Start with an Archangel

Chapter 539 Return to the Kingdom of Death

Sigh... I expressed it so implicitly, I didn't expect it to be seen through.

It seems that many confidantes are out of luck...

Let's leave things like making movies to professionals. I'll continue to play games. No matter what my opponent does, I'm still the best at it.

After the meeting with Banyue Mao, Daliang sent Xu Man and Gu Tao back to their residence, returned home, and then logged into the game.

First go to Shangjiang Palace to pick up Saint Bella.

Since we are going to the kingdom of death this time, the identity of Holy Angel Bella will become very sensitive. Especially during this critical period, if she, one of Michael's holy right wingers, went to the City of Sighs, not only would she be attacked by the Unsullied Holy See, but the Wizards Guild would also be very suspicious of her.

Holy Bella left the right-wing guard angels in the palace and paid close attention to the movements of the Hell Lord King and the fallen angels. She put on a very inconspicuous set of mercenary leather armor, combed her golden hair into a ponytail, and put on a scarf that covered her face from the nose down. Her sacred aura was completely restrained, and she could not tell that she was an angel at all.

Da Liang did not expect that Holy Bella changed her clothes and seemed to have become a completely different person. Julian can also restrain his divine aura, but the unique temperament of an angel cannot be hidden, and he can only disguise himself as a human knight or a crusader-type hero. But the current Holy Bella is really inconspicuous. She is just a very ordinary hero on the street at this time, and she does not feel like a strong person.

If I have to say something unique, it's that... my figure is so good.

But when Divine Bella puts on a voluminous smock, she is impeccably disguised.

Daliang said to Holy Bella: "Lord Holy Bella, what should I call you when you arrive in the kingdom of death?"

"You can just call me Bella, an ordinary hero who has been exiled to the kingdom of death. Now we can leave. I hope I can catch a hell lord king to make up for our mistakes in Shangjiang."

Going to the Kingdom of Death to capture the Hell Lord King is just an excuse for Holy Bella. She can also feel the game of many forces in the plane of the dead. She just wants to see what Cloud City wants to do?

Da Liang didn't know the true purpose of Holy Bella. Anyway, Yunzhong City left angels in Shangjiang, and his purpose was achieved. Whether Holy Bella wants to capture Michuka or just travel to the kingdom of death, it has nothing to do with him.

"Miss Bella, my name in the Kingdom of Death is Eviscerate, a wealthy human businessman. Now let's set off, can you open the portal directly to the foggy area of ​​the City of Sighs? My territory is really too far away from the City of Sighs. "

Daliang didn't want to expose the location of his territory in front of Holy Bella. The Summoning Array of the Dead and the Gate of the Dead were really important to him.

Holy Bella said: "Cloud City has the ability to teleport across all planes, and I also have the right to use the teleportation gate. However, opening the teleportation gate in the City of Sighs will be sensed by the high-level undead, so we cannot teleport directly to the foggy area. I once There is a hiding spot outside Sigh City, let’s go there first.”

After saying that, Holy Bella opened a portal and walked in.

Daliang couldn't help but sigh in his heart: No wonder Yunzhong City and Hell are so powerful. Full-dimensional teleportation is really cheating. And look at the process of the fallen angel teleporting the Judgment Leader. 50 ultimate creatures teleport at the same time. During the war, a large number of troops are directly sent to the enemy's most critical enemy. Who can bear it!

The portal that I tricked from hell can only be used in the main plane. There are only three free teleports per day, which is simply too shabby.

Are you trying to find a way to trick another portal from Yunzhong City...

With the imagination to open the double doors, Daliang followed Holy Bella into the portal.

The unique oppressive atmosphere of the Kingdom of Death immediately filled the surrounding space.

Daliang found himself in a cave, which was a temporary hiding place where Saint Bella performed her mission in the Kingdom of Death. Since Bella had been away for too long, the place had been occupied by some undead creatures, but they had now been hacked to death.

"let's go."

Holy Bella stood at the entrance of the cave. When she saw Da Liang walking in, she closed the portal, then unfolded the white angel wings behind her and rushed out. Daliang took a look at the map and found that this place was located near the base of the former Wizards Guild's City of Sighs branch. Seeing that Holy Bella had flown away, Daliang also spread out his black fallen angel wings and followed closely.

Seeing the black wings chasing Daliang behind him, Holy Bella didn't ask too much.

The desolate land flew backwards below, and from time to time undead souls wandering on the wasteland could be seen. Some flying undead saw Holy Bella and Da Liang and chased after them, but they were quickly thrown away without a trace.

After flying for a while, a city covering the entire land appeared on the horizon in the distance.

There is the City of Sighs, a city as big as the entire Shangjiang area.

Holy Bella and Da Liang entered the city from the foggy area and then arrived at Destiny Manor.

A manor filled with birdsong and flowers.

Holy Bella really didn't expect that the Destiny Manor that Daliang talked about turned out to be like this. The entire manor was filled with this rich magical energy. The breath of death was isolated here, and trees and flowers grew vigorously here.

There are rockery fountains, small bridges and flowing water, unicorns leisurely walking on the grass, and some people sitting on the grass enjoying their leisure time after work.

The residential areas in the Mist District, separated by the same wall, are completely two different worlds.

Hiring specialized magicians to provide magical energy for the entire manor, Daliang really enjoys life.

Arriving at the door of Destiny Manor, Holy Bella stepped back slightly and stood behind Daliang, giving the impression of being Daliang's attendant.

The skeleton soldiers guarding the manor immediately opened the door of the manor for him after seeing Da Liang.

Da Liang walked into Destiny Manor with Holy Bella, who lowered her head to hide her appearance, and soon met their elf butler Mike who came to greet them.

"Dear Mr. Eboning, welcome back!"

"Hello, Mike. Come with me, I need to know what happened in the foggy area while I was away." Daliang walked towards the interior of the manor, and everyone he met along the way saluted him respectfully.

Seeing those originally rude villains practicing standard etiquette, Mike must have spent a lot of time and energy.

Mike followed Daliang, glanced at Holy Bella, and stopped paying attention to this weak human being.

It may be the woman that Mr. Eviscerate brought from the main world. The night in the Kingdom of Death is so boring, and Mr. Eviscerate is so young and rich that he really needs a woman to sleep with him.

Fortunately, Mike could see that this invisible woman was not someone that Daliang was too close to, so he did not address her randomly, which also allowed him to avoid a bloody disaster.

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