Start with an Archangel

Chapter 566 Plucking Hair

There are pros and cons for a territory to rely on large cities for development and for small cities to develop.

By relying on large cities, you can enjoy a complete urban system, quickly establish a territorial economic system, and your military strength will also increase faster. Before level 5 territories, territories that relied on large cities for development were generally stronger than territories that relied on small cities for development.

Although the territories developed based on small cities cannot enjoy the benefits of a complete urban system, small cities have little control over the surrounding areas of the city. The territories can occupy many material and raw material production areas with good yields, such as wood, stone and rare resources, which are relatively abundant. .

Daliang's territorial development is a typical example of relying on large cities. Whether it is Shangjiang City or Sigh City, they are both top cities in all aspects. The management of the ruling class has allowed Daliang to obtain many unexpected benefits, but his number of mines is not large, and some minerals need to be purchased. The output of rare resources in the entire territory relies on two unexpectedly obtained ultra-rich mines.

The development of Shi Fei's territory, Longxing Territory, relies on medium-sized cities. His territory is located near Sanya City. The portal exit of Dreamland did not choose the main elf city, but Green Tree City, a subsidiary of Bauhinia City.

The systems of the two cities are relatively complete, but their control over the surrounding land is not as high as that of the main city. Therefore, Shi Fei used his memories of his previous life to rob many mines. Although the daily output of rare minerals in his territory is not as good as that of Daliang, the quantity is much greater.

However, super-rich minerals are something that can be encountered but not sought. After the territory enters level 6, the consumption of rare resources increases significantly, and Daliang's demand for rare minerals becomes increasingly urgent.

The exploration troops of the Black Fire Territory have already been exploring the surrounding areas of the City of Sighs under the orders of Da Liang. They have discovered a lot of minerals and rare mines, but they are all under the control of the Unsullied Holy See. Seize these mines from the city.

As for further places.

It's easy to find, but it's really hard to keep.

Other public territories are supported by large guilds, and players can cooperate with the army to achieve limited defense of the mines. If Da Liang has a mine near the City of Sighs, the army of the Black Fire Lord and the Church Knights of the Mist Zone are enough to defend the mine. However, if it is too far away and beyond the attack range of the Church Knights of the Mist Zone, he can only rely on the army of the Black Fire Lord to defend it. , facing the harassment of players, it is difficult to defend.

The places where Da Liang currently has greater control are the Black Fire Territory, Shangjiang Fiefdom, Forgotten Hills and Bone Burial Ground. These four places are actively looking for minerals, and the output of rare resources is not ideal.

"With the current production of rare resources, it is simply not enough to maintain the operation of higher-level territories. We must obtain more minerals as soon as possible."

In front of Daliang was a map of the surroundings of the City of Sighs. There were several rare mines with good yields on the outskirts of the city radiated by the foggy area. It's just that there are heavily guarded by the Innocent Holy See. If you want to trap them, you won't be able to use force. You can only outwit them.

Just when Daliang analyzed the loopholes in the management of the Misty District Church, he wanted to try to incorporate these rare minerals into the Misty District Church and indirectly obtain ownership. He saw a group of ghost dragons landing on the front lawn of Destiny Manor. A group of Unsullied Holy See Knights jumped off the backs of the ghost dragons. The leader was Will, the leader of the Unsullied Holy See Knights.

Butler Mike had already gone out to greet Will and his entourage into the main building of the manor.

Send Will away first, and then think about rare resources and minerals.

Da Liang immediately put on the Immaculate Holy See robe, and saw Will and a priest wearing the Immaculate Holy See robe but covering his appearance in the reception room.

"Praise the God of Death! Dear Captain Will, hello. Did you come to the Fog District because of the bombing of the church in the Fog District last night?"

Will first looked at the sad monarch beside him, and then said: "Regarding the attack by wizards on the church in the Mist District, I have listened to what the priests said at the ruins of the church. I came here to learn more. Detailed process.

I heard from the priests that you killed all those wizards alone? "

"Of course I didn't kill him..." Will's little move was noticed by Da Liang. The undead are a race that is not good at lying. At the same time, they have a clear hierarchy and respect the upper and lower order more than the human race. Therefore, Will cannot calm down in front of the Sad Lord. Treat him as an ordinary priest. Da Liang could see Will's respect for this priest, and the only person in the City of Sighs who could be respected by Will was the Sad Lord. Therefore, of course, we cannot use the same lies to fool the priests in the Mist District to fool this sad monarch who knows all the truth. Da Liang then said to Will: "I said those wizards were killed by me in order to stabilize the priests and church knights of the church in the foggy area.

The wizards were killed by a skeleton mage, and the skeleton mage seemed to be looking for something. After I learned that the wizard who attacked the church in the foggy area was inside, I launched an attack directly. I didn’t listen to what they were saying. clear. Then……"

Daliang told what happened in detail, and then said: "I don't know why the skeleton mage finally let me go. After I entered the tomb, I saw the corpses of several wizards.

That skeleton mage was too powerful, and the church in the Mist District was being built. I didn't want the priests and knights to panic, so I lied. "

This group of wizards was killed by a skeleton mage. Will immediately thought that it was the Sad Lord who did it. It turned out that the Lord came to the Mist District to personally kill the remnants of the Sigh City branch of the Wizard Guild.

The Sad Lord also got the information he wanted. When he questioned Anthony, he revealed that he wanted to become a god, and then he discovered someone hiding nearby. The primary purpose of his coming to see Daliang was to find out whether he had heard those blasphemous words about the God of Death. Now it seemed that he had not heard them.

Will did not get clear instructions from the Sad Lord on how to deal with this matter, so he did not express his attitude: "I already know about this matter, and I will report the entire incident of the church in the Mist District being blown up by the wizard to the City of Sighs. The Holy See, how to handle this matter still needs to be decided by the monarch.

Priest Styx, are there any other instructions from the Holy See that you need to convey to the Eviscerate Pope? "

The Sad Lord has been observing everything here since he entered Destiny Manor. For the barren country of death, this place can really be described as luxurious. As a human race, Evisceration really knows how to enjoy life. The cost of maintaining this place is probably more expensive than building this manor.

This shows the ability of this human being to make money.

The sad monarch also urgently needs someone to fill his coffers.

So the Sad Lord asked Daliang: "After coming to the foggy area, I was very surprised by its current changes. Leader Will and I both know what it looked like before. Now it is becoming more and more like a prosperous human race." Development in the direction of the city. These changes occurred after the Eviscerate Pope came to the Mist Zone. It shows that the Pope is a very capable person in making money.

The Immaculate Holy See in the City of Sighs is very happy about the emergence of a prosperous urban area in this city and plans to tax it. We hope that the Church in the Mist District will cooperate with the tax collectors of the Holy See to establish a tax collection agency in the Mist District. "

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