Start with an Archangel

Chapter 501 Compromise

In the early morning, the sea surface of the East China Sea was rarely calm.

The Japanese and Korean combined fleets are retreating in large strides. All warships have broken away from the battle and are heading towards the waters of Jeju Island. Some powerful players have been transferred from the sea to land, and then teleported to the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan. Tokugawa Nobunaga was very determined to destroy the Judgment Fleet, and he did not allow any mistakes this time.

He once again issued a notice to the lords and presidents on the east coast of South Korea, asking them to block the Judgment Fleet's single-masted fleet in the Korean Strait. At the same time, they concentrated senior air combat personnel on the coast and launched a mad attack on the Judgment Fleet with a sea of ​​​​people.

The Northern Fleet in the Chinese game area adopts a proactive strategic approach to the retreat of the Japanese and Korean combined fleets. The Donghai fleet pressed forward step by step, keeping a distance of ten kilometers from the Japanese and South Korean combined fleets, forcing them not to transfer too many personnel.

At the same time, the Yellow Sea fleet has arrived in the Incheon waters on the west coast of the Korean game area. The fleet is being rolled out and the attack can start at any time. In addition, on the Jiaozhou Peninsula, a thousand merchant ships have left the port, and the cabins of these merchant ships are densely filled with legion flags. As long as the Yellow Sea fleet establishes a beachhead, these legion flags will immediately become players for landing operations.

Merchant ships throughout the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea are sailing to the Jiaozhou Peninsula. Once the players in the Chinese game area complete the landing and use their maritime transportation capabilities, the western half of the Korean game area will be invaded, and the damage caused will be far more serious than the bombing of the Judgment Fleet.

Therefore, although Tokugawa Nobunaga asked Korean players to concentrate on the coast of Japan, in fact, the manpower and material resources of the Korean game area are shifting to the west coast. They are too close to the Jiaozhou Peninsula in the Chinese Game Zone. They follow the ocean current route, and merchant ships can easily make a round trip in a day.

Use strong force at sea to suppress. Diplomatically, efforts are also being made to win over South Korean leaders.

Xu Man made a profound review of the previous bullying behavior of Chinese players, pointing out that it was "behavior done by arrogant individual players without long-term vision" in a disorderly situation.

“Now the Northern Lords Alliance in the Chinese Game Zone has the ability to restrict the behavior of players. We have extremely close cooperation with Yingshi Virtual Bank. Regardless of the use of violence or economic methods, we have the ability to punish players who break the rules.

In the future, players’ maritime affairs will only become more and more standardized, and the maritime rules in East Asia will definitely be formulated by our Northern Lords Alliance in the Chinese game area.

However, we can also see the influence and strength of South Korea and Japan in the East Asian Sea. War will not be beneficial to either of us, especially your South Korea.

Even if you, Japan and South Korea, can jointly win the East Asian naval war, the population advantage of our Chinese game area can completely keep you out of our territorial waters, and you may not even be able to enter the Yellow Sea. Look at the location of our Yellow Sea fleet and the players gathered on the Jiaozhou Peninsula. As long as we are willing, we can transport millions of Chinese players to your land at any time.

No matter how hard we fight, we won't die. But you are different from the Japanese game area. The small land limits your potential. However, there is the behemoth of the Chinese game area next to you. As long as you give us a chance, you will never have a chance to stand up again.

There can only be one regional hegemon in East Asia. Who among China, South Korea and Japan do you think has this qualification?


For the Korean game zone, the battlefield in the East China Sea has not been won, and another guillotine hangs in the Sea of ​​Japan.

The lords and presidents of South Korea woke up from the dream that the powerful and invincible Japanese and South Korean combined fleet could defeat all odds and win victory.

Who will East Asia ultimately belong to?

The Korean Game Zone... is definitely impossible. As long as the Korean Game Zone has the idea of ​​domination, the Chinese Game Zone and the Japanese Game Zone will join forces to kill it.

The overlord of East Asia can only be one of the two game zones: China and Japan.

As for the Chinese gaming area, which has a large territory, a large population, and a good economy, the Japanese gaming area is at a comprehensive disadvantage. They need foreign aid to have the capital to compete with the Chinese gaming area. Just like now, they are wooing the Korean game zone militarily; they are seeking assistance from Europe and the United States economically.

If Japan and South Korea can really unite closely, they may be able to fight against a strong one and create a three-legged situation in East Asia. However, the geographical location of the Korean game area determines that this situation cannot be achieved.

The Korean game area is too close to the Chinese game area. Korean players now do not have the ability to build a natural defense line on their west coast. This means that if the Korean game area goes against the Chinese game area, it will be logged in at any time and this game area will be prepared to be destroyed.

But if you follow Japan, you can maintain your independence. If you follow China, you can only be a junior brother.

The self-esteem of Korean players is very high.

Therefore, the big guys in the Korean game area decided to express their goodwill to the Chinese Northern Lords Alliance, and finally decided to wait until the King of Fighters Fleet and the Judgment Fleet decided the outcome before discussing.

"Let the Judgment Single Mast Fleet pass through the Korean Strait to show goodwill to the Northern Lords Alliance in the Chinese Game Zone and ask them to suspend military operations on the Yellow Sea. We promise not to participate in the attack on the Judgment Fleet.

Notify Tokugawa Nobunaga that he wants us to accompany them to fight the Chinese...annihilate the Judgment Fleet, otherwise, you will be lucky. "

The combination of force and diplomacy was effective. After receiving a collective reply from the bosses of the Korean game zone, Xu Man stopped military operations in the Yellow Sea, and then informed the Judgment high-speed sloop group wandering outside the Korean Strait that it could pass.

100 speed-enhanced single-masted No. 1 ships quickly sailed northward. Sure enough, they did not see a single South Korean ship while passing through the Korean Strait.

When Tokugawa Nobunaga once again asked South Korea to block the fleet, it was already too late. He tried his best to restrain himself from swearing. At this time, the Japan-South Korea alliance was on the verge of collapse, and Koreans could never be sent to the Chinese game zone again. Pushed in the arms.

He could only say to the big guys in South Korea: "Get your troops ready. When the King of Fighters fleet destroys the Judgment Fleet, immediately launch a full-scale counterattack."

"no problem."

Tokugawa Nobunaga did not waste much time talking to these wallflowers. When dealing with these Korean players, sometimes fists were more effective in making them obedient.

In order to ensure that the annihilation of the Judgment Fleet was foolproof, Tokugawa Nobunaga connected to an overseas communication line: "Sun Waiter, my old friend. The King of Fighters fleet of Yagami-an will encounter the Judgment Fleet this afternoon. How are you preparing? The significance of this battle is very important, and I don’t want anything to go wrong. Can you really appear on the battlefield from the American game area in a short time?”

The Sun Waiter can be said to be the person who suffered the most from Shi Fei's rebirth. He was originally supposed to be the number one lord in the world, but was pushed to third place.

Of course, he himself doesn't know. This is the so-called ignorance and it is also a kind of happiness.

However, his status as the first lord of the United States and outside the game allowed him to obtain sufficient resources and support.

Sun Waiter is an agent launched by a large consortium in the United States. With the assistance of a group of internal testers, he was lucky enough to obtain a territory within the first few hours of the game's open beta. Then, with the full support of the consortium, and with sufficient funds and manpower, Sun Waiter's territory became one of the few territories that could keep up with the development of Dragon Star Territory. He also became the lord of the first territory of the United States, the King's Landing, and the first guild of King's Landing. The president of the guild and the commander of the most powerful army, the King's Landing Legion.

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