Start with an Archangel

Chapter 530 Rapid Development

Daliang expanded this neighborhood, and a road extended to the outskirts of the territory, where there were fertile lands. He built four farms and a granary here.

Another road extends to the seaside, where there is the dock where the Judgment Corps was originally stationed. Ten small fishing boats sailed out of the harbor after civilians boarded them.

Market: A trading building where you can sell the territory's output to caravans and purchase the goods needed by the territory.

Blacksmith shop: Provides iron tools for the territory to increase worker efficiency.

Level 1 Magic Guild: Primary defense building and hero unit can learn magic in it.

Watchtower: You can recruit first-level human spearmen.

Tavern: A basic entertainment place, where hero units often appear.

Block Management Committee: Automatically arrange idle civilians in the block to work in nearby places that need labor.

Tax office: collect taxes from common people. Territories with lower tax rates are more attractive to refugees, so Daliang adjusted the tax rate to the lowest five percent.

Nowadays, the country is not short of money, but population is the most important thing.

Grape Farm: Plant grapes and harvest grapes.

Winery: Make wine and improve the living standards of territory residents.

Lumberyard: gathering wood

Furniture factory: Provide furniture to territory residents and improve the living standards of territory residents.

Clay Mine: Produces clay.

Pottery Factory: Produces pottery to improve the living standards of territory residents.

Ultra-low tax rates, ample jobs, gradually improving living conditions, and sufficient food and water have attracted more and more civilians to the Judgment Territory. With manpower and investment of funds and resources regardless of cost, Daliang quickly built the infrastructure of the first-level territory, and dozens of buildings were built at the same time.

The prototype of a block took shape quickly, and Daliang built three more blocks in three places. The four blocks are connected together to a large warehouse on the dock. Inside the warehouse are city maintenance materials purchased by Daliang from Shangjiang City and stored by sea. Before the production of the Judgment Territory can reach self-sufficiency, Daliang needs to continue to invest in replenishment.

Territory development is a very slow process if it is gradual. First attract some civilians, increase funds little by little through production, external sales and taxation, and then invest the funds in construction to continue attracting civilians. Not only is it time-consuming, but once there is an external invasion or a major internal error, the entire territory may be endangered.

Therefore, the initial construction of the territory is to continuously use external funds to develop, replace the wealth accumulation process of the territory, and accelerate the construction of the territory. Use money to make up for strategic mistakes, use money to build territorial defense facilities, use money to build an army...

If a lord wants to make a difference, he must use money to promote the development of his territory. If he is unwilling to invest, he will only see that a city has been built in other people's territory, and the army gathers players to snatch resources everywhere. His territory is still a small village in danger, and it will be taken away once discovered by ambitious players.

The previous lords have paved the way for Daliang, and they have their own strategies for developing human territory in the lord channel. It talks about: the optimal ratio of manufacturing industries and service industries in the territory: what is supplied in the territory that can quickly improve the living standards of residents, how to improve people's popularity, prosperity and security index: the optimal proportion of functional buildings in a neighborhood, such as How many households can be supplied by a well, how large a street can be managed by a patrol station, and how far a factory is from a residential area will not reduce the happiness of residents...

The development of the human territory is really much more complicated than the undead territory. Looking at the experiences recorded in the guide, they are actually the mistakes made by previous lords. Daliang feels that if his Black Fire Territory is a human territory, I am afraid that he will not be able to do so. From the beginning, you will fall into the quagmire of territorial development, and be thrown further and further away by Shi Fei.

The undead leader is still relieved. They have no complaints about such a harsh environment under the sea. They don't have to worry about their food and drink, and they don't have to consider any of their ideas.

The human race also has their advantages. As long as the city develops in an orderly manner, they can obtain sufficient labor. The ingenious human race can produce a wide variety of goods. The prosperous commerce and taxation give the human race territory a financial resource that is the envy of other races.

Watching a prosperous, powerful, and populous city being built in your own hands, the sense of accomplishment that comes with all the hardships is also a soul-stirring enjoyment.

Judgment collar.

With sufficient funds and various materials constantly filling the warehouse, Daliang brought the number of civilians in the territory to 1,000 by nightfall, and four blocks were built at the same time. In his plan, the necessary buildings for territory upgrade will be completed early tomorrow morning, and the Judgment Territory can be upgraded to level two.

There are more buildings to be built in the second-level territory, and corresponding territory building drawings are beginning to be needed.

Architectural drawings below the fifth level of the human territory can be obtained by completing tasks in the system city of the clan. Shangjiang City is the human city. With Daliang's power in Shangjiangcheng, the territory task issuing officer does not have the guts to issue tasks to him. Spend some money. You can get all the architectural drawings below level five in the human territory.

Daliang obtained all the architectural drawings of the territory that could be obtained in Shangjiang overnight.

Next, Daliang didn't have time to waste on the construction of the territory.

The fallen angels have been included in the Judgment Leader. Macaulay will use his identity as the Flea King to launch the dark forces in Shangjiang City and lead the fallen angels to search every corner of Shangjiang City. As long as they can find traces of the Hell King, Hell's Purgatory Furnace can use time and space to send their level 16 strong men over to capture Ergos and Angela.

Abigail returns to Songjiang City, and she should not come out to cause trouble again before the new king is born.

Duke Joshua admitted that he had failed in the power struggle, and his purpose was also for the city, so he said he would keep his promise not to cause trouble for Joyce.

Whether Howard will be released will not have much impact on the city. The humans led by Joyce can maintain the stability of Shangjiang City without strong foreign enemies.

Negotiations between China, Japan and South Korea are still ongoing.

There will be no war in the North and South Lords Alliance in the Chinese game area in the short term.

There are no urgent matters that need to be dealt with in the main world for the time being, and Daliang wants to rush back to the kingdom of death as soon as possible.

What is certain now is that Yunzhong City is not preparing for war to prevent hell from launching a war. They have completed all preparations for launching a plane war.

Daliang knows three key points in this plane war: Satan, the lord of hell, the strongest lord king of hell. Once he is captured, the war will break out immediately; in Shangjiang City, hell is eager to capture Erg before the war begins. Si and Angela.

The only one left is the Kingdom of Death.

Through Macaulay, Daliang knew that the fourth lord of hell, the greedy devil Misuka, was in the kingdom of death, and won the protection of the death monarch. This also represented the death monarch's support for the hell lord kings. The fallen angels will not sit back and watch Hell's natural allies fall to their enemies.

Lucifer will definitely find a way to regain the support of the Death Lord in the hell he leads, and Michuka will certainly try his best to stop it.

And Yunzhong City?

They want the Kingdom of Death to be as chaotic as possible.

The Wizards Guild... they fought against the Lord of Death for their faith. For this reason, they had to betray some of the interests of the Kingdom of Death to seek assistance from Yunzhong City. At the same time, they were wary of Yunzhong City and were afraid that they would become Yunzhong City's puppets.

The silent kingdom of death is now a volcano that can erupt at any time. Da Liang even predicts that a large-scale civil war may break out in the kingdom of death, starting a prelude to a plane war.

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