Start with an Archangel

Chapter 504 Jumping out of the water

For Iori Yagami's selfless live broadcast, every audience member applauded him sincerely, and then devoted their attention to watching the war.

Just where is the enemy? Have you agreed on the Judgment Fleet? A fierce artillery battle? An aerial battleship flying in the sky?

Why is it that in addition to the magnificent King of Fighters fleet on the sea, there are players like dumplings in the water.

What is this doing? Could it be that the King of Fighters fleet organized a fishing activity before the war?

However, the audience soon discovered something strange on the sea. Many ships were obviously in the process of sinking. Some merchant ships had sunk with only their masts exposed.

The King of Fighters fleet is under attack, and it comes from underwater.

Then in the live broadcast personnel's commentary, the audience finally knew what happened.

Daliang's aerial fleet actually has underwater attack capabilities. He is now under the King of Fighters fleet, shelling merchant ships transporting troops one after another. Those sunken ships are its results, and players in the water are attacking underwater ships.

Then the underwater scenes also appeared in the live broadcast room. The audience saw the black warships attacking underwater.

It travels quickly underwater, firing a round of shells every time it passes the side of a ship. Just one shelling can make a merchant ship sink.

Players who dived into the water tried their best to attack the battleship, but the battleship sailed too fast underwater, and most of the player's attacks failed. Even if the attack hits, the magic cannot break through the warship's magic shield, and the damage to the ship's hull from arrows and ballistae attacks is very limited.

Nearby players tried to swim to the hull of the battleship, and then they were attacked by the ballistas on the battleship. There are also the frost dragons and archangels guarding the wings of the battleship. These ultimate creatures can move freely underwater. The blue water seems to have no obstacle to them. Thunderstorm and Julian cruise around the Black Pearl easily, rushing The players who came up were like snails to them, easily dodging the attacks, and then killing each player into white light.

Under the dual protection of ballistae and ultimate creatures, it is difficult for players to get close to this warship that is constantly maneuvering.

The underwater warships attacked the merchant ships that were evading hastily and slowly.

However, the King of Fighters fleet did not allow Daliang to attack easily for too long, as a group of swamp creatures swam over from all directions.

Trolls, lizards, and basilisks are swamp creatures that are far better at swimming than the player. They move quickly underwater and are numerous in number. Among the many swamp creatures, there is also a nine-headed monster approaching quickly.

The Nine-Headed Monster is the ultimate level 13 creature of the Swamp Clan. It has a reptile body, nine heads, and is huge. Among creatures of the same level, it is second only to Beamon of the Orc Clan. It's just that it can't fly, is slow, and its offensive and defensive attributes are also at the bottom among ultimate creatures. The only advantage is that it is not afraid of siege, and its nine heads make it very efficient at killing low-level soldiers.

However, looking at this nine-headed monster moving very quickly in the sea, it seems that this guy is also good at water combat.

If there was only one nine-headed monster, Daliang would just ask Julian to kill it. However, Daliang soon saw two green dragons and a red dragon around him... A space corridor was very obvious in the sea, and it seemed that it was still there. There is a demon.

Five ultimate creatures.

Fighting alone, Daliang directly wiped them out, but once Julian and Thunderstorm are entangled, the swarming swamp creatures and players are likely to board the Black Pearl. The ants will bite the elephant to death, and Daliang doesn't want to be there. Something went wrong at this critical moment.

"Julian clears the channel!"

"Black Pearl, float up and lift off!"

"Zhangyue, prepare to leave the cabin for air superiority operations."

The seawater in the Black Pearl's water tank was forced out of the hull. The warship quickly approached the water. The accelerating hull caused a turbulence in the water, and nearby players and monsters fell into uncontrollable rolls.

Julian rushed in front of the bow of the Black Pearl, and she killed all the enemy forces blocking the channel along the way with one blow.

"Attention, attention, the enemy aerial warship is accelerating and approaching the water. We cannot stop it. All underwater personnel are asked to return to the ship. The enemy ship is about to take off. Prepare for air superiority operations immediately..."

The alarm sounded in the command system of the King of Fighters fleet. Those players who were still in the water quickly swam to nearby ships, and the combatants in the air began to gather.

Then a big wave broke out on a sea surface, and an archangel rushed out from under the water. There was a red dragon and a demon following her.

