Start with an Archangel

Chapter 503 Amphibious Ship

The Black Pearl is cruising underwater in the waters where the King of Fighters Fleet's auxiliary fleet is located. Through the clear water, the bottoms of these ships can be clearly seen. They leave a trail of white spray as they drive on the water.

Da Liang let the Black Pearl approach a two-masted merchant ship. The resistance of the seawater would greatly weaken the impact of the shells, so Da Liang shortened the attack distance to 50 meters.

The Black Pearl was parallel to the target merchant ship underwater, its hull tilted to one side, and one side of the ship's side was pointed upwards at the bottom of the merchant ship.

The artillery that had been loaded with ammunition was poked out. The sludge monster armor sealed every gap so that the warship did not need to worry about water intrusion. The alchemical barrel at the muzzle of the artillery blocked seawater from the barrel.

Following the loud command to fire, an extremely dull sound sounded throughout the water. The fire at the muzzle of the broadside gun first flashed out, and a black projectile shot straight out with a string of bubbles, and then a large group of Bubbles floated toward the surface.

The close-range shooting caused most of the shells to hit the bottom deck of the merchant ship. The hull of the merchant ship shook, and then large and small cracks and holes appeared in the bottom, and seawater poured into the bottom tank of the merchant ship in crazy tubes. Waterline flooding is extremely fatal to any ship, and the merchant ship sank quickly.

A single salvo took out a merchant ship.

Daliang was very satisfied with the Black Pearl's underwater attack capabilities: "Just fight like this, move forward, and let's kill another one."

A warship that can move quickly underwater broke into a slow-reacting merchant ship group, just like a bloodthirsty shark encountering a completely defenseless fish school. The Black Pearl cruises and hunts easily underwater. Every time a large number of bubbles emerge from the water, it means that a merchant ship has been sunk.

The merchant ships were all carrying legion assembly flags. Because of the existence of the legion rally flag, most players do not need to spend a long and boring voyage on the ship. They can return to the city to upgrade or do tasks. They only need to receive the summoning order and can use the legion rally flag to quickly appear on the battlefield. .

Each legion assembly flag here represents an air combat player. The sinking of a merchant ship means that a ship of players can no longer reach here quickly.

The sudden attack from underwater caused the King of Fighters fleet to sound the alarm.

"All air combat personnel immediately return to combat positions and take off!"

The emergency assembly command caused players to quickly rush out of each merchant ship. They opened the deck and rushed out, summoning flying mounts to fly into the air.

Air combatants continued to take off, and merchant ships were constantly attacked and sunk.

The constant losses made Iori Yagami extremely anxious. He ordered loudly on the command channel: "The air combatants should stop flying into the sky and get into the water! Get all into the water and find out what kind of ship is attacking us. Find out its location and let the ultimate creature go." Be prepared, once you find the location of the enemy ship, attack immediately and attack with all your troops!"

Under Iori Yagami's order, the air combatants no longer flew into the sky, but jumped into the sea one by one.

Then the Black Pearl was discovered by them.

"Report to the commander of the army! It was the aerial battleship that bombed the King of Fighters territory. It was attacking us underwater. I saw Da Liang, and he was standing on the bridge of that battleship..."

Iori Yagami was shocked: "What, that aerial battleship can also dive!"

That air and space battleship actually had underwater combat capabilities. Sun Waiter was even more excited when he got the news: "Great, great! This is simply a perfect battleship. It is really a waste in the hands of Da Liang." , only I can unleash its full power, and this battleship will definitely become the most important combat platform in my hands. With it, I will soon be able to surpass flying sand and stones and become the number one in the world.

Inform Iori Yagami and ask him to force the battleship out of the water no matter what.

Prepare for long-distance teleportation operations. This time I will personally lead the team! "

After receiving the message from the Sun Waiter, Iori Yagami replied: "I will force it out."

Then Iori Yagami ordered the fleet: "Attack the underwater warships and use all your methods to attack. Magic, bows, arrows, ballistae, and swamp creatures all go into the water. He only has one ship, and we can hit it even with a little damage. Sink, the ultimate creature seizes the opportunity to board the deck of the aerial battleship. Grab it if you can, and sink it if you can't. It's a wooden ship underwater, and a hole will make it impossible for it to float again!"

If there is a chance for an aerial battleship, Iori Yagami will certainly want to snatch it away. If not, he will sink it. Letting the Sun Waiter snatch it away is the next best thing.

However, since Da Liangtuo dared to attack his King of Fighters fleet with an aerial battleship, Iori Yagami decided that it was impossible for him to leave with the aerial battleship.

"Is the live broadcast enabled?"

"Legion Commander, the live broadcast room has been opened and all filming personnel are in place."

Iori Yagami issued an announcement on the World Channel:

I am Iori Yagami, the lord of the Japanese game zone King of Fighters. Yesterday, the Chinese game zone Daliang attacked my territory while I was away. Now he dares to attack my entire fleet with a single battleship. I admire his courage very much and feel very sorry for his recklessness. In this battle, he will know that luck cannot always favor him, and arrogance will only bring destruction.

At this time, I am fighting against Daliang's warships in the waters of the Korean game area. If you want to see the destruction of this fleet with legendary achievements, please come to my live broadcast room. The name is...

"If you come out to fool around, you will eventually have to pay back!"

The Judgment Fleet and the King of Fighters Fleet are fighting again?

Yesterday, Daliang brought a hearty live broadcast to the world. However, his viewing fee of 5 gold per hour still prevented most players from seeing the live broadcast. It was not until after the live broadcast that free replay videos began to appear on the Internet.

At this time, many players had just watched the bombing scene of the Judgment Fleet against the King of Fighters territory. The sound of the bombardment that almost wiped out a territory still echoed in the ears of every audience.

Such a magnificent war scene left everyone wanting more.

At this time, Iori Yagami announced that there would be a decisive battle with the Judgment Fleet. New and old grudges, this war is definitely as fierce as Mars hitting the Earth.

Players have found Yagami'an's live broadcast room one after another, it's free!

What a real person. Compared to Daliang who was desperate for money, Iori Yagami, who broadcast live for everyone for free, instantly gained a lot of favorability.

The entire chat channel was full of support for Yagami in various languages, which made Yagami feel happy, and the bad mood of the territory being destroyed was much diluted.

So what if the territory is destroyed, it's just a fifth-level territory. As long as I can win this battle, I want money and people, and the territory can be rebuilt soon.

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