Start with an Archangel

Chapter 572 Purgatory Furnace

Daliang, who didn't know how much turmoil he had caused, had arrived in hell.

Just like the last time Macaulay brought Da Liang here, hell is a fiery red world. There is no difference between day and night. There is no sun and stars in the sky. All light comes from the ubiquitous red magma.

The land of hell exudes a blazing temperature. If you step on the reddish ground and your own fire resistance is insufficient, you will continue to lose blood. Not to mention that hell is full of violent and murderous demonic creatures, as well as volcanic eruptions that erupt with magma surges at any time.

The evil, chaotic hell is an extremely dangerous place for all creatures, including demons.

Fortunately, at Da Liang's request, Macaulay opened the exit from Judgment to Hell in a safer place.

The teleportation array is located in a basin on the top of an extinct volcano. The entire basin is shaped like a bowl, with a lower center and higher surroundings. The environment on the top of the mountain is far away from the blazing heat on the surface. The temperature here is lower, which is suitable for non-demon creatures to survive. At the same time, demonic creatures with low intelligence prefer high temperatures and will not come here easily.

The Judgment Leader and Hell's teleportation array are in an innately safe environment. As long as Da Liang builds a defensive zone on the edge of the mountaintop basin, he can well resist threats from the outside. There is a hell city at the foot of this extinct volcano, the tenth-level Fire Spring City. Under the direct rule of the fallen angel, it provides the greatest security guarantee for Daliang's portal.

Of course, security is based on mutual benefit between Daliang and the Fallen Angel. Once Daliang and the Fallen Angel fall out, this portal will also be within the attack range of Huoquan City.

Fortunately, Daliang has no plans to run Hell for the time being. He needs to be careful with his money to manage the Kingdom of Death and the World of Heroic Spirits. He really does not have the financial resources to build another fortress in Hell.

The portal is protected by Huoquan City, which allows Daliang to enter and exit hell at will. If there is an enemy in hell in the future, he will not feel bad if he loses it here, since he picked it up anyway.

Shu Xiao, Gu Tao, Angel, and Long came out of the portal one after another. The unique scenery made everyone take a good look at the most evil place in the game.

Da Liang unfolded his fallen angel wings, and at the same time brought the "Egoth's Gaze" that could deter demonic creatures. Then he looked at the map and said: "This is the area controlled by the fallen angels. The Purgatory Furnace City is not far away from here." Far. Now Hell is in an extraordinary period. The Purgatory Furnace does not allow outsiders to enter. There is no way to pass through the teleportation array in Huoquan City, so we will fly directly from the sky.

When I encountered demonic creatures in the sky, I hid if I could, and if I couldn't, I killed them. If I encountered a fallen angel, I had to negotiate with them. "


Shu Xiao unfolded the angel wings behind his back.

Gu Tao sat in the green crystal dragon's saddle, and then blessed everyone with status magic.

Senior Holy Spirit Zuoyou

Senior Rejoice

Da Liang also released Advanced Body Protection Stone Skin and Advanced Body Protection Aegis.

Various conditions arose, his combat power was further improved, and Daliang took the lead and soared into the sky.

Shu Xiao and Gu Tao flew to the left and right, while Archangels Julian and Walsh flew behind in human form. The group of people flew quickly through the sky of hell.

Fly forward across the Fire Spring City and along a large lava river.

Along the way, various tributaries merged into the river, and the lava river surface continued to become wider, eventually forming a river surface with a width of more than ten kilometers.

Then, dozens of equally wide lava rivers came into view.

The rolling magma formed a torrent, and then poured into the endless abyss with indomitable momentum.

The Infernal Forge has arrived.

Evil points can only be obtained by killing purgatory creatures, which are unique monsters in the Purgatory Furnace.

The Purgatory Furnace City of the Fallen Angels is within this abyss, so if you want to enter Purgatory, you must obtain the consent of the Fallen Angels.

Da Liang led a group of people to land at the location where he and Macaulay stayed last time, and soon a team of ten fallen angels flew over.

Humans, elves, dragons, and angels are all creatures of the good camp.

The flying fallen angels were immediately on high alert. Nine fallen angels formed a circle and occupied the sky. A fallen angel team leader landed in front of Daliang.

"Human, your possession of fallen angel wings proves that you are a friend of hell, but these people who came with you are not welcomed by hell, especially this is Purgatory Furnace City. Do you need me to send you away?"

Daliang took out the pass given by Macaulay and said: "We want to enter Purgatory below the Furnace City of Purgatory. This is the certificate issued by Lord Lucifer."

If you have a pass, it will naturally be smooth.

"Since you have a pass, you can enter Purgatory. Remember! Don't try to get close to Purgatory Furnace City, especially...angels."

The fallen angel focused on threatening the archangels, and then flew away again.

Daliang and his party immediately took off into the air, and then flew toward the depths of the Purgatory Abyss against the large waterfall formed by the lava.

The temperature inside the furnace suddenly increased, and the high temperature caused the blood volume to begin to decrease, and the rate of decrease began to increase slowly as the temperature increased.

The environment here provides the best defense system for Purgatory Furnace City. The lava rivers gather here, and there are no roads. All foreign invasions do not need to consider ground attacks. Ground troops cannot enter, and siege equipment cannot be used. Flying troops can only be used to carry out a strong attack. Attacking from the air not only has to face the defenses of Purgatory Furnace City, but also has to withstand the test of high temperature and blood loss.

Facts have also proven that Purgatory Furnace City has never been captured from the outside.

Fallen angels are not native creatures of hell and do not have high fire resistance. The reason why they can survive in the Purgatory Furnace is because of a miraculous building in the Purgatory Furnace - the Vulcan Statue.

One of the functions of the Vulcan Statue is to provide each visiting creature with fire immunity for four hours. During these four hours, it will not be damaged by fire, and the effect of fire magic will be reduced by 30%.

The Vulcan Statue of Purgatory Furnace City is just below the city. Daliang and his party flew down against the lava waterfall, and across the palace-like Purgatory Furnace City, they saw the Vulcan Statue.

A hundred-foot-tall Vulcan statue, its body made of materialized flames, is suspended in the air and holds the base of the entire Purgatory Furnace City with open arms.

The Vulcan statue is also the secret source of the city's ability to float in the air.

"Lord Lucifer has opened the access function of the Vulcan Statue. If you visit the Vulcan Statue, your attack will be +1. If you are willing to pay 1,000 gold coins, you can get four hours of fire immunity, no fire damage, and the fire magic effect will be reduced by 30 %."

The hero's attack power is permanently increased by 1 point, which is not too little for free.

Four hours of fire immunity for 1,000 gold coins is a bit tricky, but it’s not enough without it. The gold coins are spent, the state improves, and the body continues to rush downward.

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