Start with an Archangel

Chapter 534 Alchemy Technology

After walking around the corner, the number of dark creatures in the sewer suddenly increased. There were no players here anymore. An invisible powerful boss made players dare not explore here.

Monsters that fill the entire passage roam here.

The arrival of Da Liang aroused the hostility of these dark creatures. They roared and rushed over together. Then when they swooped over, they found that they had lost the trace of the intruder.

A weak and slender electric arc bypassed the dark creatures, and Da Liang appeared at the top of the passage. Before his body fell, the black wings spread out from his back in an instant, and then Da Liang rushed forward above the dark creatures.

The dark creatures in the sewer jumped up to attack Da Liang who was flying above. Da Liang kept using his flying skills to avoid the attacks from below. When he was unable to avoid it, he used "Nicole's Jump" to escape from the monsters in a flash. surrounded.

Da Liang flew rapidly in the sewer, going around corners, and then after passing through a space barrier, he arrived at a large underground cave.

This is the base of the three masters: Gith, Prophet, and Nico.

At this time, the Black Pearl had flown back, and she was parked in the pool in the center of the cave.

Seeing Da Liang, Black Pearl's voice was very pleasant: "Hello, my captain, I am very happy to see you so soon."

"Nice to see you too, Black Pearl. Where are Gith, Seer, and Nico?"

"They are all in the captain's room. They should all hope to hear your evaluation of my actual combat performance as soon as possible."

As soon as Black Pearl finished speaking, a portal appeared next to Daliang.

Da Liang entered the captain's cabin of the Black Pearl through the portal, and met the three masters Geese, Prophet and Nicole at the same time.

At this time, the three masters were gathered around a table, and spread out on the table were the detailed design drawings of the Black Pearl.

Seeing Da Liang, Giese said first: "I have already inspected the Black Pearl. The continuous flight battles and submarine battles did not cause damage to the hull, which shows that there are no major flaws in the hull structure of the Black Pearl. Da Liang, this time The actual combat of the Black Pearl is under your command, what do you think of her hull performance?"

Da Liang walked to the design drawings of the Black Pearl and quietly took a photo. Although he also knew that it was impossible to build the Black Pearl based on this photo alone, the three-masted warship designed by a master ship designer must have a lot to learn from.

In particular, this is a design drawing of a purely hand-built warship. If Daliang plans to build his own hand-made warship, this is first-hand information.

After saving the picture, Daliang said: "The performance of the Black Pearl is very powerful, but I think there are still some aspects that can be improved.

For example, Miss Nicole said that she could optimize the current energy core of the Black Pearl, and the excess energy could replace the internal structure and walls of the ship with alchemical materials. The alchemy-metalized hull can give the Black Pearl stronger defense and more flexibility when sailing underwater.

Also, when launching artillery attacks underwater, the attack distance of the artillery shells is really too close. In the case of water resistance, I need to launch an attack from a distance of ten meters or even closer to the enemy ships in order to effectively destroy their bottoms.

I suggested that Ms. Nicole could make an alchemical bomb that could travel underwater. "

"An alchemy bomb that sails underwater?" Nicole considered Daliang's suggestion for a moment: "Alchemy bombs are very easy to make, but can they sail underwater? This requires an independent energy core, and it cannot be too big. Let's not talk about it for now. With the cost of making such a bomb, it is very difficult to research just this kind of energy core. But this is a very good suggestion. If I have a fully functional alchemy laboratory, I think I should be able to research it. .”

For surface ships, there is probably no sharper weapon than torpedoes, especially now that they are all wooden hulls. A single torpedo can kill a large warship.

However, due to the current level of alchemy technology, it seems that it is not easy to make a killer weapon like a torpedo. Even if it can be made, the cost restricts its random use.

But Nicole wants her own alchemy laboratory...

Daliang immediately said: "Miss Nicole wants an alchemy laboratory? This is very easy to handle. My territory has now built an alchemy laboratory in the Kingdom of Death, and there are several alchemists working in it. If Miss Nicole is willing, , I can give you full authority to preside over the work of this alchemy laboratory."

The prophet on the side was afraid that the now weak Nicole could be recruited by Da Liang, and said quickly: "I think the most important thing now is to optimize the energy core of the Black Pearl as soon as possible and enhance the defense and strength of the ship. I have this job." Finish with Nicole. Count Daliang, I saw the body of the archangel you placed in the cabin, do you need me to make a recovery potion for you?"

Daliang knew that it was not easy to recruit a master-level alchemist, and it was more important to increase the strength of his prophet. He said to the prophet: "Yes, prophet. I need recovery potion now."

"You will see it at dawn. Nicole, let's go and discuss what can be done with the fallen angel corpses and demon corpses you brought."

The prophet and Nicole opened the portal and left, leaving Giss and Da Liang alone in the captain's room.

Da Liang took this opportunity to express his doubts to Geese: "Teacher, in this actual combat test against the Black Pearl, I saw the overwhelming advantage of the alchemy battleship over the ordinary battleship. Does this mean that the alchemy battleship will slowly... Replace regular battleships and knock them out of business."

Giese said: "I don't know how the future maritime war will be fought, but the cost of alchemy limits it and it will not replace ordinary battleships for a long time. Three-masted battleships are still the main battleships patrolling the ocean, and battleships are still the main battleships in decisive battles at sea. main force.

If you are interested in the alchemy battleship, I suggest you research the energy core first, instead of researching the alchemy bomb that can sail underwater, which can be blocked with magic. "

Gis, who was experienced in naval battles, gave Daliang a very pertinent suggestion.

Only then did Da Liang realize that this was a magical game with magic. If the torpedo did not reach a certain speed and suddenness, it would be easily discovered and destroyed by the magician on board the ship. The energy core is the heart of all complex alchemical equipment. If it has stronger energy, smaller size, and lower cost, it will trigger a major technological change in the entire game world.

And what can you do with this energy core?

There were simply too many, tanks, planes, dreadnoughts.

At this moment, Da Liang suddenly felt enlightened as a door opened in his heart. It seemed that the two mountains that had been weighing on his heart recently, Yunzhong City and Hell, were not incapable of being overthrown.

Of course, Daliang also understood that alchemy was a very large system, and it was no easier than upgrading a territory to the top level to fill up the technology tree of the alchemy system.

However, there is finally hope.

And spending money is a trivial matter. Only by recruiting a master-level alchemist can the alchemy technology tree be quickly lit up. Nicole and Daliang must fight for it no matter what.

Daliang said gratefully to Keith: "Thank you very much, mentor, your words made me want to understand a lot of things."

Giss said: "You are my disciple, and it is my duty to teach you. In addition, I would like to remind you that no matter what weapons you want to build in the future, ship design is the most basic.

When you advance to a senior ship designer, I can teach you how to design an aerial battleship. The aerial battleship is currently the most mature carrier of alchemy equipment. "

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