Start with an Archangel

Chapter 569 Threat from the World of Heroic Spirits

The weapon equipped on Will's waist has long since caught Da Liang's attention. It is not the horse-cutting sword commonly used by the terrifying knights, but a large sword that is very similar to the angel sword. The big sword is gorgeously decorated and the blade is slightly shiny. At first glance, it looks like a very high-end hero equipment.

Daliang guessed that this weapon should come from Yunzhong City, but the Sigh City branch lost a batch of weapons and materials supported by Yunzhong City.

The weapons that Will valued must not be ordinary. He suddenly remembered the six pieces of angel equipment that were related to the divine plane, and asked Will.

Daliang is a human race and can see the weapons coming from Yunzhong City, which did not arouse Will's suspicion. He replied: "This sword is indeed a weapon from Yunzhong City. I captured it when I attacked the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild. .Compared to the Zhanma sword I used before, this sword brings me much higher power. Therefore, I replaced the previous weapon with this sword."

"It is indeed a good sword. You can feel its lethality just by standing next to it. Does this sword have a name? I think if it is in your hand, its name will definitely resound throughout the Kingdom of Death."

Will was greatly benefited from the compliment, and he replied slightly arrogantly: "Its name is the Sword of the Prophet."

Sure enough, it is one of the six pieces of equipment.

Magic armor, holy boots, angel necklace, lion shield, prophet's sword and oracle's crown.

These six pieces of equipment used by angels to support the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild were made by Elder Quentin into a combined magic weapon. Not only did it contain the method to open the crystal wall leading to the plane of God, but it was also a necessary prop to open the passage.

Now one of the six pieces of equipment, the Prophet's Sword, is being carried by Will in a grand manner. It is obvious that the true functions of these six pieces of equipment have not yet been discovered by the Unsullied Holy See or the Sad Lord.

Daliang still has a chance to get six pieces of equipment, but he doesn't know where the other five pieces of equipment are, and it is not that difficult to get the Prophet Sword from Will.

But it's better than not knowing whereabouts.

Da Liang did not pay too much attention to the Prophet Sword, and quickly changed the topic to other places, and sent the Holy See Knights to the front lawn of Destiny Manor.

There are more than a dozen ghost dragons crawling on the lawn. They are the evolution of bone dragons and the highest ultimate creatures that the undead tribe can possess in large numbers. The bodies of the ghost dragons solidified by the death energy show a slightly transparent gray-white color.

The strength of the ghost dragon is at the bottom among the ultimate creatures. Its offensive and defensive damage and HP are very average. The only advantage it has is that it has a chance to trigger the racial special "aging" when attacking, which reduces the attacked person's HP by half. However, Characteristic effects can be purified by "healing".

However, as the ultimate creature, ghost dragons are born heroes. If they can grow up, their strength is quite good, especially since they can evolve into level 15 dracolich, possessing powerful magical abilities.

The Sad Lord, Will, and the Holy See Knights rode away on ghost dragons, and Da Liang returned to prepare a sales plan for rare resources.

Shu Xiao's communication came through at this time.

The ruling leader of Shangjiang City.

The development of this human territory has broken the speed records of territory development one after another.

The funds provided by Daliang, the entire university alliance’s collection of transportation resources, complete architectural drawings, and the development strategy that only seeks expansion without seeking profit have allowed the Judgment Leader to continue to change and expand as it has always been a large construction site.

In a short period of time, the Judgment Territory has completed the upgrade from the second to the third level territory.

The city has already taken on a preliminary scale. The places where civilians live have formed residential areas, shacks have become houses, and a series of supporting service facilities are very complete.

Farms, manors, workshops, markets, everything is well organized.

A large number of infrastructure facilities, convenient civil facilities, entertainment venues, and a rich variety of food and daily necessities allow the ruling nation to maintain a relatively high public sentiment and happiness. Civilians poured into the Judgment Territory from all directions, providing sufficient labor for the construction of the territory.

According to the analysis of the data staff of the Judgment Legion, it only takes more than a month for the Judgment Territory to complete the upgrade of the fifth-level territory.

Therefore, when a territory is upgraded to a sixth-level territory, if you want to maintain a relatively fast upgrade momentum and catch up with the first-tier territory development progress, you need to enter the World of Heroes in advance to obtain the territory construction drawings.

Shu Xiao was preparing to lead the team into the world of heroic spirits. However, there was information that the Japanese and Korean human race territorial lords and even some European and American human race lords were preparing to unite to attack the Judgment Territory in the heroic spirit plane and delay the development of the Judgment Territory.

According to reliable information, there are as many as eight lords who have joined the blockade of the Judgment Territory. Each of them is a large territory that has reached level six and has established a foothold in the world of heroic spirits.

The Judgment Territory has eight powerful enemies before it enters the heroic world.

The world of heroic spirits is a plane of light. The sky here is always bright. When the sun sets in the west, it rises in the east.

In addition to angels, there are also heroic spirits that live in the world of heroic spirits.

Heroic spirits are the souls of dead human heroes, and the power of their souls forms story lines one after another in the world of heroic spirits. These story lines have formed the cities and villages in the world of heroic spirits. These heroic spirits all exist in their own stories, and their legendary experiences are replayed over and over again.

Therefore, the world of heroic spirits is between reality and fiction. Whenever a new human heroic spirit enters the heroic spirit plane, a story line will appear here, recording the most exciting moments of the hero's life.

The number of heroic spirits will not increase indefinitely. The heroic spirit will eventually disappear, his story line will be erased, and then a new angel will be born in Yunzhong City to form a brand new life form.

It can be said that the world of heroic spirits is a plane full of various copies. Except for Yunzhong City, everything here is real. There are also copy derivative worlds that can be triggered everywhere, waiting for players to explore and conquer.

At the same time, because of the special environment of the world of heroes, the lords of the human territory will choose the exit of the territory portal on the land radiated by Yunzhong City. This is the core of the world of heroes and the largest gathering place of ultimate creatures in the entire game world. As a human territory, there is no reason not to rely on the development of Yunzhong City and the task of developing Yunzhong City.

Obsessing with strategy copies is something only non-Lord players would do.

Therefore, the portal exit of the Judgment Territory will also be chosen near Yunzhong City, so there will be a high chance of being discovered and then being blocked and attacked.

What should we do so that the Judgment Leader can survive the dangerous early stage and avoid the search or attacks of the eight player lords?

Shu Xiao threw this problem to Daliang.

"Master, Yin people are your specialty. I can't play with them. I only deal with violent output."

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