Start with an Archangel

Chapter 533 Inviting Holy Bella

As the front-line battle angel commander, Holy Bella can learn many of the trends in Cloud City.

She knew about Frank's betrayal of the Wizards' Guild, and she also knew that the Wizards' Guild was under an all-out attack by the Death Monarchs at this time, and the situation was very serious. For this reason, Yunzhong City has secretly dispatched an archangel force to the Kingdom of Death to help the wizards resist the attack of the Unsullied Holy See.

However, when Yunzhong City dispatched the Archangel troops, there was no instruction to capture the Hell Lord King.

Even Daliang knew that there was a Hell Lord King in the Kingdom of Death, and it was impossible for Yunzhong City not to know about it. However, Yunzhong City seemed not to be interested in capturing the Hell Lord King in the Kingdom of Death, and the same was true in Shangjiang City.

Holy Bella, who has experienced two more plane wars, can see something.

This is definitely not the best time to return to Yunzhong City, because Yunzhong City is really trying its best to hunt down Satan. Satan is the most powerful person among all the planes in this world. Even Michael is not sure of victory in a battle with him. If Holy Bella returns to Cloud City at this time, she will probably be transferred to the front line of hunting Satan. Even though Satan is still in a weak stage, it is still very easy to kill a holy angel.

Ergus once recruited Holy Bella, tempting her with the planar war that would allow her to advance to level 16, but she decisively refused.

Divine Bella said at that time: You have no idea what I want.

What does this Holy Right, favored by Michael, want? I'm afraid no one knows that what Holy Bella wants is very simple, just to live.

For this simple wish, she fought with all her strength in every battle, killing every opponent so that she could survive. In the eyes of everyone, Holy Bella is the bravest warrior in Cloud City. The holy flame she casts makes every enemy fearful. From an angel to a holy angel, and then to the most noble holy right wing, she has reached the highest peak that an ordinary angel can reach. She is regarded as an idol by countless angels and uses her legend to inspire them to fight.

But Holy Bella's bravery is not due to her pursuit of power, but because she knows that if she doesn't fight, she will die. The increase in strength is just a by-product of her countless battles.

Therefore, Holy Bella said that returning to Cloud City was just to scare Da Liang, and she did not want to face Satan directly unless she had to. Anyway, since Hell has sent troops into Shangjiang City, Daliang will never dare to let her and the right-wing guarding angels leave while they are here. Holy Bella just takes this opportunity to beat Daliang and make him beg for herself. This little nobleman of the human race repeatedly clashed with him and returned a blow. With such a shaky look on his face, Holy Bella was already very unhappy with him.

But Holy Bella didn't expect that Daliang would throw such a bomb at this time.

He controls the Mists, a parish within the City of Sighs.

This aroused great interest in Holy Bella. She wanted to see what Daliang had done? It was a good excuse to capture the Hell Lord King who had fled to the Kingdom of Death. Anyway, since Hell had taken over the search for Ergos and Angela in Shangjiang City, she did not want to have fallen angels dangling in front of her eyes all day long.

The important thing is that she wants to go to the Kingdom of Death to see what Cloud City wants to do?

Daliang did not expect that he could persuade Holy Bella to go to the kingdom of death with him so easily. Although Holy Bella has temporarily left Shangjiang City, as long as her right-wing guardian angels continue to stay here, they will represent Yunzhong City in Shangjiang City, and Hell will not dare to mess around.

"Great!" Daliang said happily: "In the Kingdom of Death, we can get the assistance of the Wizards Guild. As long as we know where Michuka is, we can find a way to catch him. Sir, do some things first these days. Preparations for heading to the Kingdom of Death. After I finish handling things here, we will go to the City of Sighs together.

By the way, sir, although the Mist Zone is controlled by me, the City of Sighs belongs to the Sorrowful Lord. You can go alone for this trip to the Kingdom of Death. The right-wing guarding angels should stay in the palace. "

Holy Bella has regained her arrogant look: "I know. Although the guardian angels are very strong, they can't contain the sacred aura. They can't hide it for a day in the kingdom of death. Just go do your thing and let me know when you leave. One sound."

After Daliang left the palace, Holy Bella was comforted, and her willingness to go to the kingdom of death may be a powerful help at the critical moment.

But it is not easy to command Holy Bella.

It was already late at night when we came out of the palace. News of King Howard's disappearance had spread, and the night in Shangjiang City was also a lot duller. However, the smooth transition of power in the ruling class allowed the city to maintain the order it deserved.

Da Liang walked into the sewer of Shangjiang City in a remote alley.

After Joyce released the task of clearing the second floor of the Shangjiang City Sewer last time, about 40% of the second floor of the sewer was explored by players. After the mission ended, those player guilds that had established a foothold on the second level of the sewer did not shrink, but continued to invest manpower to consolidate the passage they occupied.

It is too difficult to fight when opening the road. There are many monsters and powerful bosses, which are great threats to players. Players spent manpower and material resources to open up passages, and the support team sent by the system eliminated those powerful bosses. At this time, the refresh rate of monsters in the player-controlled channel is within the player's control. Players have no reason to give up such a good leveling area and let the channel be filled with monsters again. Moreover, bosses that are spawned on time can also contribute good equipment to them. and materials.

Therefore, when Da Liang came to the second floor of the sewer, what he saw was not the monsters rushing towards him, but a group of players who were upgrading here.

Da Liang put on a blouse to cover his appearance, and then walked deeper into the passage.

A strange player did not arouse the hostility of the guild players who controlled this passage. There were many dark monsters here. The guild players did not mind non-guild players helping them clean up the mobs. As long as they did not move to spawn the boss, they would generally be fine. .

"! Are you here to level up or do missions? There is still a spot in our team. Do you want to form a team together? It is much safer for everyone to take care of each other than it is for you alone."

After walking for a while, Daliang received an invitation from a leveling team.

"Thank you. I'm here to do a collection mission. I'll leave after getting the mission items. You can continue playing and don't worry about me."

Daliang answered politely, then walked past them, and then turned into a fork in the road.

Then I heard a warning from behind: "Brother, don't go over there. There is a very powerful boss there. He will be killed if you can't see him. Hey... did you hear that? Come back soon..."

"Stop shouting... There are many people like this who don't listen and think they are awesome. When they come out of the resurrection point, they will know how powerful the boss they encountered is."

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