Start with an Archangel

Chapter 502 The Quiet East Asian Battlefield

The Sun Waiter admired Shi Fei's ability very much. All the players in the Hero World knew that Feishaozushi started from scratch. As soon as he obtained the territory, he used the naming rights of the territory to raise the first development funds, and then started the world's number one player. The path to rise.

In the lord section, Feishaozushi gave all the lords a lot of help and also allowed them to see the gaps between them. The lords respected him very much, and even the Sun Waiter respectfully called him Boss Fei when he saw him.

The Chinese game zone with Feishanzoushi has made the whole world feel threatened, especially after Feishanzoushi issued a sea ban in the South China Sea. After there were really no player ships out to sea in the entire Southeast Asia, all the lords knew that if Feishanzoushi was allowed to continue to develop like this, they would be in trouble in the future. You will have to face a terrifyingly powerful enemy.

The war initiated by Tokugawa Nobunaga first received assistance from American players led by the King's Landing Guild, with brigantine battleship blueprints, gold coins... Sun Waiter believed that as long as the expansion of the Chinese game area could be restricted, any price would be worth it. .

However, the war in the East China Sea did not develop according to the trajectory imagined by Sun Waiter. Daliang, a name that has been frequently mentioned internationally recently, has become a player that attracts worldwide attention.

The Sun Waiter knew about Daliang because he had defeated and killed Feishanzoushi many times, and forcefully took away half of the Chinese gaming area from Feishanzoushi.

Although the main force of flying sand and stones was suppressing various game areas in Nanyang in the South China Sea at that time, it did not fully operate the northern battlefield. However, this series of battles still made Daliang an internationally renowned player in the Chinese gaming area.

After the battle in Tottori yesterday, Daliang's fame surpassed that of Feishanzushi for the first time.

The sight of the aerial warship showing off its domineering power and the naval gun's magical firepower firing on all sides caused countless players to scream.

The Sun Waiter fell in love with this aerial battleship at the first sight and couldn't wait to get it, even if he exposed his trump card at this moment.

When Tokugawa Nobunaga had no solution to the aerial battleship, the Sun Attendant told him: "I can solve this aerial battleship..."

This time, Tokugawa Nobunaga was desperate and asked again.

Sun Waiter replied: "There are many secrets in this game waiting for players to discover. I am lucky enough to have mastered a method that can teleport over long distances. But there is only one chance. When you fight against the aerial battleships of the Judgment Fleet, at least There must be more than nine lenses to live broadcast the driving status of the aerospace battleship for me.

That aerial warship has a magic-forbidden shield. We cannot teleport directly into it. We can only forcefully crash into it by airborne over it, so I need the most accurate coordinates. "

Ultra-long range teleportation! This is the first time Tokugawa Nobunaga has heard of this kind of transmission method. Thinking that the Sun Waiter can send troops to wherever he wants to go at any time, he is really a terrible enemy.

However, he also said "there is only one chance", indicating that this kind of ultra-long-distance transmission must have great limitations.

"No problem! I will send professional photographers to provide you with live video of the air and space battleship. But I also have a small request. I hope that after you get this air and space battleship, you can join us and participate in the East Asian naval battle. This can Let’s win faster.”

"Okay..." Sun Waiter readily agreed.

Tokugawa Nobunaga was even more convinced that this ultra-long-range positioning transmission had great limitations, because the more miserable the two sides fought in the East Asian naval battle, the more in line with the interests of the Sun Waiter. He so readily agreed to help him fight the war, obviously because they could not use ultra-long-distance transmission. return.

The tactic of ultra-long-distance positioning and deployment of troops finally allowed Tokugawa Nobunaga to wait with peace of mind for the decisive battle between the King of Fighters fleet and the Judgment fleet.

It was almost noon.

The Yellow Sea fleet has formed a battle line in the waters of Incheon, and the coastal defense fleet in the Korean game area also faces off in a battle formation.

The Japanese-South Korean Combined Fleet and the East China Sea Fleet kept a distance and sailed toward Jeju Island in a tacit understanding.

The King of Fighters fleet crossed the 38th degree north latitude and entered the eastern waters of the Korean game area.

The Judgment high-speed battleship formation has merged with the main fleet, and the fleet turned north to attack the King of Fighters fleet. No Korean ships appeared during the whole process, and only a few air combat observation posts followed.

A special operations team is on standby on the other side of the ocean.

The blade-bearers who dominate the legion have also completed their assembly.

The Southern Fleet launched a fierce attack on the Southeast Asian Combined Fleet.

At this time, Daliang was driving the Black Pearl in the clear water.

All the sails of the Black Pearl were retracted, and the hull remained ten meters below the sea surface. Without mechanical power, the Black Pearl sailed as quietly as a fish underwater. The dark and huge hull really looked like a whale.

Da Liang stood on the bridge of the Black Pearl. The force field shield blocked the sea water from the outside and at the same time provided the bridge with a broad view.

On the water above the Black Pearl, a large fleet is heading south. This is the King of Fighters fleet that has come to fight the Judgment Fleet.

The huge fleet spread out a large-scale sailing formation on the sea.

In order to reassure Yagami for his bold attack, Tokugawa Nobunaga told him the Americans' support methods.

Ultra-long-distance teleportation, Iori Yagami was also shocked by the ability mastered by the Sun Waiter, but this is also the best way to deal with aerial battleships.

"Where is the Judgment Fleet now?"

"Report to the commander of the corps, the Judgment Fleet is currently in the sea off Qingsong County. According to the sailing speed of both the enemy and ours, we will encounter the Judgment Fleet in two hours. The South Korean side provided us with the footage of the Judgment Fleet's march, but they were not found. Air and space battleship.”

Iori Yagami sneered: "I have nearly a thousand large and small ships, and more than a hundred battleships from the Judgment Fleet dare to rush over and fight me, relying on one aerial battleship. I don't know, when you find that your aerial battleship has been What kind of expression will it look like after snatching it away?

Notify captains to conduct pre-war inspections.

In addition, help me open a live broadcast room, free of charge! I want players all over the world to see how I killed all the Judgment Fleet.


Iori Yagami still wanted to issue an order, but at this time, the auxiliary fleet following the fleet reported: "Legion Commander, we are under unknown attack. The enemy comes from underwater. Three of our merchant ships have water in their bottoms and are sinking."

"What? An attack from underwater? Do you see what it is?"

"Report to the commander of the army, there are shells jumping out of the water, and bubbles with gunpowder smoke rising up. It's a submarine! Commander of the army, we are being attacked by a submarine, please support us!"


The territory was bombed by an aerial battleship yesterday. I just heard that someone could teleport over a long distance, and now I encountered a submarine. Is this still a game?

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