Start with an Archangel

Chapter 565 Holy See Investigation

The Sorrowful Monarch is a 16th-level creature that masters the power of law.

Daliang mourned for Feng Moying for three seconds. If they couldn't find it, it would be okay. If they found it...

They will know for themselves what a difficult task it is.

Then Da Liang found Polly.

"A skeleton mage is looking for wizards from the Wizards Guild in the foggy area. He may have bribed some local residents to be his informants. Go find him. If you need help, Mike can help you.

Remember, don’t act rashly once you find it, report it to me immediately. "

"Understood, sir."

The Sad Lord hides in the foggy area, keeping the bright light in his throat. His eyes are staring at nowhere, and he must be cautious every day.

He must be found as soon as possible.

The power of the Wujin Holy See in the foggy area is in the hands of Da Liang, and the sad monarch will not use the power of the Wujin Holy See in addition. He wanted to find someone in the Mist Zone, and to be able to find wizards like Anthony so quickly must be residents of the Mist Zone serving him.

If you want to find him, it's absolutely right to ask him from the residents of the foggy area.

Now that Feng Moying and other players are in the light and Polly is in the dark, it shouldn't take too long to find where the Sad Lord is hiding.

As long as he can find the Sad Lord, Daliang will be able to take most of the initiative and act accordingly if there are any changes.

The destruction of the church in the Mist District soon attracted an investigation by the Unsullied Holy See. Although the situation of this parish was very special, having a church blown to the ground was definitely a major event that shocked the City of Sighs.

However, the Sad Lord once ordered the Unsullied Holy See not to enter the Mist Area.

At this time, the Sad Monarch was not in the cathedral, and the Immaculate Holy See could not contact the monarch. In desperation, it could only send Will, the leader of the Holy See Knights, a close confidant of the Sad Monarch, with a small team of Holy See Knights to the foggy area in a very low-key manner. Inside.

When Will came to the foggy area, it felt like the original ruins of the church had been cleaned up. There were no traces of the explosion at all. All physical evidence had been eliminated. The entire church area was covered in various Skeleton laborers working on building materials and work.

If Will wanted to know about the explosion at that time, he could only ask it from the mouths of the priests and church knights in the foggy area, and what they said were the events that Daliang told them.

"After the heroic Pope learned that the alchemy bomb was placed in the church by those hateful exiles, he asked us all to exit the church and dismantle it alone. However, the Pope still did not stop the explosion of the alchemy bomb.

The explosion destroyed everything and our church was gone. The Exiles' blasphemy against the God of Death completely angered our Lord Pope, and he went to hunt down the Exiles alone regardless of his own safety.

Thanks to the favor of the God of Death, the Pope successfully eliminated the remnants of these wizard guilds and maintained the majesty of the Immaculate Holy See.

He also said that we should rebuild a more glorious church. See those stones? They are all made of granite and marble. Some building materials are not available here at all and need to be transferred from the main plane.

The Pope is really rich! "

Really rich!

Will couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He knew that the position of the Eviscerating Pope was bought from Frank. Here he also has a manor maintained by magic power. This human rich man has wealth that is envied by everyone. .

With the testimony of the priests and the corpses of the wizards, what happened is very clear.

It was a group of remnants of the Wizards Guild who wanted to attack the Unsullied Holy See by destroying the Holy See. They succeeded but they all died.

The Church in the Mist District failed in its duties in this matter, but it also made merit. Will, as the leader of the Holy See Knights, has no right to issue rewards to a church pope. At the same time, the Sad Lord's attitude towards the Mist Zone also makes Will dare not interfere too much in the Mist Zone.

"Why don't you see your Pope here, where is he?" A church being built was really nothing to see, and Will wanted to meet Eviscerate to learn more about these wizards.

The priests supervising the construction of the church here replied: "The Pope feels very remorseful for the destruction of the church. He believes that he has fulfilled his responsibility and the great trust of the sad monarch. Now he is self-imposed in the Manor of Destiny. Pray every day to reduce your guilt.”

"I didn't expect that the pope of the human race is actually a devout believer in death. I'm going to see your pope. You can build your church here."

Will rode on his skeleton horse and led a group of Holy See knights towards Destiny Manor. The amazing changes in the foggy area along the way deeply attracted him. When did so many people come to this city?

As they were walking, a skeleton mage blocked their way.

Will just wanted to rush over and send the other person to meet the god of death with a knife, but a sudden terrifying and familiar aura on the other person made Will stop all his movements.

The breath disappeared in a flash, and Will immediately dismounted and stepped forward: "Sovereign, we did not intend to violate your will and enter the Mist Zone without authorization. It is really because the destruction of the church in the Mist Zone is too serious, and the Holy See must understand the situation here. .”

The Skeleton Mage is the Sad Lord. He did not blame Will, but said: "I will go with you to see the Eviscerate Pope in the Mist Area. I have many things to ask him. You don't need to tell him who I am, Just think of me as a priest sent by the Holy See to accompany you to investigate the bombing of the church in the Mist District."

Although Will didn't know how the Sad Lord became like this, and he didn't know why he went to see a little pope, there was no doubt about the Lord's words. Will, who originally planned to ride a horse to watch the foggy area slowly, immediately summoned several ghost dragons from the sky, and then the group switched to the ghost dragons and flew directly to Destiny Manor.

More than a dozen ghost dragons landed and flew up, causing quite a stir in the foggy area. Both residents and players in the foggy area felt that something big was about to happen here as the church in the foggy area was bombed.

Daliang lives in confinement in his manor.

The hot sales of Jinzhao No. 1 led the wizards to specially design and produce an alchemy bomb production line, and built an alchemy bomb factory to house the production line.

The wizards are only responsible for the key links, and the other steps are left to the alchemy puppets to complete.

The uninterrupted output of the production line consumes alchemical materials very quickly, and retail acquisitions can no longer meet the increasing production capacity.

The Black Fire Territory needs its own medicine garden, metal magic factory, etc. Alchemy-type buildings can produce some low-level alchemy materials by themselves.

In order to build these territorial buildings, Daliang chose functional buildings that can produce low-level alchemy materials for all the staged territory mission rewards.

In this case, low-level alchemy materials can be self-sufficient, while high-level alchemy materials have less demand and can continue to be purchased from the residents of the foggy area.

It's just that rare resources are needed to maintain the operation of these low-level alchemy material production buildings. At the same time, rare resources are needed for alchemy laboratories, alchemy material factories, and plane portals. Rare resources are also needed to maintain the ultimate biological army.

Daliang found that the output of the rare resources in his hands was a bit less abundant.

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