Start with an Archangel

Chapter 564 Find him and kill him

The church bombing in the Mist District was under the personal command, investigation, encirclement and suppression of the wise Pope, the external minister of the church. It only took one night to announce that this "major vicious attack" had been solved.

In front of the ruins of the church, Daliang praised his achievements at length to the "surviving" church priests and church knights: "These are a group of remaining wizards from the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild. These exiles abandoned by the God of Death openly oppose The Immaculate Holy See, they attacked our church in the Mist District and wanted to undermine the majesty of the Holy See.

But they underestimated our church in the Mist District.

When they sneaked into the church to plant the alchemy bomb, I discovered their traces based on the reports from the people in the foggy area, and asked all the priests and knights to leave the church in advance. But I didn't have time to find all the alchemical bombs they planted, which caused our church to look like this.

The hatred that destroyed my homeland must be avenged, and these exiles who have no fear of death must be punished.

So based on the information I got, I fought fiercely with the exiles all night, and finally killed most of the wizards. The remaining wizards who escaped were in panic all day long in my pursuit, and they would eventually be punished by death!


Daliang influenced the thinking of priests and church knights through his speeches, and achieved the purpose of colluding confessions. Even if the Holy See comes to investigate and prove that what Shang Daliang said is true, he was the one who killed the wizards who attacked the church in the foggy area.

As for the real situation, the Melancholy Lord knows it well.

Although the wizard was not killed by Daliang, his courage to pursue and pursue him can also reflect the word "brave".

Moreover, Daliang was able to put aside his relationship with the Wizards Guild by showing off in such a big way that he had killed wizards from the Wizards Guild.

Even if there is no reward, at least there will be no trouble.

“Today… although our church is gone, a new, more magnificent church will be built on this land again.

Let us work together to let the Immortal Teachings flourish in the Mist Zone!


Da Liang explained what happened to the priests and church knights, and then arranged for people to rebuild the church in the foggy area.

After it was over, Jonathan quietly found Da Liang: "You killed these wizards who always come?"

"Of course not..." Daliang looked around and said, "When I arrived at their hiding place, they had all been killed, and Elder Anthony was missing."

Jonathan also knew that Daliang was not capable of killing so many high-level wizards, and then asked: "Why did you admit to killing them? We should avenge them and rescue Elder Anthony who might have been captured."

Daliang comforted Jonathan and said: "Can we deal with the person who can kill so many wizards and capture Elder Anthony? At this time, we must stabilize ourselves and not lose our position. The attackers must still be looking for him in the dark. We, if we make a mistake, we're all screwed.

When I was looking for these wizards, I didn't know if the attackers were hiding nearby. If he had seen me at that time he would have doubted my identity, so I could only dispel the attacker's doubts by saying that I found it there through intelligence.

Now there is a very powerful man in the foggy area. Minia will go there to collect information. All the wizards will not come out in the alchemy laboratory. As the only wizard operating outside, you must be cautious and behave like an Unsullied Church Knight. If your identity is exposed, the City of Sighs Chapter will be completely ruined. "

Jonathan realized the seriousness of the matter and promised: "I know, I will be careful. But who is this attacker?"

Daliang said: "I will find a way to find him, and if there is a chance, I will rescue Elder Anthony."

Jonathan leaves.

Feng Moying, who had been staring at this place, saw that the terrifying knight who killed her twice was gone, and immediately ran to Daliang's side.

"Dear Pope, what happened here last night? Who attacked the church? I am willing to help find these villains and punish them."

Da Liang didn't expect Feng Moying's timing to be so good. He was hit by her just as he was about to leave.

But if this girl is willing to help...

"The God of Death's forgiveness has a limit. This time I must not let go of the villains who destroyed the entire church. Although I killed most of the guys who attacked the church, there was still one who escaped. I entrusted this task to Here, remember his appearance, he is a skeleton mage, wearing..." Daliang told Feng Moying the appearance of the skeleton mage disguised by the Sad Lord, and then encouraged: "I am very satisfied with your performance during this period. I am very, very satisfied. You are the most capable adventurer I have ever seen. Those low-level tasks are no longer suitable for you. Only more difficult tasks can reflect your due value.

Go, my child!

You shoulder my expectations and I think you can take on more important responsibilities.

Find this skeleton mage, find a way to kill him, and bring his head to see me. You will become the most trusted partner of the Church in the Mist Area. "

The most distinguished guest was promoted to the most trusted partner. More trust and more arduous tasks made the raging fire in Feng Moying's heart burn.

To be honest, the tasks taken from the church in the foggy area in recent days were so low-level that Feng Moying, who was looking forward to the challenge, had no interest at all. She only completed them to increase the favorability of the church in the foggy area.

Now... the payoff is finally here.

A group of villains capable of blowing up the church in the Mist Zone must be very powerful heroes. Now the more powerful Pope of the Mist Zone has killed most of the attackers, and only one slipped through the net. For the Pope, this fish that slipped through the net can be easily solved, but for the players, it is definitely a difficult and challenging task.

This is an opportunity to prove my strength to the Pope of the Mist Zone. As long as I kill this fish that slipped through the net, I can prove that I have the ability to become a true church knight.

At that the most trusted partner of the Pope in the Mist Zone, there were a lot of tasks waiting for me to conquer.

come on! come on! Feng Moying is just a skeleton mage. You can kill him.

Finally receiving a decent mission, Feng Moying was very motivated. She gathered all her Feng Mo team together and described the skeleton mage's appearance to the team members.

"According to reliable mission tips, this skeleton mage is one of the culprits who blew up the church in the foggy area last night. Our mission is: find him and kill him.

Do you understand? "


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