Start with an Archangel

Chapter 538 Catch them all in one fell swoop

Daliang closed the script and said: "Miss Cat, in this drama, the humans and demons represent our alliance of northern and southern lords. Who does the common enemy represent? According to the expected release time of this movie, it should be about restoring maritime order in East Asia. , when they marched into the Pacific together.

You are so unique in Southeast Asia that you can beat anyone you want?

We have achieved peace in East Asia with great difficulty.

I don't object to insinuating the Japanese and Korean game zones, but cursing people is one thing, insulting them is another. The villain tribe in this show behaves badly and is ugly. All the disgusting adjectives in the world can be applied to them.

I don’t know what Japanese and Korean players will think when they see this movie. Anyway, if someone dares to insult me ​​like this, I will blow up his hometown.

Therefore, once someone maliciously carries out negative publicity, it is likely that a new wave of anti-Chinese players will start again, and players from the lowest level will start to oppose us. "

Although the scale of the East Asian maritime conflict that just ended was large, most of it was a confrontation between high-level players and a conflict between the maritime interests of lords and large guilds. The majority of ordinary players did not participate directly. At most, they donated some property and then took their belongings away from the battlefield.

But making fun of someone based on their personality is very hateful. If the people who filmed this movie were ordinary entertainment stars, the most Japanese and Korean players could do was protest and curse the people who made this film. But Daliang's influence in the hero world is really too great. It can be said that he represents the collective image and attitude of Chinese players on the international platform.

The Southern Lords Alliance only sent Half-Moon Cat to participate in the show, and her fame was far from reaching the level of Daliang. Therefore, when this movie is filmed and shown around the world, Daliang will become the target of public criticism, his image will be greatly impacted, and the Northern Lords Alliance will also be plunged into a huge diplomatic crisis.

In the battle for high-level interests in the game, everyone should stay rational and control the war within the scope of starting and stopping at any time. They will never easily use national hatred to encourage low-level players to join the war, because that will make the war go in an uncontrollable direction.

The vast ocean of people's war is certainly indestructible, but it is like a flood that bursts its embankments. Once it is released, it cannot be stopped until one side is completely defeated.

However, this movie is stimulating the growth of nationalism. If it is slightly instigated, there will be chaos on the sea. The important thing is that this chaos is not a large-scale maritime conflict. It is very likely that small-scale Japanese and Korean players frequently and spontaneously attack players in the Chinese game area. attack, this situation is even more difficult to deal with.

If the Northern Lords Alliance is not handled well, it is likely that it will not please both sides; if it is allowed to develop, it may trigger another sea battle.

All in all, it's trouble.

After this movie was made, the Northern Lords Alliance shot themselves in the foot.

The half-moon cat, or flying sand and moving rocks, really has an undying desire to kill me.

After Daliang's analysis, Xu Man, who wanted to understand, said to Banyue Mao: "I was originally happy because you took the initiative to propose peace talks, but now it seems... you really lack sincerity..."

Ban Yue Mao didn't expect that Daliang only read the script once and pointed out the pit she and Boss Fei dug in the script.

Yes, they just want to use this movie to plot against the Northern Lords Alliance. Because the trilateral peace talks in East Asia are themselves very fragile, players in the Japan and South Korea game areas have good economic conditions, their average personal strength is not weaker than the players in the China game area, and their overall strength is stronger than the Northern Lords Alliance.

Once the conflict is based on nationality, the hatred of the lowest-level players is likely to turn the Northern Lords Alliance and the Japanese and Korean game areas into mortal enemies.

At that time, conflicts at sea will inevitably break out.

The strength of the Northern Lords Alliance, Japanese Game Zone, and Korean Game Zone is not increasing but decreasing, while the Southern Lords Alliance can rely on Southeast Asia to expand to the South Pacific and Indian Ocean.

One increase and one decrease. After Shi Fei led the Southern Lords Alliance to the north, his three potential enemies no longer had the strength to resist.

All can be done with one movie.

But Banyue Mao would never admit it. She pretended to be surprised and said: "Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. I definitely don't have any malice. I just got this script from the screenwriter and I think these are very common routines. Didn't think much about it.

I don't think the screenwriter thought that much, and this might just be a coincidence. But what Boss Daliang said is indeed very reasonable, and this script must be changed. I will change another screenwriter and write a better one as soon as possible. "

There was no flaw in the expression of the half-moon cat, and Da Liang was not sure if there was a conspiracy in the script, or if it was just his own malicious speculation.

However, since this show is in danger of being used maliciously, it must not be used again.

As for a new script...

Daliang said with a smile: "If you change the screenwriter again, it will probably be a routine. I have no interest in acting in a routine movie. So... I just had an idea in my mind. Can you see if it can be made into a movie?"

Da Liang can even conceive of movie scripts! His words aroused the curiosity of Xu Man, Banyue Mao and Gu Tao.

Seeing the three beauties looking at him, Daliang said proudly: "With the popular element of 'time travel' now, we can definitely make a big-budget fantasy time-travel idol love and passion blockbuster. The male protagonist is a man who is unsatisfied in urban life. A down-and-out white-collar worker, and then a small soul travels to the eldest son of a big family in a magical world.

This eldest son was originally very talented and was hailed as a once-in-a-millennium genius, but for some reason he suddenly became mediocre.

As a result, the gem he held in his hand turned into mud that everyone stepped on. His parents, brothers and sisters looked down on him, and even the servants dared to bully him.

The engagement will also be annulled.

Anyway, before the protagonist travels through time, he will act as miserable as he wants.

After the protagonist traveled through time, he still decided to leave this family that had no warmth and go out alone.

During this period, you must make a few confidantes, be they royal sisters, queens, goddesses, tomboys... all of them; the races include angels, demons, humans, elves, etc., all of them are included.

Of course, the many heroines are just embellishments of this drama. What we want to express is inspiration, self-improvement, and the positive energy that our talents are destined to be useful.

After the protagonist left the family, with the help of many confidants, he discovered that he was unable to practice and was actually being maliciously poisoned.

So the protagonist takes many confidants on the road to find an antidote to the poison in his body.

Then the protagonist has to go to many confidants to find the secret book of the unparalleled magical skills.

He also has to take many confidantes to find the peerless magic weapon.

Bringing many confidantes..."

Xu Man finally couldn't hold on anymore and interrupted Daliang's idea: "Okay... I'll have to figure out the script. I'll hold a creative prize-winning essay competition in the alliance. You don't need to worry about the script of this drama, Daliang." "

Daliang asked inexplicably: "Is my creativity bad?"

Gu Tao finally couldn't help but laugh and said: "Senior Brother Daliang, your idea is good, but you have more ideas to catch us all in one go."

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