Start with an Archangel

Chapter 571 Assumption

Daliang told Gu Tao his idea of ​​setting up a super strike team, and then said: "Me, you plus Shu Xiao, two archangels, and a green crystal dragon, with the main plane positioning and teleportation, it's really... You can fight whoever you want. Since someone plans to block my Judgment Territory in the Heroic World, we will attack them in the main world.

It's just that the fixed-point portal provided by the hell in the Judgment Territory can only be used free of charge three times a day. If you want to use it multiple times, you must provide evil points. Evil points can only be obtained in the abyss under the furnace of hell and purgatory. Let's go there to hit evil points and practice our coordination. "

"Okay! With your help, we will definitely gain experience faster, and I will also be able to raise the level of Emily, the Cyan Crystal Dragon.

When do we go to hell? "

Daliang thought about things in the foggy area. The export of rare resources will not be implemented so quickly. The priests are responsible for the construction of the church, the sad monarch has Feng Moying and Glass looking for it, Tokugawa Nobunaga is building roads, and Kuka's attack Very smooth too. Nothing big has happened yet in the Kingdom of Death, so I just took advantage of these few days of free time to practice leveling.

"Just now, do you have time? We will meet at the Judgment District."

"Okay, I will go back from the dreamland now."

Daliang contacted Shu Xiao again. Shu Xiao had no resistance at all to the extremely exciting attack team like the Super Strike Team.

"Master, where will we meet? I promise I won't hold you back."

"Wait for me and Shu Xiao at the Judgment Territory, and take Archangel Walsh with us. We will train the levels of Archangel and Green Crystal Dragon."

Daliang took Julian all the way back to the ruling area.

To the east of the Judgment Territory is a wharf that is being expanded, and many merchant ships are already parked at the berths. A major road connects the dock and the player maritime trading center in the west of the territory. The trading center is under construction. Some impatient merchants have begun to use this trading center to do smuggling business, so that many players come in and out of the ruling territory.

Da Liang's Earl Guard is stationed in the territory and cooperates with the Rampant Tauren Legion to protect the safety of the Judgment Territory.

The entire territory is full of people, a thriving scene.

Regardless of admiring his increasingly prosperous city, Daliang saw Shu Xiao and Gu Tao waiting here at the teleportation array.

Influenced by her mentor, Holy Bella, Shu Xiao no longer wore heavy armor that affected flexibility, but chose half-body armor. The silver armor, skirt and long metal boots showed off her slender figure. Female players always make their game characters very beautiful, but not many can show their superior temperament. The generous-hearted Shu Xiao is very suitable for the human knight profession. She unconsciously attracts attention when she stands there.

Gu Tao was standing next to Shu Xiao. Due to her real appearance in the game, she was not strong and inconspicuous in the past, but in the future she would inevitably not be recognized when she followed Daliang to cause trouble. In order to avoid trouble, Gu Tao listened to the suggestions of Daliang and Xu Man and put on a large druid jungle robe, covering his appearance and holding a long staff, which gave it a somewhat mysterious feel.

The most noticeable thing is of course the dragon behind Gu Tao.

She has the shape of a green dragon and looks like an elf dragon at first glance, but her body is covered with cyan scales, which is different from the green and golden dragons of the elf clan. Her size is between a green dragon and a golden dragon. Her eyes are deep blue and emit a frightening light. She exudes an aura that can only be found in level 14 creatures.

Another ultimate creature.

Shu Xiao's character "Broken Moon" in the game is well known to the public, and every move is watched by countless people. Today, she stood on the edge of the ruling portal and was recognized naturally. The female player standing closely with Broken Moon wears the badge of the Judgment Legion on the outside of her clothes. She is a member of the Judgment Legion, and her dragon is naturally the ultimate creature owned by the Judgment Legion.

The Legion of Judgment has added another ultimate creature!

Now the ultimate creatures on the surface of the Judgment Legion already include two archangels, two angels, a frost dragon and this dragon, which looks like a special ultimate creature.

At the same time, players who can recruit dragons are definitely not weak, and the strength of the Judgment Legion has once again increased.

When many forces were amazed by today's discovery, Liang Liang, the commander of the Judgment Legion who rarely appeared, also appeared, and then two archangels descended from the sky.

Three powerful players and three powerful ultimate creatures are gathered here. Something big is about to happen.

With such a lineup appearing here, is Daliang preparing to open a portal to the world of heroic spirits?

Daliang is the top player in the hero world, and almost all player organizations are trying their best to collect information about Daliang's strength and army. Any information about Daliang can be exchanged for real money. Even a photo of him wandering around in the game can be exchanged for hundreds of dollars.

Not to mention that today, Daliang brought a sensitive ultimate creature to see a player as sensitive as Suiyue standing in a sensitive position like the teleportation array.

For a time, Daliang's image appeared in the eyes of intelligence departments organized by players throughout the game world. Each team carefully analyzed what Daliang wanted to do?

Of course Da Liang knew how much attention he received in the game, but he only showed up this time to practice leveling and meet up with a girl by the way. He had no intention of causing trouble and was naturally not afraid of being scrutinized by others.

Seeing Shu Xiao and Gu Tao, Daliang said: "Everyone is here, let's go. I will also go to hell first. Although the exit to hell here is safer, hell is still a high-risk plane. Everyone, please follow Be careful with me."

"I understand, Master."

"Understood, senior brother."

With my future wife and apprentice accompanying me, I have to show off this time and clear the way.

The portal of the Judgment Territory was not open to the public. Daliang used the lord authority to find the option to hell, and then disappeared into the teleportation array with Shu Xiao, Gu Tao, Archangel and Long.

All those monitoring Daliang were blocked from the teleportation array.

Electric waves spread across the heroic world.

"Da Liang may have opened the portal to the World of Heroes and explored the way first. He will definitely choose to find the exit from the Judgment Territory to the World of Heroes immediately near Yunzhong City."

The eight lords who planned to block the Judgment Territory in the World of Heroes immediately took action after receiving this information. A large number of players came to the vicinity of Yunzhong City through various means, and then began to search the entire land.

The armies of the eight lords began to gather, and as long as they found the exit of the Judgment Territory, they would kill it immediately. Kill the Judiciary's armies before they can fortify themselves and step on the bright portal.

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