Start with an Archangel

Chapter 540 Alchemy Factory

In Da Liang's room, Mike reported to him the recent events in the Mist Zone.

The death of the Bishop of the Mist Zone did not trigger an in-depth investigation by the Unsullied Holy See. It seems that the Unsullied Holy See really regarded this incident as a normal incident in the Mist Zone. The Immaculate Holy See will not set foot in the foggy area, and Daliang will be able to eliminate the biggest threat to itself.

The remaining wizard guilds and residents of the foggy area will be closely linked to Da Liang through the alchemy factory.

The alchemy material processing factory and alchemy laboratory set up by the Black Fire Territory in the foggy area have been completed and put into use.

The alchemy laboratory is built in the back garden of Destiny Manor. Tall and dense trees have been planted here. Various magic traps are set up in the woods, and are guarded by senior wizards day and night.

No one is allowed to approach except those designated by Daliang.

The wizards of the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild are responsible for the operation of the alchemy laboratory. The main function of the alchemy laboratory is to conduct research and development on alchemical technology, and at the same time produce the alchemy bombs Jinzhao No. 1 and Jinzhao No. 2 named after Daliang.

The alchemy laboratory has Miniya, the vice-president of the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild, as the chief alchemist. Miniya is a senior alchemist and the most senior alchemist Da Liang can hire. In Daliang's plan, the alchemy laboratory should be staffed by master alchemist Nicole, who can climb the alchemy technology tree faster and higher.

Of course, by upgrading the territory and then upgrading the alchemy laboratory, you can research more alchemy branches.

However, Nicole, Prophet, and Geese have a close relationship. If you want to get rid of this master, you can only attack it slowly. However, Daliang has in his hands Quentin, who is also a master alchemist, and spent countless years building the undead summoning array. Nicole will definitely not be able to withstand the temptation and come to the Kingdom of Death.

When the time comes, you won’t be able to come and leave whenever you want.

As for Daliang's arrangement of a group of mysterious undead heroes to move into Destiny Manor and take charge of the alchemy laboratory, Mike, as a butler, did not ask too much. He could feel that Mr. Eviscerate had too many secrets, and the undead were all powerful. The female vampire at the head was even as powerful as himself. All these made Mike even more afraid and did his job honestly.

Daliang didn't treat Mike badly either.

The alchemy material processing factory in the foggy area is managed by Mike.

The alchemy material processing plant is a level 3 building, and 4 alchemy material processing plants can be built in level 6 territory. Daliang built an alchemy material processing factory in the Black Fire Territory, one on Qingye Island, and the other two were built in the foggy area of ​​the Kingdom of Death.

The alchemy processing plants in the Black Fire Territory and Qingye Island are limited by the environment. The alchemy materials they produce are very low-level and can only provide low consumption for the territory and the army.

The alchemy processing factory built in the foggy area has unique advantages over the other two. All raw materials for alchemy are purchased from the residents of the foggy area. Those who can survive in the foggy area are powerful heroes. They have the strength to hunt high-level undead in the wilderness, or go to some dangerous areas to collect rare alchemy ores.

In the main world and other planes, such heroes have a lot of opportunities waiting for them, and they don't even bother to do the work of collecting raw materials. However, poverty made the residents of the Mist Zone completely forget the reserve that a high-level hero should have. When Daliang's alchemy material processing plant was built and announced that it would be open to recycle all kinds of alchemy materials, there was a cheer in the Mist Zone.

Powerful heroes rushed into the wasteland around the City of Sighs and brought high-level alchemy materials that ordinary players had never heard of to Daliang's alchemy material processing factory.

If you want to process advanced alchemy materials, you cannot use very ordinary heroes or directly use skeleton soldiers like the other two alchemy material processing factories. Daliang entrusted Mike to recruit a group of employees for his alchemy material processing factory, all of which are heroic units with corresponding alchemy skills, including alchemy material sorters, pharmacists, alchemy metal refiners...

Various heroes with special abilities entered Daliang's factory.

The foggy area is simply a treasure land with unlimited potential. Here you can find heroes with corresponding specialties that you can't even imagine.

Of course, the premise is that you can make these villains obey.

Daliang learned from Mike that two alchemy material processing factories have begun to produce all kinds of things needed for alchemy, including ordinary magic powder, as well as high-end secret gold and thorium.

"The alchemy materials you produce will be given priority to my alchemy laboratory. If you can make whatever materials the alchemists want, you can make them. If you can't make them, you can find a way to collect them from other places. I will pay the cost. You can't You need to worry about the income and expenditure of the alchemy material processing factory.

In addition, a block was cleared nearby and shops were built. "

Build a shop?

Mike was very confused: "Mr. Ebony, are you building a shop to sell alchemy equipment and alchemy materials? I suggest you think about it again. Although because of your generosity, the people in the Mist Zone have much more income than before, but they You will never spend money to buy alchemy equipment and materials that are of no use to us. I suggest that you, sir, traffic various foods from the main world, so that high-priced delicacies can help you earn back the gold coins you sent out."

Daliang said: "Mike, I established an alchemy laboratory and an alchemy material processing factory in the foggy area, not just to build a bunch of alchemy equipment and alchemy materials for my own sake. I am a businessman, and the only way is to sell the things I produce. My ultimate goal. I know that the residents and undead in the Mist Zone are not very interested in the alchemy equipment and alchemy materials I produce. However, I will let those who are interested come to the Mist Zone to buy our things. "

Mike understood what Daliang meant. He wanted to attract people from the non-fog area here. Although Mike didn't know who would come to such a shabby foggy area, he believed in the ability of Mr. Eviscerate. He was always on top of everything and did things that surprised everyone.

If a large number of outsiders really come to the Mist Zone to purchase alchemy equipment and materials, it will definitely drive the development of other businesses, and perhaps the Mist Zone will become something else from now on.

A commercial city will make the foggy area as prosperous as those cities in the main world.

It seems that he has seen what the foggy area will look like in the future. Mike is already a little excited: "If it is true that a large number of outsiders will come to our foggy area as Mr. said, we should rectify this city first and not let those villains, liars, and scoundrels take over. Scared our guests away.”

Daliang quickly said: "No, no, no, don't let these outsiders affect the normal preferences of our foggy area residents. In fact, I would also like to suggest that you carry forward the characteristics of our foggy area so that every outsider can experience our original flavor. Original passion.”

Mike was a little confused: "Mr. Ebony, will those outsiders still come to us?"

"Yes...of course I will. The worse you make them, the more people they will bring. Tell our people, my principle is not to use force to rob. I will choose who makes more money every week based on their skills." There is another reward for the bones.”

Mike was even more puzzled: "The worse we make them, the more people they will bring. Mr. Eviscerate, are there so many fools in this world?"

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