Start with an Archangel

Chapter 570 Green Crystal Dragon

oops! What does this say? As if Master, I am not violent enough, Master is very scary when he is violent.

However, the eight lords who want to prevent me from entering the world of heroic spirits are indeed difficult to deal with, but the difficulty is for ordinary players. How can such a small scene stump me?

Brother has a wide range of people and power in Shangjiang City. Whether it is Marquis Stanley, Angels or Fallen Angels, there is no problem in inviting them to come and visit the Judgment Leader. When the time comes, I will be able to scare these little ones so much that they dare not move.

But doesn’t Shu Xiao say that Brother Zhong only knows how to play dirty tricks?

No, I want violence.

So Daliang replied to Shu Xiao: "Since you like violence so much, I'm too lazy to think of any way to trick people. Let's fight these lords, aren't there eight of them? Let's beat them into bastards."

You start preparing for war now. The Judgment Legion and the Rampant Tauren Legion will all go to war. Lancers, archers, and griffins are open to players across the country for purchase. First prepare 20,000 spearmen, 5,000 archers, and 2,000 griffons.

I will allocate 2,000 halberdiers, 1,000 marksmen, 500 royal griffons, 200 griffins, 1,000 Pegasus knights, and 50 knights from my private army, all of which are advanced units.

Then I will find a way to get you a batch of artillery, ballistae, catapults...

As for the ultimate creature, we have two archangels and two angels. Yunxiao has a golden dragon and two green dragons. Boss Jin’s territory is the orc territory. It seems that he recruited ancient Beamon and borrowed them all.

Since someone wants to cause trouble, we will stay with him until the end! "

The number of troops dispatched alone was as high as more than 30,000, including many ultimate and high-level troops. Shu Xiao's violence factor was ignited: "Awesome, Master! This kind of big scene will definitely be a good fight. Uncle Jin's ancient I'll borrow Behemoth. Remember, the flying arms are all mine."

"It's all yours, it's all yours, everything that can fly is yours."

Daliang sent the excited Shu Xiao away, thinking in his mind: It is fun to fight with eight lords in the world of heroes, but the fight lasts too long, and doesn't it cost too much money? Therefore, the battle in the World of Heroes cannot be a protracted tug-of-war. To force these eight lords to end the war, another way needs to be found.

Da Liang has never been to the World of Heroes and is very unfamiliar with it. As for Cloud still seems to have an unfriendly attitude towards me. The only angels I know are Metatron and Holy Bella. There is no need to think about taking Metatron's path for the time being. I will take Holy Bella's quest route. This girl can't help in the kingdom of death.

So when it comes to the world of heroic spirits, Daliang are the lords who are new to the world and it’s better to enter first.

We can only find a solution from the main world.

If you want to attack these territories in the main world, you must not launch a large-scale expedition. At this time, you should use the fixed-point portal provided by hell.

A small and powerful force directly raids the hinterland of the enemy's territory. The attack is short and powerful, causing great damage. The cost is low and the effect is high. This kind of asymmetric war is enough for those lords who cannot bear the losses to choose to retreat.

Who should make up this powerful little army?

Daliang himself must be one of them. He is the main output of the spellcasting profession. He can wash the ground with meteors and fire, and he will feel comfortable in any territory.

Shu Xiao counts as one, physical output, high attack and high defense professional human shield.

There are damage-resistant ones, magic bombing ones, and one more support to form an assault team. The only remaining spot is for Gu Tao. This Taozi has been learning magic from her tutor in the Dream Kingdom and doing tasks. She specializes in water magic and powerful healing. She has also mastered the space magic and mirror magic of the water system, which can make the team's tactics more versatile and increase their survivability.

Daliang remembered the last time Gu Tao said that she had encountered a difficult task, and it seemed that she could get a special dragon. I wonder if she had completed her task?

So Daliang immediately contacted Gu Tao: "Junior sister Taozi, how is your mission in the dreamland going? Have you recruited that dragon?"

Gu Tao quickly replied: "It's called Qingjing Dragon. It has been recruited. It's just that this dragon's biological stunts are a bit strange. I'll send the attributes for you to take a look at."

Soon the information about a green crystal dragon was sent to Daliang's mailbox.

Emily: Green Crystal Dragon (Level 14 Elf)

Attack: 30

Defense: 26

Kills: 300-600


Biological Special Skills: Prismatic Breath: The Green Crystal Dragon can attack all random numbers of enemies in its attack direction, with no reduction in lethality, and will not attack friendly forces (the random number is at least 1 and is at most 30, affected by luck).

Hero Unit: Level 13

Attack: 33

Defense: 33

Intelligence: 36

Knowledge: 41

Hero specialty: Avenger (the army commanded by this hero increases the damage done to old enemies by 50%)

Heroic Special Skills: Intermediate Nemesis (you can choose two creatures as your own foes every day, which cannot be changed within 24 hours after selection. There is a 40% chance of causing a fatal blow to the foe \u0026lt;double the damage\u0026gt;)...


Sure enough, it is a special ultimate creature. Its attributes and skills are a bit too abnormal.

Although you can only choose two creatures as your rivals every day, there are indeed a few types of creatures that cannot be counted in the heroic world. But if you know the enemy in advance and set a rival in advance, you can completely crush them at the same level.

There is also a racial characteristic: Prismatic Breath, which randomly attacks 1-30 enemies.

Although randomness is a bit tricky, it can be affected by luck. High luck can have a high chance of randomizing to a value close to the attack limit.

At the same time, high luck can increase the chance of a lucky hit.

Team up with Avengers and Nemesis.

This is a highly efficient monster spawning machine. Just squat on a high-level monster spawning point, bring a lucky set and choose a good enemy to ensure that the experience spawning increases.

However, if the luck value is low or negative, the Qingjing Dragon's breath output will not be as stable as the ordinary dragon's breath.

After Daliang saw the attributes of Emily, the green crystal dragon, he said to Gu Tao: "Obviously, if you want this green crystal dragon to perform exceptionally, you need a lot of luck. Learn the luck technique first, and then pay attention to collecting luck-increasing equipment. , stack your luck to the full value of 4, and from now on it will be a monster spawner and a floor scrubber. How lucky are you now?"

Gu Tao replied: "I have only learned the basic luck value now, which is to add a little luck, and a lucky clover to add a little luck. There are a total of two points of luck. There are really too few luck-adding equipment. Sister Man helped me look for them. It took the entire college league to find a lucky piece of equipment.”

Da Liang also knows that there are few equipments that can increase luck. He has found so many top-quality equipments that none of them can increase luck.

"I asked Boss Jin to pay attention to equipment that increases luck. He has a big business and knows many people. He should be able to find some. There are also intermediate luck skill books, so buy them too. The more luck, the better. Although the maximum is 4, but for Avoid encountering situations that reduce your luck, and it is best to overflow your luck value."

Gu Tao knew that what he heard from Daliang was right when playing games, and that being lucky would also improve one's own strength invisibly. Of course, he could increase it as much as he could: "I'll leave this to Senior Brother Daliang."

"Hahaha... your business is my business. If you have time these days, I have an idea that I need your and Shu Xiao's help with."

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