Start with an Archangel

Chapter 573 Entering the Passage to Purgatory

The damage assessment in Hero World is divided into two categories, physical damage and magical damage.

Taking fire damage as an example, the damage caused by fire magic is magic damage, and the normal burning flame is physical damage.

The fire-immunity constitution brought by the Vulcan Statue can avoid physical damage caused by the flames of the furnace environment, and it also has a certain resistance to magical damage caused by fire attributes.

The blood loss due to high temperature burns stopped, and Da Liang and his party continued to fly downward.

The abyss of purgatory has no end, but inside the waterfall there is an underground lava world connected by caves and passages on the cliff, where demonic creatures and purgatory creatures live.

Da Liang found a random cave on the cliff and fell into it. This cave is very large, with a diameter of three hundred meters. The Green Crystal Dragon can easily fly inside without using the shrinking technique.

After entering the cave, Daliang landed on the ground, but when he stepped on the red rock, he found that the rock had softened somewhat in the high temperature environment. Daliang immediately flew up when his feet sank.

"Everyone, don't land yet. Let's fly some distance inside to find a place to stay."

After saying that, Daliang flew forward.

The entire passage extends forward, and the four walls are burned red by high temperatures. From time to time, magma spurts out from the gaps in the walls. If it were not for the fire immunity condition, it would be difficult to move inside.

While flying, a group of demonic creatures rushed out from the four walls and flew towards Da Liang.

They are fire monsters. They are monsters born in the flames of hell. Their bodies made of fire allow them to easily dissolve in the fire and launch sneak attacks when the enemy comes nearby. They can fly and are agile, and once surrounded by them, it will be difficult to escape.

The alert Da Liang used "Nicole's Jump" to escape from the siege.

When Da Liang was about to use magic to fight back, a beam of dragon breath spurted out from the mouth of the green crystal dragon Emily.

The beam hit a fire monster that wanted to pounce on Da Liang again, inflicting heavy damage on it. Then the beam split into several strands on the fire monster and shot towards the nearby fire monster. After hitting, the beam split again. The chain attack of Prismatic Dragon Breath hit more than ten fire monsters in one go.

The attack power is not reduced, the attack is fast and difficult to dodge, and it also has an automatic aiming function, which is awesome.

At this moment, Daliang decided that no matter what difficulties he encountered, he must pile up Gu Tao's luck. Lucky 2 can already scan pictures, and Lucky 4 can really wash the floor.

Shu Xiao, Julian, and Walsh immediately rushed towards the attacking group of fire monsters. Demonic creatures of this level could not cause much harm to them. The battle was being crushed in a one-sided manner. After another breath of Prismatic Dragon Breath, After being ejected from the mouth of the green crystal dragon, all the fire monsters blocking the road died.

Daliang took advantage of the end of the battle to lay out his tactics: "The fire monster is already a relatively advanced demonic creature. This is just the entrance to the passage connecting to purgatory. The monsters inside are definitely more powerful than here. Everyone must be careful.

My self-preservation ability is relatively high, so the task of exploring the path is left to me.

Broken Moon and Julian followed me, ready to provide support.

Dorothy is in the middle of the team with the Crystal Dragon, and Emily uses the Prismatic Dragon Breath range to sweep away blood; Dorothy has more tasks, increasing blood and status, and when she sees someone in danger, she uses teleportation to pull them to safety. The place. Our current personnel are sufficient to cope with the current situation, and there is no need to use mirroring for the time being.

Walsh stayed behind and was responsible for dealing with enemies sneaking up from behind, protecting Dorothy and the Green Crystal Dragon.

I have a special type of unit here—demon spirits, which can improve the spell effects of spellcasting professions. Dorothy brought three of them. "

After Daliang arranged the formation and tactics, he gave Gu Tao three demon spirits from the soldier cards.

The "Energy Tide" stunt of the three demon spirits greatly increased Gu Tao's magic ability.

Da Liang did not recruit demons for himself because he needed to take risks to explore the road. He relied on having "Nicole's Jump" to act as a bait and fly ahead, and the others followed him in order.

Sneak attacks by demonic monsters along the way became more and more frequent. From the first encounter with dozens of monsters, it gradually turned into hundreds. The strength of the monsters also began to increase, and even a small demonic army appeared.

Daliang's team members are extremely well matched, and Archangel is almost invincible in single combat. They and Shu Xiao focus on surprise attacks to kill powerful enemies. Daliang, Gu Tao, and Qingjinglong all use very efficient range magic, killing mobs in droves.

The battle allowed Daliang's expected super strike team to slowly get used up, the application of tactics began to take shape, and the teammates gradually became more understanding.

In particular, the water-based space magic "teleportation" mastered by Gu Tao makes the members of the team become elusive.

At Daliang's suggestion, Gu Tao tried her best to choose high-intelligence soldier equipment if she did not have particularly good hero equipment.

Therefore, with all his intelligence, Gu Tao's intelligence has reached 75. "Teleportation" can teleport friendly troops within a range of 750 meters centered on himself.

The use of "teleportation" can not only pull teammates who are in danger to a safe place, but also teleport teammates to the best attack position.

As the monster groups encountered along the way are eliminated one after another, the stronger enemies make the team who play the rhythm and feel feel more and more pressure.

When the team reached the end of the passage, a Fire Lord hero appeared there leading an army of demon monsters.

Feeling the power of the Fire Lord, Da Liang promptly connected to the command system of the Judgment Legion, and a support group specially established for the super strike team began to provide data support.

The Fire Lord who sent the invaders immediately commanded his army to rush over.

It is estimated that the number of enemy troops is as high as two thousand, including three big demons.

As the ultimate creature, the Archdemon is also a born hero. An army led by multiple heroes is already very difficult.

At this time, Daliang had already retreated to the middle of the team. Being a leading soldier was not what the spellcasting profession was supposed to do. When the danger is low, in order to maintain the team's progress, Da Liang can make a cameo. When powerful monsters begin to appear intensively, the team's leading soldier has been replaced by Shu Xiao.

Da Liang is in the command position of the entire team, and the background analyzes the battlefield environment based on the field of view videos provided by the three players. Data support is online, allowing Daliang to understand battlefield information more clearly and intuitively.

The combat effectiveness of an army led by a hero will be enhanced. Not only will the individual strength increase, but under unified command, the team's collaborative attack capabilities will be more dangerous to the squad than the increased individual strength.

"The whole team retreats, maintaining contact with the enemy, but don't get entangled. Dorothy is ready to press forward at any time. We need to lure the enemy's hero units into the range of teleportation, and then behead them.

The personnel responsible for the beheading are Broken Moon and Julian. "

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