Start with an Archangel

Chapter 558 Territory Mission

"Dear Lord, Polly is willing to serve you."


Weapon type: Thief

Attack: 8

Defense: 3

Kill: 20-40

HP: 100

Troop characteristics: spying, stealth

Hero Unit: Level 41

Attack: 70

Defense: 28

Intelligence: 41

Knowledge: 35

Hero Specialty: Hiding (when invisible and motionless, all biological characteristics reach the lowest level and cannot be detected by detection techniques below the master level)

Heroic skills: advanced pathfinding, advanced reconnaissance, advanced short weapon mastery, intermediate luck...

Skills: Backstab, lockpicking, stealing, attack acceleration...

Da Liang didn't expect that the usually arrogant Polly would have such a shining zodiac sign. He had high attack power combined with stealth, hiding and backstabbing. If this kid was more courageous, he would be a top assassin.

When recruiting Polly, Daliang was originally worried that Polly's personal ability would not be able to suppress the residents of the foggy area. Now it seems that Polly's ability has exceeded Da Liang's estimation. In terms of personal attributes, Polly is no longer weaker than the ogre Kuka. In a head-on confrontation, Polly may not be Kuka's opponent, but if it is an assassination, even Mike will have to do it. Handle with caution.

As long as enough supplies and personnel are provided, and the routine of Flea Street is copied, Da Liang can escape from the trivial matters in the foggy area.

"Okay, Polly, start your work. There are no restrictions like Shangjiang City in the Mist Zone. As long as you can maintain the most basic order here, you can do whatever you want."

Polly stood up and replied respectfully: "Yes, sir. I will eliminate all hidden dangers that threaten your rule in the Mist Zone."

Daliang's control over the foggy area was once again consolidated, and he also had free time.

I wonder where Kuka attacked?

According to the battle reports sent back from time to time by Kuka, his attack was still very smooth. According to the information provided by Minia, Kuka has defeated three level 5 undead territories. The sharp siege weapons and superior troop strength did not cause the Black Fire Lord's army to suffer too much losses. They basically rushed into the city with a wave of attacks.

All the lords of the three territories were executed, and the Unsullied Church took over the management of the territories.

As a reward for the stage tasks, each territory's Unsullied Church supplemented Kuka's army with 5,000 skeleton soldiers, 2,000 walking corpses, 500 ghosts and some siege equipment.

Coupled with the frost dragon's use of spiritualism to clear the battlefield, Kuka's troop strength increased sharply instead of decreasing. Counting the second increase in troops sent by Daliang, the number of skeleton soldiers in the Black Fire Lord's attack group against the lord has reached 60,000.

The basic combat method of the undead, Skeleton Sea, has taken shape.

Kuka was able to attack so smoothly because the Black Fire Leader's foundation was really good. The territorial characteristics of the Black Fire Territory can double the number of undead soldiers produced. Daliang's abundant funds allow him to recruit all the soldiers produced while maintaining the development of the territory, and maintain the salary of the entire army.

The Evil Prison can demonize the undead troops, and the Skeleton Flagellant can enhance the strength of the skeleton soldiers to a new level.

Daliang also has an organic level 12 long-range unit. The magic mage group can strategically weaken the enemy and greatly increase the combat power of friendly forces. One goes against the other, in the battle in the Undead Skeleton Sea, the Black Fire Leader's Skeleton Soldier Group can crush the enemy's Skeleton Soldier Group in a generational manner, annihilating the enemy at running speed with minimal losses. .

At the same time, with the assistance of demon spirits, the magic mage's attack power is not even willing to take a few more hits from a level 14 creature, let alone a level 5 territory that doesn't even have an organized vampire unit.

The few high-level arms in these territories obtained through other means do not have the strength and numbers to threaten the groups of magic mages.

The giant frost dragon and its group of griffons firmly control the sky.

Kuka and his brothers have extensive experience in offensive combat...

None of this is available in the player's territory at this time. They probably can't even muster the siege firepower of hundreds of artillery pieces.

Therefore, if an ordinary undead lord receives such a mission, he must first make careful calculations and try his best to reduce his losses when attacking the undead territory. Then, through the supplement of stage rewards, he can gain a little increase in military strength, and then attack the next territory. Slowly Slowly accumulate strength to attack higher-level undead territories.

Even so, such a war still carries great risks. Once defeated, an army needs to be reassembled. If you don't want to waste time, you can only spend money to acquire it from players.

In short, any lord must be cautious when facing such a task, and he will never be able to fight an almost flat offensive like the Black Fire Lord.

The territory mission that Daliang accepted this time required a total of 23 undead territories to be attacked. Among them: three level 5 territories. These three territories should be used by player lords for training. If they are fought well, they can get a considerable number of troops; 14 level 6 territories. These are different from the territories of player lords who do this level of tasks. The level is equivalent, and certain tactics are required to defeat such a territory. If the battle goes well, the player's army can also be improved during the battle.

There are 5 level 7 territories. The level 7 territory has a large-scale vampire army of level 7 arms, which are very excellent flying arms. If the player lord did not fight well in the previous battle and the rewarded level 5 ghost troops are insufficient, it will be very difficult to defeat a level 7 territory.

The territory building drawings rewarded by attacking level 5 territories and level 6 territories can already allow lords to obtain pre-buildings from level 6 to level 7 territories. Therefore, when the army in the territory can recruit vampires, you can do the remaining tasks again.

However, the inability to construct some functional buildings will hinder the development of the territory, and if the task is unable to be completed due to variables, the territory will lose the opportunity to obtain these important architectural drawings.

It can be seen from this that player territories begin to differentiate after level 6. The powerful territories will become stronger and stronger, while the gap between territories that cannot complete tasks in time and powerful territories will become wider and wider.

The attack group of the Black Fire Territory was led by Kuka, and the mission went very smoothly. According to the current military situation, the level 6 territory can still flow all the way through, and then it should be no problem to use the accumulated troops in front to challenge the level 7 territory.

Then there is the last level 8 leader.

The level 8 territory is already a very complete city, and for a level 6 player territory, it is almost impossible to defeat.

The Palm Tree City that the Black Fire Lord's army encountered in the Dream Realm was an elven eighth-level city. Now Da Liang has no thoughts of attacking Palm Tree City for the time being. With his military strength, if he wants to attack Palm Tree City, he must be determined to defeat every enemy. .

And this undead level 8 city in the mission...

If you get enough vampires in the battle against the 7th level leader, you can give it a try and train your troops to attack Palm Tree City.

However, just when Daliang was about to leave for the war zone to personally support Kuka, Minia came to the door.

"Someone is coming from the wizard's guild headquarters."

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