Start with an Archangel

Chapter 531 Investment

The forces of all parties are about to have a fierce collision in the Kingdom of Death, and the City of Sighs has gained a clear position in the Kingdom of Death. For its own benefit, it must sit in the foggy area and deal with various emergencies that may arise.

The main world is stable. Da Liang will stay in the Kingdom of Death for a while longer. The construction of the ruling territory is complicated and energy-consuming. He plans to entrust Shu Xiao to manage it on his behalf.

Shu Xiao is a graduate student in architecture and has some experience in urban planning. He is far better than Daliang who only reads guides and follows the gourd. The Judgment Territory is now protected by fallen angels, so there is no need to worry about safety. It is also located in Shangjiang, very close to the Yunxiao Territory. If you need anything, you can definitely ask Xu Man for help.

After the territory reaches the second level, a deputy lord can be appointed. The deputy lord has all the territorial powers except deposing the lord. Now, after the territory is upgraded to the second level in the past two days, Shu Xiao can be appointed as the deputy lord of the Judgment Territory. .

Then let the Judgment Corps data team set up a team of territory planning analysts to design a set of simulation construction software. An adjudicative community with no external threats and sufficient resources and funds can form a healthy development model.

Daliang delegated various tasks of territory development to the auxiliary team, and then checked the auction status of the shop land in the player's Maritime Trading Center.

Hot, unprecedented hot.

Marx said well in Capital: "If there is 20% profit, capital will be ready to move; if there is 50% profit, capital will take risks; if there is 100% profit, capital will take risks." Dare to risk hanging; if there is a 300% profit, capital dares to trample all laws in the world."

The emergence of virtual banks has brought in-game gold coins into line with currencies outside the game, making game gold coins a real wealth. When it is difficult to expand new profit points outside the game, the ubiquitous wealth in the heroic world has attracted a crazy influx of capital. The high returns from ocean trade are a key investment target for investors, and a legal smuggling opportunity has attracted maritime merchants to go crazy.

Daliang showed everyone his status in Shangjiang, and maritime merchants had no worries when bidding for shop land.

The first phase of the Player Maritime Trading Center only has 100 pieces of land for sale, with each piece of land ranging from 5 acres to 10 acres, totaling 900 acres.

For Chinese maritime players, this land is really too few, not to mention the big foreign merchants who have heard about it.

Daliang initially set a low bidding price of 50,000 gold coins per mu of land, but an hour after the auction started, it exceeded 100,000 gold coins per mu. After Daliang completed the ruling and received the first round of construction, in the evening... the average bidding price per mu of land had reached 150,000. At this time, the weaker maritime merchants have been eliminated, and those who can persist until now are the big merchants who have gathered enough energy to prepare for the last fight.

Daliang didn't know what kind of prices these places could fetch.

The deadline for the land auction in the Player Maritime Trading Center is noon the next day. Just looking at the money that can be received now, investing 200 million gold coins in Joyce is completely no problem. In addition to developing the territory and expanding the army, Daliang planned to invest most of the remaining money into the maritime trading company to be established. He left himself 100 acres of land in the Player Maritime Trading Center. If you want to play, just play one. big.

In the evening, Da Liang contacted Boss Jin and borrowed 50 million gold from the Hero Virtual Bank in advance using the auction proceeds from the Player Maritime Trading Center, and then collected 200 million gold to find Joyce.

Daliang raised so much money so quickly, which really surprised Joyce: "With this money, my fleet can go to sea as soon as possible. Thank you very much, Admiral Daliang, you have made outstanding contributions to Shangjiang City." Contribution. The Shuntong Escort Fleet will mobilize ships to be established after the arrival of the Shangjiang Fleet. Once the Shuntong Maritime Merchant Fleet is established, it will immediately carry out the escort mission."

"Yes, Master Joyce." Daliang gave a naval salute to Joyce, and then said: "I have one more thing to report to you, sir. When I was in the Kingdom of Death, I noticed that Yunzhong City, the Hell Lord King, Hell is active there. I feel that big things may happen in the Kingdom of Death, so I need to stay in the Kingdom of Death for a long time to monitor them. Regarding escorting the Shunting Fleet, I hope you can appoint an experienced navy The general is responsible."

Escorting merchant ships is a very tedious and time-consuming task, and Joyce did not want to tie the very capable Da Liang to a boring job. Based on Joyce's experience, letting Da Liang do whatever he wants can often produce unexpected results.

Joyce said: “You just go ahead and do your thing, I’ll let Archangel Nelson coordinate the operation of the convoy fleet.

In addition, the activities of the fallen angels in Shangjiang City were discovered by Holy Bella, and she was very dissatisfied with the troops we released from hell entering the city. You seem to have gained the favor of Holy Bella. I leave it to you to appease Cloud City. "

Holy Bella…

I wonder how much she knows about this upcoming war?

"Yes, sir. I will go see Holy Bella now."

Daliang left the Pudong Fleet Admiral's Palace and headed to the Shangjiang City Palace.

At this time, Abigail had left here. Duke Joshua resigned as Prime Minister and returned to Chongming City. The new Prime Minister, Marquis Stanley, was in his castle in Jiading City and no one was there. Therefore, the palace was vacant. down.

In addition to the guards and attendants of the palace, the only people living here are Holy Bella and her holy right-wing guards.

After seeing Daliang, Holy Bella in armor could not hide the anger in her heart: "I really didn't expect that it was you who put the army of hell into this city in the end. This is a human race master under the glory of Yunzhong City. City, do you want to betray justice and surrender to the hell of evil?"

In this room, the coercion exuded by Holy Bella blew a strong wind in the small space. Da Liang helped a chair that was blown over and sat down: "We have no choice. Hell first helped the Jeju Navy and then In order to support Queen Abigail and capture Ergos and Angela, the Fallen Angels put a lot of pressure on us. You must also feel the determination of hell to enter Shangjiang City. You Yunzhong City are not afraid of hell, but we Afraid. Once Yunzhong City recruits you back to Yunzhong City and you walk away, we will have to face the revenge of hell alone.

The root cause of this incident was revealed to be the Lord of Hell.

Unlike what we imagined, there was no internal fighting between Ergos and Angela, and although we had the ability to capture them, we did not have the ability to find them.

Yunzhong City did not send any reinforcements, but Hell is very active in capturing the Hell Lord King, so we can only cooperate with them. "

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