Start with an Archangel

Chapter 532 Holy Bella’s Surprise

Holy Bella sat in front of Daliang, with her right leg resting on her left leg, and said with a contemptuous look: "You's all our fault in Yunzhong City? You should know that all this is caused by you. ,if not you……"

"Yes! I was the one who let Ergos go." Daliang interrupted Saint Bella's words and said, "But based on what I have discovered recently, it seems that things are not that simple, so you don't need to hold on to this. The problem persists. Now for Shangjiang City, the existence of the Hell Lord King has caused us to lose two kings, and King Howard was also captured by Angela. We want to catch them faster than anyone else, and Hell is willing to take action on us Let the fallen angels enter the city. If Cloud City is willing to send more angels to search for Ergos and Angela, I will let the fallen angels leave now.

If Yunzhong City has no intention of capturing the Hell Lord King, please don’t stop us from using our own methods. "

Although Holy Bella acted like she was sitting on a fishing boat in Shangjiang City, she seemed not to take the Hell Lord King seriously. But as time went by, there was no progress in capturing the Hell Lord King. Ergus and Angela's strength was recovering every day, and her heart was also very anxious.

However, Yunzhong City turned a deaf ear to her repeated pleas for help. The reply was that Yunzhong City was pursuing Satan with all its strength, and asked Holy Bella to use the strength of Shangjiang City and Ergus's distress letter in Da Liang's hand, "Erges and Angela will not He is your opponent."

Yes, Ergos and Angela are still afraid to show up because of Holy Bella and Big Brother. But they hid, and Holy Bella could not find them either.

Holy Bella is a battle angel. She is very powerful in face-to-face combat, but she is not good at hunting, especially when dealing with Angela who is specialized in space. She needs the cooperation of the Holy Angel who is also specialized in space spells.

However, Yunzhong City did not even send a holy angel to the river to cooperate with the arrest of the Hell Lord King. What on earth did Yunzhong City want to do? This made Holy Bella very confused.

But in front of Daliang, Holy Bella would never show Yunzhong City's passivity in capturing the Hell Lord King.

"You don't need to explain to anyone what you do in Yunzhong City. The high-level angels have more important things to do. Since you have invited the fallen angels of hell to capture the lord king of hell, I feel that I have nothing to do here. I will report the situation here to Cloud City, Lord Michael is chasing Satan, and he may need the power of the right-wing angels."

Holy Bella wants to leave Shangjiang City!

Daliang feels that Holy Bella cannot leave now. The fallen angels of hell are not worthy of trust. The reason why they abide by the rules in Shangjiang is because the angels of Yunzhong City are here. If Holy Bella leaves, hell will definitely not be satisfied with just 50 fallen angels. They will let the army of hell flood Shangjiang City and then dig deep for Ergos and Angela.

Daliang said to Holy Bella: "Erges and Angela are in charge of fallen angels. I don't know if Lord Holy Bella is interested in the fourth lord, King Misuka."

"Greed Demon Lord Misuka?" Daliang's message aroused the interest of Holy Bella: "Do you know where he is?"

Daliang told the intelligence he had obtained through Macaulay: "Mishuka is now in the Kingdom of Death. He is actively wooing the death monarchs, and it is very effective. If you want to capture Michuka, I can provide Help. Now I am the elder of the Wizards Guild in the City of Sighs."

Holy Bella was shocked: "What? You are the elder of the Wizards Guild in the City of Sighs! How is this possible... How many days have you been to the Kingdom of Death just now? The City of Sighs is one of the seven death monarchs - the city of the Sorrowful Lord, the City of Sighs The branch is a very important branch in the Wizards Guild. How could they let you serve as the elder of the branch? Isn't the elder of the Sighing City branch Quentin? What happened to him? "

Daliang's identity in the Wizards Guild at this time was far more surprising to Holy Bella than the appearance of the fallen angel in Shangjiang City. Which of the elders of the Wizards Guild was not a very powerful undead? She really couldn't figure out how this little human aristocrat became an important leader in the Wizards Guild in a short period of time?

Are the undead in the Wizards Guild... sick?

Seeing that Holy Bella finally stopped looking condescending, Daliang proudly recounted his experiences in the Kingdom of Death.

"That's it... Elder Quentin was killed by Deputy Elder Frank. I rescued the remaining members of the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild, and led them to kill Frank to avenge Elder Quentin. President Lucas of the Wizards Guild wanted to commend me for my contribution to For my contribution to the Wizards Guild, they accepted me as a disciple and appointed me as the elder of the City of Sighs branch.

I don’t need to lie about this. Aren’t you very familiar with ‘Death Tentacle’ Motto? You'll know this if you ask him. "

At this moment, Holy Bella felt as if she had swallowed an egg raw. She stared at Daliang with her long mouth and said, "So, are you really the elder of the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild now?"


"Are you still the Pope of the Immaculate Church in the Mist District of the City of Sighs?"

Daliang corrected him: "He is the external pope, but there is no bishop in the church in the foggy area. Basically, it is me who has the final say."

"You also subdued the residents of the Mist Zone, those powerful gangs of villains?"

"That's right... they are all working for me now. Some are employed as laborers in my manor, and some are making alchemy bombs in my alchemy factory. Those who disobey will die..."

It's too fake.

Holy Bella really wanted to slap her in the face at this moment.

But how could Daliang say such a lie that could be easily exposed without blushing and heartbeat?

Is everything he said true?

In more than ten days, he controlled a parish in Sigh City from the inside out. What did Daliang do? And how?

Simply a legend.

Holy Bella's curiosity was really aroused. She once helped the wizards when the Wizards Guild was first established. That was the order of Cloud City. It can be said that the Wizards Guild was established with the participation of Holy Bella. At that time, she had traveled to almost every place in the Kingdom of Death and was very familiar with this world of the dead.

She knew what the Mist Zone was, how strict the Unsullied Holy See was in selecting priests, and what kind of wizard it took to be an elder of the Wizards Guild.

None of these should have anything to do with the Count Daliang in front of him, but Daliang combined these three contradictory identities into one, which had to make Holy Bella marvel and even doubt him.

"Seducing and instigating rebellion are not things that the undead often do. They like to be straightforward about everything and are not good at plotting. These are what demons are good at, and the only one who can convince the Death Lord to use tricks is the Lord of Hell. It seems that there is indeed a hell lord king in the kingdom of death.

The information I have so far is that Satan is looking for the Doomsday Blade, Ergos and Angela here, and this person from the Kingdom of Death is either Beelzebub or Misuka.

Catching one of them is a great achievement. "

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