Start with an Archangel

Chapter 557 I have a job

Polly was taken to Destiny Manor by Julian. His ignorance of his "destiny" prevented him from appreciating the unique scenery in the manor.

Crossing the lawn into the main building, Polly came to a richly decorated room.

"Polly, please wait here for a moment. Mr. Eviscerate will come to see you soon."

Polly, whose heart had long been filled with all kinds of questions, immediately asked: "Who are you and why do you know me? And... who is Mr. Evisceration? I have never been to the Kingdom of Death, how could he do it?" know me?"

Julian did not answer directly: "I brought you here because I know you and want to help you. Mr. Evisceration should also be willing to solve your current predicament. But regarding Mr. Evisceration's identity, I think he should be willing to stay at the end. .”

Julian leaves, leaving Polly alone in the room.

Who is Mr. Eviscerate?

Polly walked to the window, which was on the second floor of the main building of the manor. From here, she could overlook the entire front yard of the manor. The interior of the manor was shrouded in magic and was lush. He has been living in the kingdom of death for some time, and he simply cannot imagine that he can still see such a human manor in this plane full of death.

In the foggy area, Polly could feel the respect that the residents here had for Mr. Evisceration, which also meant that Evisceration had a strong dominance in the foggy area.

Polly carefully observed the surrounding terrain. There seemed to be no one watching him around. If I wanted to escape, I should have no problem with my skills. It’s just that I didn’t see Mr. Eviscerate, so I was really a bit unwilling.

If it is true, as the crusader said, that Mr. Eviscerate has no ill intentions towards me, and we are acquaintances of each other, then I may be able to make a good start in the Mist Zone.

Polly made plans to escape and began to think about who Mr. Eviscerate might be that he had seen before.

He should be very clever in suppressing the residents of the Mist Zone; through the heroes and crusaders who brought me here, it can be seen that he has his own army... the human army; the human race, knowing me, should be from Shangjiang; and look here Judging from the display and taste, he should be a person of very high status and education, perhaps a nobleman, a nobleman with an army and power from Shangjiang City.

I know such a person, and there is only one person who is willing to help me...

How could it be him!

"Polly! Hahaha... Julian just told me that she brought me an old friend from Shangjiang City. I still don't believe it. I didn't expect it was really you. Brother Polly, how did you think of running to the kingdom of death? Come and play..."

Polly looked out the door, and sure enough it was Da Liang and Julian who had taken off his helmet.

Polly was really overjoyed to see Da Liang here, and Da Liang turned out to be Mr. Eviscerate. He went up and gave Daliang a tight hug, and then cried with joy: "I didn't expect to see Count Feichen here, no... Mr. Evisceration, I know that Mr. is hiding his identity, and I will never reveal a word. To other people.”

Da Liang asked Polly to sit down, and then Julian brought two glasses of ale, and then said: "Since I came to see you, I must believe you. I won't joke with you, you should know where the Mist Zone is, tell me what happened What happened and you actually wanted to take refuge here?"

After being on the run for so many days, Polly felt safe for the first time. He drank the full glass of ale in one breath and then said: "It's all because of you, Mr. Eviscerate, that I'm like this now."

Polly didn't know that Daliang opened the door for Macaulay to bring the fallen angels into the city, so he told how he learned that Macaulay had returned to Shangjiang City as the messenger of hell, and how he fled because he was afraid of Macaulay's revenge. Things have been said once.

"I don't mean to blame you, sir. After all, no one would have thought that Macaulay could return to Shangjiang City after attacking the King of East China Sea."

Daliang also realized that Polly's current situation was indeed caused by himself. After all, he was the one who persuaded Polly to lead the way to find Macaulay, although he did not find him.

So Daliang said to Polly: "This matter is really my fault. But you don't have to worry too much that Macaulay will cause trouble for you. If you are willing to return to Shangjiang City, I can mediate. I think Macaulay will respect me." Views.

If you want to stay in the Mist Zone, I will also let Macaulay know that you accept my asylum. As long as you abide by the rules here in the Mist Zone, you can do what you want.

Now I have a new option for you.

You know that Macaulay is the Flea King, and most of the illegal activities in Shangjiang City are related to Macaulay. You are Macaulay's cronies, are you familiar with these gray events? "

Polly didn't expect that his headache would be solved by Da Liang. He could make Macaulay let him go, and he could go wherever he wanted in the world. Polly, who was in a good mood, replied to Liang's question: "Of course, Flea King... No, it was Macaulay who was very mysterious when he was in Flea Street. All his orders were issued through us Flea Street guards. I'm very aware of his methods. I'll tell you quietly, I often use the name of King Flea to do some private work, and no one finds out...hehehehe..."

After listening to Polly's words, Daliang said: "In this case, I have a job that is very suitable for you. Now you have also seen what the Mist District looks like. The residents here are more badass assholes than Flea Street, and there are more and more outside adventures. Investors will flock here, and people in the foggy area will become richer and richer. Once people have money, they will have a lot more thoughts. I need someone to help me shift their thoughts to the direction they should be, instead of turning them away. To get my attention.

If you are willing to stay in the Mist Zone and work for me, I can use my power to support you as the underground king of the Mist Zone. Here you can use all your talents and have a status that you simply cannot achieve in Shangjiang City.

Flea Street is too small. After the Macaulay incident, Shangjiang City will only try its best to suppress those villains.

And here... you can sit on the throne. "

The sudden gift from Daliang, the underground ruler of a city, made Polly's face turn red with excitement: "Can I really do it?"

Daliang smiled and said: "With my support, there is no problem at all. But you have a history of betrayal. If you want me to trust you, you must sign a contract and be loyal to me. Otherwise, we will still be friends, and I will deal with McCaw For profit, you can go wherever you want."

As players poured into the foggy area, there were too many things for Da Liang to deal with.

He is like a pair of invisible hands sorting out the order of the Mist Zone, restraining those residents of the Mist Zone who go too far, and allocating manpower to deal with the violent incidents caused by deceived players. Even with Mike's help in all kinds of things, Daliang was still extremely busy. He needs a professional person to establish a professional group to organize the operation of the entire gray area in the foggy area.

Mike... is not worthy of complete trust. He is from the Mist Zone and has not joined the Black Fire Territory. Supporting him is likely to create an enemy for himself.

At this time, Polly actually came to the foggy area.

In Flea Street, Daliang had been in contact with Polly and was relatively familiar with him. He was proficient in all shady things and was considered reliable.

If he could recruit Polly as his subordinate and let him lead the dirty work in the foggy area, not only would Daliang be able to get out, but the professional staff would also be able to do a better job than him.

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