Start with an Archangel

Chapter 567 Specialty Products

Tax the Mist Zone!

Brother has just raised the chickens and hasn’t collected the eggs yet, and you are going to pluck them. Do you really think that my money was blown by the strong wind?

Moreover, the Holy See of Sigh City sent people to the foggy area, which could be regarded as directly touching the cake that Daliang had already pulled out of the bowl.

Daliang immediately said: "I think the Holy See's taxation of the Mist Zone is a bit too hasty. Who are the residents of the Mist Zone? The adults of the Holy See should know that if we tax them, the tax collectors sent will only come How many will die. And if all the residents of the Mist Zone are executed, not only will it cause turmoil in the entire City of Sighs, but we will also have no targets for tax collection."

The Sad Lord thought about Daliang's words for a moment. Indeed... it seems that it is not feasible to collect taxes in the Mist Zone, but without collecting taxes, he can't think of any way to benefit from the increasingly prosperous Mist Zone. So he asked Daliang: "The City of Sighs is now facing a big problem that urgently needs money. It needs a lot of money. Donations from the dead alone are far from enough. Is there any way you can increase the city's income?"

Continue to use money, this is to prepare for war.

It seems that the Sad Lord also realizes that a war is imminent. The divided and weakened evil camp will face the most difficult war. If you are not careful, you will be overthrown by Yunzhong City. Whether you can hold on in this situation depends on whether you have enough money, materials and resources. Even hell has begun to become stingy. The undead monarch, who has no idea how to make money, feels that his reserves are too small.

If you don't want the Unsullied Holy See to collect taxes from the Mist Zone, you have to help them find a way to make money.

The Jiading City model cannot be replicated here. The success of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is based on the fact that Shangjiang City is a trade center in East Asia.

Doing logistics in the country of death? Everyone is undead...

If you want to make money, you can only trade, and the economic environment of the Kingdom of Death is here. There is no great need for undead trade, which is not interesting. The price cannot go up and the volume cannot go up.

Therefore, we can only do plane trading.

Plane transactions also involve plane transfer fees. Goods from the Kingdom of Death have an extra cost of transfer to other planes, and the products are completely uncompetitive.

So... if you want to make money, you have to sell special products that can still sell well even after plane transfer.

What are the characteristics of the Kingdom of Death?

Deathly anger... I guess no one wants this if it is given away for free.

The land...can't grow anything decent, and no one is willing to come to the Kingdom of Death to open up wasteland.

The rest is resources.

In terms of resources, there is no need to think about exporting things such as stone ore, iron ore, and copper ore. There is no shortage of these things outside, and they cannot be sold with the transportation fee.

But rare minerals?

Rare minerals are scarce no matter where they are. Rare resources cannot be found in the normal market. All transactions of rare resources are conducted privately between the two parties. The rare resources in the hands of players have been priced at 10,000 gold per unit. Even at this price, money may not necessarily be able to buy them.

The undead cities are basically in a state of sleep for a long time, and they consume very little rare resources. Even the ultimate creatures Bone Dragon and Ghost Dragon consume very few rare resources. Bone Dragon is one of the few that does not need rare resources. One of the ultimate creatures to maintain, Ghost Dragon only requires 1 mercury per week.

The Kingdom of Death is huge, with 90% of it being wasteland. If the Sad Lord is willing to fully develop the land within or even outside his ruling area, he will surely be able to find a large amount of rare minerals.

In this case, except for mercury, which consumes a lot of money in the undead city and needs to be strategically reserved, the other three rare resources should have a surplus for external sales.

Da Liang, who is worrying about rare resources, seems to have opened a door for himself. What he has to do now is to persuade the sad monarch to use rare resources as export trade items, and he must strive to get the general agent.

Facing the question of the sad monarch, Daliang thought quickly and said: "If the City of Sighs really needs a lot of money, there is not much money just by taxing the foggy area. If you want to make money, you must engage in trade. , and the undead have an inherent disadvantage in trade, especially in the Kingdom of Death. The goods here have no internal demand and are not competitive in export.

When I first arrived in the foggy area, this problem also bothered me until I developed a simple and convenient alchemy bomb.

This kind of alchemy bomb is difficult to find in other planes, and even if you find it, the price and quantity here are not as low as mine. Many people came to the Mist Zone because of this alchemical bomb, and then I tried to find a way to keep them here. In the end, the Mist Zone will become more and more prosperous.

Now all the adventurers in the main plane know about the Mist Zone. If the Holy See in the City of Sighs has any special features, products that are in high demand from the outside world can be sold in the Mist Zone. I guarantee that as long as they are difficult to find in the market on the main plane, they will definitely be sold. Will sell well here. "

Features, products that are in high demand from the outside world?

The undead are not engaged in production, and the demand is low. There are very few shops in such a large city. The Sad Lord does not even know what products he has, let alone unique products that are in high demand from the outside world.

The Sad Lord said: "The Eviscerating Pope has been in the Kingdom of Death for some time. You have discovered what supplies we have here that are special commodities that are in demand by the outside world."

Daliang did not directly talk about the relatively sensitive materials such as rare resources. He said regretfully: "This matter has been bothering me. If I didn't have an undead territory, I would not come to the City of Sighs. To be honest, in the foggy area The things I experienced in the beginning were very bad, but after I came into contact with the Immortal Teaching, the explanation of death in it deeply attracted me.

It is very profound and seems to explain everything in the world, but I cannot fully understand it. Therefore, I decided to find a church to pay homage to the glory of the God of Death, to experience the mysteries he taught me, and then I met Bishop Frank. The Bishop is very knowledgeable, and we talked a lot, and then I found that the more questions I gained, the more questions I had. It seemed that I could only find the answers by joining the Unsullied Holy See.

Bishop Frank is so kind that he actually accepted my request to join the Immaculate Curia and gave me the important task of being the foreign Pope.

It's a pity that he...

It's a bit far to say, probably because Bishop Frank gave me too many feelings.

I didn't find a specialty item in the Realm of Death that could be used for foreign trade, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered researching the Alchemy Bomb. To be honest, the cost of making alchemy bombs in the Kingdom of Death is higher than that in the main world. If it weren't for the fact that I am the Pope of the Mist District and have the obligation to lead this city to prosperity, I would not set up the factory here.

All raw materials need to be bought or transferred from the main world, and even the rare resources that supply the factory need to be purchased.

Do you know how much it costs to sell a unit of rare resources in the main world?

Ten thousand gold coins...

If my factory is built in a human city in the main world, I can directly purchase the magic energy provided by the city, which is much cheaper. "

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