Start with an Archangel

Chapter 559 The next stage

Will there always be people from the Wizards Guild?

Daliang asked Miniya: "Who is coming? How many people are there?"

Minia replied: "It's Elder Anthony. He is one of President Lucas' deputies in the General Assembly. Nine high-level wizards came with him this time."

"High high is it?"

Minia replied: "Jonathan and I were high-level wizards before. In terms of personal strength, each of these nine high-level wizards is equal to me and Jonathan."

Da Liang couldn't help but wonder, what was an elder doing with nine high-level wizards coming to the City of Sighs? To support the reconstruction of the Sighing City branch... Probably not. To rebuild the Sighing City branch, just bring in a few high-level wizards and send an elder... Who should we listen to when everyone is of the same level?

So Daliang asked: "Do you know what they are here to do?"

"I don't know. Elder Anthony didn't say anything to me. He just said he wanted to see you."

Daliang asked again: "Where are they now?"

"The elders said that wizards who are not from the Sighing City branch should not be brought into Destiny Manor. I arranged them in an underground tomb on the edge of the city." After telling Daliang the address, Minia said doubtfully: " It’s just strange that Elder Anthony only seems to know that President Lucas recruited a disciple in the City of Sighs and appointed him as an elder here, but doesn’t know who you are?”

Very strange indeed.

But since there are always people coming, Daliang definitely wants to meet them.

"You go and inform our wizard not to go out casually these days, and then you take me to see Elder Anthony."

When Miniya informed the wizard, Daliang changed into a set of clothes, a very ordinary robe, and then covered his appearance with a hood.

The arrival of wizards like Anthony is full of weirdness. Since they don't know their true identities, Daliang doesn't intend to tell them.

After Miniya settled the matter, she also put on a pair of loose clothes to cover her appearance, and left the Destiny Manor with her big head.

Then the two of them came to the hiding place where Anthony and other wizards were hiding.


You have to dig into graves at every turn, which is probably another reason why there are so few undead players. It's so unlucky.

Walking in through the tomb door, Da Liang saw Elder Anthony in the dark and empty tomb.

Anthony is a corpse witch who exudes the coercion of a strong man. Behind him stood nine powerful undead heroes, also showing their momentum.

Daliang could see that their strength had reached level 15, and Anthony was at the peak of level 15. A hero like him has been able to hide his powerful aura for a long time, and now he is doing this just to give him a show of strength.

The person who came here is not a good person... But can I let you scare me casually?

Daliang didn't say anything, he took out "Erges Gaze" and put it on his chest.

I usually don't wear this thing because I'm afraid of scaring the children. Now if you dare to show off to me, don't blame me for being a king.

Sure enough, as soon as "Erges' Gaze" came out, fear overflowed, immediately suppressing Anthony's momentum. Anthony is a level 15 hero. Under the "Erges Gaze", his strength was abruptly reduced by 5%.

Anthony was shocked. The pressure that could reduce his strength could only be achieved by a level 16 creature. This pressure came from the badge the opponent had just worn.

Injecting one's own coercion into a badge is definitely not something that ordinary level 16 creatures can do, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can obtain.

The elder of the City of Sighs branch was indeed not a simple role to be favored by Lucas, accepted as a disciple and entrusted with important tasks.

Anthony put away his momentum and said to Daliang: "Hello, elder of the Sighing City branch, may I know your name?"

"Hello Elder Anthony, my name...Didn't President Lucas tell you?"

Speaking of Lucas, Anthony said angrily: "Don't mention that coward to me. The Unsullied Holy See has massacred so many of our wizards during these days. Now that we have the support of our allies, it's time to fight back and take revenge. And Luca Si actually asked us to be patient at this time. Is he worthy of his dead companions by saying such things?

The actions of the Unsullied Holy See must be punished. We can only use our power to severely attack the Unsullied Holy See and let them know how powerful our wizard guild is and that attacking us will only make them pay a heavy price. Then there will be no next time. Things happen that attack us.

Angels have come to the Kingdom of Death. Cloud City is firmly on the side of our Wizards Guild this time. The Holy War has begun. This time we have to lay down a land belonging to our Wizards in the Kingdom of Death.

From now on, we wizards can walk uprightly on this land, study witchcraft wholeheartedly, and don’t need to worry about being attacked by the Holy See.

I know that your City of Sighs branch suffered the heaviest losses. This time I came to City of Sighs to help you open up the jihad battlefield here..."

Judging from Anthony's fanaticism, it should be that the angels no longer assist the wizard guild on a small scale, but enter the kingdom of death in a large scale.

This time, the Immaculate Holy See's comprehensive campaign against the Wizards Guild caused heavy losses to the wizards and also caused them to lose their minds. This gave Yunzhong City an excellent opportunity.

Originally, the Wizards Guild was a little wary in its cooperation with Yunzhong City, but now they have completely opened the door to Yunzhong City. The Wizards Guild, which was supported by the angel army, was no longer satisfied with being an underground organization. They wanted to establish their own city-state.

The Immaculate Holy See will never allow a land that denies the God of Death to exist in the Kingdom of Death.

Civil war in the Kingdom of Death is inevitable, and Yunzhong City's plan for plane war has advanced to a new stage.

Daliang recalled some information on player forums. There was no news about a large-scale war in the Kingdom of Death. He thought that the war plan of the Wizards Guild's Yunzhong City coalition was still in progress, at least to complete the assembly of the army.

Daliang asked Anthony: "In what capacity do the angels in Cloud City participate in the war? Will they use full-dimensional teleportation capabilities?"

Anthony replied: "In order to prevent Hell from intervening and escalating the scale of the war, the army in Cloud City assists our Wizards Guild in fighting as mercenaries. They will not use the ability to teleport in all dimensions, which will only trigger an all-dimensional war.

The mission of our branch in the City of Sighs is to create chaos here and attack churches in various districts of the City of Sighs, so that the Melancholy Lord cannot fully engage in the frontal battlefield. This time I brought nine high-level wizards, and with the strength of your Sighing City branch and your familiarity with this place, we can definitely teach the Unsullied Holy See here a lesson. "

Daliang said: "I'm sorry, I want to know first how President Lucas is doing now?"

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