Start with an Archangel

Chapter 529 The initial establishment of the human territory

Among the eight major races, the human race is the only race where all the people are not soldiers.

In the human race, soldiers and civilians are separated. Soldiers specialize in fighting, while civilians specialize in production. The buildings where the human race recruits civilians are simple huts.

The initial appearance of the simple hut was a very simple shack. A few wooden sticks propped up a torn canvas to form a low small house. The civilians of the human race were not recruited from the shacks, but used various methods to attract refugees to come and stay.

After the refugees live in the shacks, the lords will build wells to provide them with clean drinking water, provide them with simple food to keep them full, and then provide them with a job. The employed refugees will transform into civilians. At this time, the lord can establish a tax office to levy taxes on civilians with income. The tax rate is 5% to 50% of the civilian income. The specific tax rate can be adjusted by the lord.

If the lord wants to collect more taxes, the short-term solution is to increase the tax rate for civilians to 50%. However, high tax rates will reduce the popularity of the people. Once the popularity of the people drops to a certain level, it will trigger territorial riots and civilians will flee.

Therefore, raising tax rates can only be implemented in the short term at the most critical moment.

The long-term way to increase tax revenue is to attract more civilians to increase the number of tax payers; to increase civilian income and increase the tax base.

The way to attract more civilians is to work hard to improve the popularity, prosperity and happiness index. A prosperous, wealthy and relaxed city can attract a large number of refugees to come in and transform into civilians. There are too many things involved in this aspect, such as improving the living environment of civilians, diversified food, adding entertainment facilities and service facilities, good employment rates and safe urban security, the city's popularity, etc. Positive improvements It can attract refugees, and the negative impact will turn civilians into refugees and flee the city.

The way to increase civilian income is through adequate jobs and prosperous commerce.

In general, the development of human territory is more complicated than that of other races. For example, Da Liang's Black Fire Leader, recruited by skeleton soldiers, does whatever he is told without eating or drinking. He is the most hard-working and uncomplaining laborer in the entire game world.

Human civilians are the largest and most difficult to manage workers in the game world. However, as taxpayers, human territories with a large number of civilians are generally very wealthy.

Among the eight major races, the undead is the easiest and least fun territory to play. The human race is the opposite. It is the most difficult to play, but it is also the most interesting.

In order to support the construction of the Judgment Territory, Xu Man has transported a batch of building materials such as wood and stone from Yunxiao on Chongming Island, and the elven labor centaurs have also sent a batch.

Although centaurs, as foreigners, can also build human buildings, their efficiency is only one-third. However, it did not take the centaur much time to build a simple hut that was not even a first-level building but could only be considered a level 0 building.

In a short time, twenty simple huts were built in pre-divided residential areas.

The huts were arranged in a straight line, and a dirt road was paved in front of the huts to form a street. At both ends of the street, Daliang dug another well, and then set up a relief station and a patrol house.

These are the initial development strategies for the territory published by some human lords on the Internet. Only by attracting refugees to live in the territory as soon as possible can the next step of development of the territory begin.

Wells provide drinking water, relief stations provide free simple food, and patrol houses improve the security of the streets. Water, food and safety are what refugees need most.

After the construction of a simple block was completed, Daliang began to let the centaurs build houses on the other side of the dirt road. This could make great use of water wells, relief stations and patrol houses, saving not only resources but also space. And Daliang did not build all the simple huts on this side of the land. He built a small park, a small school and a small shop.

Leisure, education and trade can improve people's morale and allow civilians to settle down as soon as possible, instead of becoming refugees and leaving because the place is too rough.

The construction of the territory in the early stage is relatively simple, and the strategies on the Internet are also extremely effective. Before the block in the Judgment District was built, a group of ragged refugees walked into the block that was still under construction from the wasteland in the distance.

There are men, women and children, some with their families and some alone.

The leader, an old man with chestnut hair, said respectfully to Daliang, who was standing at the street corner: "Dear Lord, we are a group of homeless poor people. Can your territory accommodate us?"

"A group of refugees requested to join your ruling territory. There are 11 adults, 6 children, and 4 elderly people in total. The adults can do all manual labor, the elderly can do light manual labor, and the children are not qualified for any manual labor."

For a territory, the elderly and children are a burden. If resources are scarce in the early stage of the game, the elderly and children without special skills will be a very big drag on the territory. And refusing the elderly and children to join the territory will also cause their relatives to leave together.

But now the player's strength has been greatly improved. There is no need to be as careful as in the land reclamation period. Think carefully about whether you can afford to recruit 11 adult civilians and raise 21 mouths.

The elderly and children are just a few more mouths for Daliang to eat. The most important thing is to have enough manpower to ensure the development speed of the territory.

"Agree, all agree!"

The refugees entered their respective houses and became civilians in the ruling realm, and Daliang immediately arranged work for them.

The work of the relief station is light manual labor. If it wants to operate, it needs three laborers, so Daliang sent three old people there. The patrol house requires 2-6 people for medium physical labor. Now there are only 11 adult civilians in total. Da Liang allocated 2 people to make the patrol house operational.

Then there are parks, shops, and primary schools.

Smoke rose from the soup kitchen, two police officers patrolled the streets, gardeners planted trees and grass in the park, shops were open, and the children were all in school.

The remaining civilians began to upgrade their simple huts and build them into wooden first-class residences. First-class residential buildings can accommodate more people and are more comfortable than simple huts, which can improve public sentiment and attract more refugees.

The popular neighborhood soon attracted a group of refugees to join.

The more people come, the better. No matter what proportion of the refugees are young or old, Daliang will accept them.

After arranging their accommodation, all the children rushed to school to avoid causing trouble everywhere. The number of patrol officers in the patrol house has been increased to a maximum of 6 people, responsible for maintaining order in the neighborhood.

All the shanties are being upgraded, but there are still many unemployed laborers in the neighborhood.

The unemployment rate in a human territory cannot be too high, as it will lower the city's overall rating. And Daliang, who has money and resources in his hands, has no intention of letting them idle.

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