Start with an Archangel

Chapter 500 New attack plan

Led by the flagship Shuttle, the Judgment Fleet sailed toward the west coast of the Korean Game Zone with great fanfare. The lights on the battleships were brightly lit, which was very obvious on the sea at night, for fear that others would not know the direction they were traveling in.

The lords and guild leaders on the west coast of Korea have all received notifications from the Northern Lords Alliance in the Chinese game area.

"A high-speed single-masted battleship formation of the Northern Fleet's Judgment Fleet will pass through the Korean Strait early tomorrow morning. The route has been marked on the attached chart. Please move away from the route on time to avoid delaying the fleet's schedule. Judgment Legion Legion Chang Liang made it clear that he could see every friendly friend as well as the unfriendly guy. The Judgment Fleet was sailing towards the waters of the Korean game area. They were not here for sightseeing. There must be a place to throw the full warehouse of shells. Get out, the priority is yours.”

This is the threat of Chi Guoguo. The enemy passes through our territorial waters and dares to issue a notice asking us to give up the route?

What a deception!

But...the fire in Tottori is still burning.

The main force of the Judgment Fleet is approaching. With so many territories and stations on the east coast of the Korean Game Zone, no one wants to become the next King of Fighters Territory.

If the warships of the ruling fleet are to pass through the Korean Strait, should they be blocked or not?

Some people quietly ordered their ships to avoid the sea area where the sloop was to pass after dawn; others passed the news to Tokugawa Nobunaga.

"They must be stopped. Yagami An has led the King of Fighters fleet to support them, and the elites on the front line have also withdrawn. We have used all our strength and are fully capable of wiping out the entire Judgment Fleet in the eastern waters of the Korean game area."

"But Daliang has aerial battleships."

"He only has one aerial battleship, and Iori Yagami is fully capable of dealing with it. Now is the most difficult period of this war. As long as we work together to wipe out the Judgment Fleet, the victory of this war will be ours."

The bombing of many boxing kings made the situation in East Asia become delicate. The instigator, Da Liang, was flying the Black Pearl from the sky towards Kraskino City.

During the daytime battle in Kraskino City, the Judgment Shell Fleet completed its mission perfectly. They successfully delayed the King of Fighters fleet, allowing the Black Pearl time to replenish the consumed shells.

The high frequency of free fire consumes a lot of shells and gunpowder. After several hours of non-stop bombardment of the King of Fighters territory, the Black Pearl consumed about one-third of its ammunition reserves.

Da Liang didn't know what kind of battle he would encounter next. How many territories and stations would the Korean players need to destroy before they could break it? The more ammunition the better.

The Black Pearl departed from Tottori Coast at night and arrived at Kraskino City at two o'clock in the morning.

The people of the Northern Fleet have withdrawn from here, and Xu Man sent trustworthy people to set up a hidden supply point on another coast.

Gunpowder is relatively sufficient, but the demand for the 28-pound shells used by the Black Pearl is now very small, and only more than a thousand have been purchased. The missing quantity is all made up with shotgun shells, which are still very harmful to personnel.

After replenishing ammunition, Daliang immediately drove the Black Pearl and chased it along the route of the King of Fighters fleet.

In the cabin, Nicole carefully inspected all the alchemy devices equipped on the Black Pearl.

This Black Pearl has participated in actual combat for the first time since it was built. She has been flying continuously for one day and two nights. She performed very well in the bombardment of the King of Fighters. Her acceleration, maneuverability, and stability, all flight indicators made Nicole very satisfied.

Several hours of high-frequency shelling did not cause any damage to the Black Pearl's internal structure.

All these made Nicole couldn't help but admire Giese's design ability. The recoil of the 28-pound gun required at least a fourth-level battleship to withstand it, and the Black Pearl's hull was only three masts.

Of course, the strength of the Black Pearl's hull is also inseparable from Nicole's alchemy.

Da Liang found Nicole in the magic-forbidden device cabin.

A circular garlic-shaped device with split cloves occupies about four-fifths of the capacity of the cabin. A pillar in the middle is the front mast of the battleship. This is the main body of the anti-magic device. The anti-magic cover formed can allow the warship to withstand the highest levels of magic. The bombardment of level 5 magic.

A shimmer of magical energy illuminated the entire cabin.

Da Liang said to Nicole who was concentrating on inspecting the device: "Miss Nicole, at dawn we launched an attack on a large fleet. This battle tested the Black Pearl's underwater attack capability. The Black Pearl is underwater There is no problem with navigation, but underwater combat is different from ordinary cruising. Can the Black Pearl withstand the water pressure caused by underwater maneuvers?"

Nicole said very simply: "Of course we don't know, otherwise do we still need you to test? I originally wanted to make a metal keel and metal shell for the Black Pearl, but the original energy core did not have enough energy to provide the weight reduction magic. Formation. Now the Black Pearl has a new energy core. As long as I refine this energy core and replace the keel and shell, the Black Pearl's hull will be stronger.

Yes, I should start refining the energy core now..."

"No, no, no," Daliang quickly stopped. This is the most critical moment of the battle, and Nicole must not be allowed to touch the energy core: "In a few hours, the Black Pearl will undergo underwater combat testing. Miss Nicole, I hope you can evaluate the strength of the battleship's hull bracket. After careful inspection, none of us want to see the Black Pearl break into two parts during the battle."

"Okay..." Although Nicole is unwilling to give up refining the energy core, ensuring the underwater safety of the Black Pearl is indeed the most important thing.

Da Liang did not get a satisfactory answer from Nicole. It is more dangerous underwater than in the air. Wooden warships are inherently more fragile than metal ones. Once they make large-scale tactical movements underwater, they are likely to be broken by the water pressure.

In Da Liang's plan, he will drive the Black Pearl to attack the main fleet of the King of Fighters fleet from underwater. But Da Liang didn't know the limits of the Black Pearl's underwater maneuverability, and the battleship was very maneuverable. If the Black Pearl couldn't keep up, it would be difficult for the underwater attack to achieve big results.

Therefore, Daliang changed the target to the auxiliary fleet in order to be safe.

The auxiliary fleet consists of merchant ships. The ships are slow and turn slowly, making them the best targets for attack. Moreover, the merchant ships carry all air combat personnel. If it can cause heavy damage to the auxiliary fleet of the King of Fighters fleet, the air combat strength of the King of Fighters fleet will be weakened.

In this case……

Da Liang returned to the captain's cabin of the Black Pearl, and then made measurements and calculations on the tactical chart.

The high-speed single-masted battleship formation will pass through the Korean Strait at dawn. If everything goes well, they will join the main force of the Judgment Fleet at noon, and by that time the King of Fighters fleet should be able to reach the waters of the Korean game area.

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