The archangel, red dragon, and demon were fighting on the water, and then a "golden dragon" poked its head out of the water. Of course this is not a real golden dragon, it is the bow image of the Black Pearl. Immediately afterwards, the entire hull of the battleship jumped out of the water, and the archangel, red dragon, and demon quickly evaded outwards to avoid the collision of the battleship.

Without any tendency to fall, the Black Pearl left the water and quickly climbed into the air. Some swamp creatures were brought out of the water and fell back into the sea along the current. The auxiliary masts were unfolded from both wings, all the sails were raised, and the speed of the battleship continued to increase.

The Black Pearl flew into the air, followed closely by the giant frost dragon Thunderstorm. He was entangled by two green dragons and left the water a little slower. When he rushed out of the water, the nine-headed monster jumped out at the same time, and its A head bites the tail of Thunderstorm.

Thunderstorm carried the Nine-Headed Dragon upwards for a certain distance, and then was dragged down.

At this time, Julian rushed over from the side. She flew close to the water, and then cut off the head of the nine-headed dragon that was biting the thunderstorm with a sword.

Thunderstorm took off again and followed Julian towards the Black Pearl. Green dragons, red dragons and demons surrounded him.

But billowing black smoke enveloped Julian and the thunderstorm inside.

The bow of the Golden Dragon King (ship speed +10, steering +8, artillery power +38, skill: smoke)

The mouth of the Black Pearl's bow leader spewed black smoke outwards, hiding the entire Black Pearl in the spreading black smoke.

The surrounding aerial units of the King of Fighters fleet could not see the situation in the black smoke, so they could only temporarily retreat, and then, led by the ultimate creature, formed a circle around the Black Pearl.

At this time, the King of Fighters fleet sounded the alarm again:

Attention all personnel of the King of Fighters fleet, the main force of the Judgment Fleet appears on the southern sea, and the fleet is preparing for surface combat. Notice! The air combat units of the Judgment Fleet were approaching. The air combatants who received the order to attack attacked, while other air combatants continued to surround the air and space warships.

On the water south of the King of Fighters fleet, a fleet under the banner of Judgment Fleet is approaching quickly. In the sky, air combat troops formed formations to support the Black Pearl.

The Black Pearl reached a thousand meters in the air and changed to level flight. She stopped the smoke skill and opened the hatch on the upper deck.

Shu Xiao rushed out of the cabin with the members of the First Judgment Air Combat Squadron, then summoned his flying mounts to rise into the air, forming an aerial protective circle with Julian and Thunderstorm.

The ultimate creature immediately led the King of Fighters air combat crew to attack.

The ballistae was fired, and the Titan's divine thunder, which was unable to exert its power underwater, also fired at the surrounding enemy troops amidst the sound of thunderbolts.

"The Judgment Fleet changed its flagship. The Shuttle led the high-speed single-masted battleship to form a convoy, responsible for covering the two wings of the main fleet. The other two-masted battleships formed the main fleet, with the flagship Black Pearl.

Ruling air combat personnel to adopt defensive air superiority tactics to protect the safety of the fleet.

The Black Pearl carried out aerial bombardment against the King of Fighters fleet, giving priority to attacking the enemy fleet's auxiliary ships. I hit another wave and sank all the ships carrying air combat personnel. The air combat troops of the King of Fighters fleet had no place to land, so they themselves fell into the sea. "

The Judgment Fleet coming from the south began to change its formation. The high-speed single-masted battleship spread its wings with its speed, and the main battleships began to enter the artillery formation.

The Black Pearl was at full speed, easily leaving behind those slower-flying air units.

Return to the sky above the King of Fighters auxiliary fleet. In the recent underwater attack, nearly a hundred auxiliary ships carrying air units were sunk.

"Lower the altitude and bombard those merchant ships from a height of 30 meters. The starboard cannon is loaded with solid shells and the port side gun is loaded with shot shells.

The flying escorts of the Black Pearl should pay attention. There are many enemy flying units and there are ultimate creatures. Do not get entangled with them too much. Pay attention to the attack range of the ship-borne ballistae. If you are entangled and cannot escape, fly to the port side of the ship. The shotgun shells in the cannon will help you deal with the enemies behind you.

Julian, Thunderstorm, quickly kill the enemy's ultimate creature, and I will give you spell support.

The artillery attack began. "

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