily Achieve asymmetrical magical advantages.

Our numerical advantage cannot be used in the air, and the top troops cannot defeat us.

Daliang's air battleship is definitely not something that can be defeated by conventional forces. Even if my fleet goes to support it, it will be fatal. "

Tokugawa Nobunaga said: "Of course I know that conventional methods cannot solve this battleship, but an American friend just said that he has a way to solve this air and space battleship."

Iori Yagami wondered: "The Americans have a way? What's the use if they have a way! Can they fly over from the Pacific Ocean?"

"I don't know how they got here, but they definitely have a way. They will come over with a special operations team composed of top players and top creatures. As long as you can attract Da Liang's attention from the front, they will have a way to board the place. An air and space battleship..."

Iori Yagami said: "Do they want to seize that aerial battleship?"

"It must be to seize the air and space battleships. Although I don't know how they crossed the Pacific to come to us, but it is certainly not an easy task. If it were not for the air and space battleships, would the Americans personally help us?

It’s just that this aerospace battleship fell into the hands of the Americans. Sooner or later we will still have to face it at sea, but this is a matter for the future. Solving the current dilemma first is the most important thing.

We must first stabilize the Korean game area, and your fleet must support it as soon as possible. "

Tokugawa Nobunaga has a way to deal with Dai Liang's aerial battleships, and Yagami's fighting spirit is burning again. As long as Dai Liang does not have aerial battleships, the Judgment Fleet is no match for his King of Fighters fleet.

"I only want hatred for destroying my territory. I will definitely avenge it!"

South China Sea.

The aerial battleship revealed by Daliang in the battle of Tottori also shocked Shi Fei. And according to Shi Fei's knowledge, it was obvious that this aerial battleship was no ordinary model. It was completely armed with alchemy equipment inside and out.

The Northern Lord's strategic change was quickly learned by the Half Moon Cat. East and West put pressure on the Korean game area at the same time. The Yellow Sea Fleet and the Judgment Fleet have already launched operations.

The big guys in the Korean gaming area were panicked.

The situation in the East Asian naval war is gradually becoming clearer. Whether the Yellow Sea fleet strikes a landing point or the Judgment fleet bombs another territory, it may cause the Korean game area to surrender.

The Northern Lords Alliance will win the East China Sea War.

Shi Fei certainly didn't want to see the Battle of the East China Sea end faster than the Battle of the South China Sea. Daliang had already taken away too much of his light in Tottori.

"Assemble the blade bearers..."

The map of the main world is really too big. Today's wars are still all about regional hegemony. This kind of war can last for more than ten or dozens of days. Troop allocation, logistical support, coordination, and mobilization consume too much money. In the future global conflicts, the cost of war will be even more incalculable. After each game area cannot bear the consumption of long-distance warfare, small teams of elite special operations have gradually become the mainstream war mode for resolving small conflicts.

Even in large-scale wars, elite squad confrontations are still active everywhere.

Most of the movement methods of the special operations team are leapfrog-style troop penetration through plane transfer.

There are teleportation gates connecting various planes around the world. Teleporting through these gates can greatly reduce the distance to the main world. Large-scale troop transfers will definitely be encircled and suppressed by local system troops on the way, but small-scale transfers will not trigger hostility in system cities.

This kind of combat is efficient and practical, with low cost and remarkable results.

Confrontation between special operations and small groups of elite troops through plane leapfrog was the mainstream way to resolve conflicts in previous lives. Unless really necessary, everyone tries their best to avoid large-scale decisive battles. Combat is also more specialized and varied.

However, compared to the plane frog leaping special operations, Shi Fei also knew a more swift and violent method.

Among the many planes, there are two very powerful planes, namely Cloud City and Hell. They are the leaders of the good camp and the evil camp respectively.

In addition to the superb combat capabilities of angels and demons, Yunzhong City and Hell are also the only forces in the entire game world that have the ability to deploy all-dimensional and large-scale space forces.

Except for those shrouded by the power of laws and special spaces, they can open portals wherever they want.

The "Super Dimension Corps" makes Cloud City and Hell become two levels of this world.

Players who can use their space teleportation abilities can form the most threatening special operations team in the entire game world.

Shi Fei didn't know what mission he could do to obtain the air teleportation ability in Yunzhong City and Hell. This was originally the biggest secret in the game in his previous life. He just needed to know who in the Chinese game area had this ability.

Feng Pirates, human race.

Fortunately, he obtained a time and space key, Pseudo, during a mission in the World of Heroes (Cloud City). Its function is to open a portal to anywhere in the main world (except for forbidden magic areas and some special places).

The function is powerful, but since it is not a genuine time and space key, the price is also very high.

After the pirate opens the portal, he will be punished with a downgrade based on the level and distance of the character passing through.

According to the difficulty of upgrading in the heroic world, the time and space key is definitely not something that can be used frequently. But once used, with capable special operations personnel, it can definitely achieve unexpected results.

The blade-wielders of the Dominator Legion's special operations team have long been secretly formed, and they are all players with very high personal abilities in Shi Fei's memory. After Feng Pirates obtained the key to time and space, he was also recruited by Shi Fei to join the team of blade holders, serving as the "opener".

Shi Fei didn't want to expose the blade holder so early, but he had to win the war in the South China Sea before the battle in the East China Sea ended.

"Pay close attention to the war situation in the East China Sea and increase the intensity of attacks on the South China Sea battlefield. Once there are signs of surrender in the Korean game area, the 'Blade Bearers' will immediately enter the battle."

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