Start with an Archangel

Chapter 560 This city brother has the final say

When Daliang asked about Lucas, Anthony remembered the identity of the human named Eviscerate in front of him. He was a disciple recruited by Lucas under special circumstances, and his identity was the elder of Sighing City. Just now, he showed his relationship with a level 16 creature, which made Anthony stop his arrogance.

"We all respect President Lucas very much, even if his ideas are not recognized by most wizards. Lucas is still the president of the Wizards Guild, but the Wizards Guild is already under the leadership of Vice President Gray.

The entire guild is actively preparing for a war with the Unsullied Holy See. We will prove to Lucas that he is wrong. Facing the Unsullied Holy See, we can only regain our living space by fighting back.

Of course, as long as President Lucas agrees to the war, we will immediately support him to lead the Wizards Guild again. "

Daliang knew that Lucas had a very high reputation in the wizards' guild. Now it seemed that even if he had different political opinions, Lucas was still respected by the wizards.

As for the upcoming war between the Wizards Guild and the Unsullied Holy See, from the perspective of the Wizards Guild, Daliang supports the war, especially with such a powerful ally as Yunzhong City.

A great man once said: "Political power is seized through the barrel of a gun."

The Unsullied Holy See rules the Kingdom of Death and has irreconcilable conflicts with the Wizards Guild. Therefore, it is completely impossible for the Wizards Guild and the Unsullied Holy See to reach a tacit agreement on a piece of land and coexist. If the Wizards Guild wants to conduct its research with peace of mind, it must have its own territory.

However, although the Wizards Guild is powerful, the power gap between it and the Unsullied Holy See is too great, so they can only hide it.

And the support from Yunzhong City, no matter what the purpose, is an opportunity for the Wizards Guild.

Because the environment of the Kingdom of Death makes Cloud City unable to rule here, even if they kill the evil camp, they still need an undead organization that is pro-Cloud City to rule the Kingdom of Death. The Wizards Guild, which has had a cooperative relationship with the angels from the beginning, will the best candidate.

Lucas's worry is that it is easy to invite gods but difficult to send them away. He is afraid that Cloud City will not leave the Kingdom of Death in the future, and the Wizards Guild will become their puppet to rule the Kingdom of Death.

But there is also a saying: A strong dragon will not suppress local snakes, and a green mountain will remain without fear of running out of firewood.

After all, Yunzhong City is an outsider to the Kingdom of Death. The plane of the dead always belongs to the undead. The Wizards Guild gets the territory first and then can find a way to get rid of the influence of Yunzhong City.

It's better than being suppressed and beaten by the Holy See all the time, and maybe one day they will be wiped out.

But from Da Liang’s perspective…

It's okay to fight the Wizards Guild against the Unsullied Holy See.

But it's best not to fight in the City of Sighs.

Therefore, Daliang had just established a foothold in the foggy area, captured both black and white, and even tricked an enemy into helping him build the city.

If the Wizards Guild wants to cause trouble in the City of Sighs, won't it ruin Daliang's job?

Not to mention that the identity is exposed, all previous efforts in running the business here are in vain. There were small explosions for three days and big explosions for five days. The Wugou Holy See in Sigh City sealed off the city. The search for wizards all over the city scared the players away from coming. I couldn’t bear it either...

In this matter, the Lament City branch of the Immaculate Holy See cannot follow the path of the General Assembly, and these fanatical wizards cannot stay in the foggy area.

All wizards are waiting for Da Liang's attitude, including Minia.

Daliang said: "As a disciple of President Lucas, I should respect his ideas, and as a wizard, I should abide by the decision-making of the entire Wizards Guild.

The City of Sighs branch will respond to the call of the Unsullied Guild and participate in this war against the Unsullied Holy See.

But what to do is the matter of our Sigh City branch. We have the ability to contain the power of the Wugou Holy See in Sigh City and do not need the help of the General Assembly. "

Anthony did not expect that the City of Sighs Guild would reject the support of their group of powerful wizards. He was dissatisfied: "The Vulgar Holy See's attack on the Wizards Guild started in City of Sighs. The City of Sighs branch was almost completely wiped out. You have lost including Elder Quentin. The vast majority of wizards, with your strength, are simply unable to cause effective damage to the City of Sighs.

You must recognize your own strength. Being arrogant will only cause the Wizards Guild to completely lose its City of Sighs branch.

The wizards I brought here all have rich experience in fighting against the Unsullied Holy See. You only need to provide us with information and leave the rest to us. "

Daliang will never let a powerful group that is not under his control enter the foggy area. He said resolutely: "I reiterate again, although the City of Sighs branch has suffered losses, we are rebuilding the branch. We have the ability to complete the general meeting If we need support for the tasks assigned to us, I will apply to the General Assembly, but if you just send people here without our consent, it will only disrupt our plans."

As the deputy elder of the City of Sighs branch, Minia's pride made her very dissatisfied with Anthony's words of looking down on the City of Sighs branch. She said: "Dear Elder Anthony. According to the rules of the Wizards Guild, you cannot directly interfere with the affairs of the branch. We The City of Sighs branch respects the resolution of the General Assembly, but please the General Assembly respects our City of Sighs branch. Under the leadership of our elders, the City of Sighs branch is rapidly recovering its strength, even to a level you can't imagine.

As our elders said, the City of Sighs branch is capable of completing the tasks assigned by the General Assembly. If we need support, we will say..."

Elder Anthony did not expect that he would encounter such a determined attitude from the City of Sighs branch. He thought that the City of Sighs branch would be very happy when he brought so many high-level wizards to support him and was chased by the Unsullied Holy See like a lost dog.

What did this elder do? How could these remnants of the Sighing City branch be so confident?

But rules are rules, and the rule that branches have their own independence has been decided from the very beginning of the Wizards Guild's establishment. If the City of Sighs branch does not allow Anthony to enter the City of Sighs, they will not even have a safe place to stay in the City of Sighs.

However, Anthony, who came to the City of Sighs with great ambitions and was ready to do something big, would not leave so easily. He said: "Okay, if the City of Sighs branch can prove to me that you have the ability to divert the attention of the Sad Lord, we will leave here. . And if you can't do it, you must accept the arrangements of the General Assembly and fully cooperate with us in destroying the City of Sighs."

Daliang did not agree directly, but asked: "What can I do to prove that we are capable of completing the mission of the General Assembly?"

Anthony said: "I know that the City of Sighs has 13 districts, and each district has a church of the Unsullied Holy See. These churches are very powerful. If you can destroy one of them, you can prove your ability.

How about it……

This task is not very difficult, with your strength, it is an impossible task.

Just leave it to us. "

"No! I think it's time to show the strength of our Sigh City branch.

Remember your promise, Anthony.

I will blow up an Immaculate Church in the City of Sighs so that you won’t be able to recognize it..."

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