Start with an Archangel

Chapter 576 Purgatory

Without the Fire Lord's commander bonus, the monster's combat effectiveness immediately dropped significantly, and those under siege suddenly felt the pressure drop sharply.

After killing the Fire Lord, Julian and Shu Xiao immediately supported Da Liang, sharing one big demon with each other, and easily killed their opponents.

At this time, all the heroic units in this group of monsters were killed, and the remaining ordinary soldiers were quickly eliminated.

It's time to take inventory of the loot.

As a powerful boss, the Fire Lord contributed a lot to the team, scattering all kinds of equipment and materials. Daliang, Shu Xiao and Gu Tao picked up all the things separately and then met to distribute them.

Anti-magic magic: Earth-based third-level magic (primary level is immune to magic effects below level 2, intermediate level is immune to magic effects below level 3, and advanced level is immune to magic effects below level 4. Advanced anti-magic magic has a range effect and can be exorcised by the same level of exorcism magic) ...)

Shu Xiao threw a skill book recording anti-magic techniques to Daliang. Daliang took one look at the name and chose to learn it without hesitation.

Now Da Liang has mastered advanced earth magic skills. After learning the anti-magic method, he can ignore level 4 magic effects. Combined with the powerful aegis in earth magic, he is simply the nemesis of the spellcasting profession.

Daliang was in a great mood after receiving powerful magic: "Let's go to purgatory."

There are countless cave entrances and passages on the cliff inside the Purgatory Furnace, but the end point of each passage is Purgatory.

Purgatory is a vast underground lava world, where a large number of demonic creatures and very few purgatory creatures live.

In this game world, demons represent evil, and purgatory creatures represent extreme evil.

Purgatory creatures are not an independent race. They are demonic creatures that evolved in the purgatory environment. They have given up their wisdom and emotions in exchange for strength. Killing has become their instinct. All species that enter the territory of purgatory creatures will be attacked by them without stopping.

Therefore, demons are not willing to easily provoke purgatory creatures and try to avoid the territory of purgatory creatures.

Although the number of purgatory creatures is very small, it is not too difficult to find purgatory creatures here.

Just grab any of the demonic creatures here and question them.

Demons as a race have their own social system. They will form a group around a hero, and then form gathering places, villages, towns, and cities.

There are ordinary low-intelligent demonic monsters in Purgatory, as well as highly intelligent demonic heroes.

Daliang led a team to raid a small tribe of demon infants and easily captured a demon infant hero.

The demon baby is only the size of a four or five-year-old child, has red skin, has a pair of small wings but cannot fly, and has a pair of devil horns on its head.

Demon infants are the first-level soldiers among the regular arms of demons. Not only are they the weakest among the demons, they are also the weakest among the same-level soldiers of all races. Macaulay once gave Daliang 20,000 demon babies, and Daliang pushed him into the Skeleton Transformation Field without hesitation and turned into a skeleton soldier.

The super attack team stood in this gathering place of demon babies. The surviving demon babies had already scattered and fled, and Daliang and the others had no interest in chasing these little things.

A short demon infant hero lay on the ground shivering with his head buried.

Da Liang grabbed the little wings of the demon baby with one hand and lifted him up. "We are here to find the purgatory creatures. Do you know where they are? Tell me and I won't kill you."

"Purgatory... Are you also looking for purgatory creatures? There is one in a valley to the east. It is a three-headed hell dog that has been transformed into purgatory. Purgatory creatures are all black and purple and are very easy to identify.

I have told you everything I know, please don't kill me. "

The demon infant's words aroused Daliang's interest, and he asked: "Besides us, is there anyone else looking for purgatory creatures? Are they fallen angels?"

"They are adventurers like you. They are also looking for purgatory creatures everywhere. It's just that they can't seem to deal with the three-headed purgatory dog ​​and have gone to other places."

Adventurers are players.

Daliang didn't expect to hear news from players in an extremely hidden map like Purgatory, which was more interesting.

A group of players are also looking for purgatory creatures.

Daliang asked: "Are there any fallen angels among these adventurers?"

The demon baby replied: "There is one."

Macaulay once revealed information that the plane portal of Purgatory Furnace City was provided to a demon leader who focused on support. Since these players are looking for purgatory creatures here, they probably want to kill the purgatory creatures to gain evil points.

When Daliang was driving the Black Pearl on the Sea of ​​Japan, he encountered a group of players with fallen angels and demons raiding him. It's just that things happened too fast at that time, and Daliang didn't figure out who the other party was, so the group of raiders were killed by the furious Nicole.

Now there are traces of players found in Purgatory. According to various clues, this group of players should have a lot to do with the attack on the Black Pearl.

It’s just that Purgatory is so big, it’s not easy to find a few players.

Daliang didn't ask too many questions from the Demon Infant, so he let him go.

Then there is the killing of the three-headed dog of purgatory.

No matter how powerful the purgatory creatures are, they are still the same. The difficulty is how to find them in the dangerous purgatory.

Based on the information obtained from the demon infant, Daliang and his party killed waves of demonic creatures that attacked them, and finally arrived at the valley where the three-headed dog of purgatory was located.

In front of us were two high mountains forming a valley. The valley was shrouded in a thin layer of mist, making it difficult to see what was inside.

The originally red world turned into various cold colors here. Although the air was still blazingly hot, the atmosphere turned cold, and even the exhaled breath quickly condensed into clouds of white mist, which was indescribably weird.

"Everyone, be careful. We don't have much time left with our fire immunity. Once we find this three-headed dog of hell, kill it with all our strength, and then everyone will return to the Vulcan Statue."

Having said that, Daliang first used the anti-magic method to reach the magic-forbidden shield, and then stepped into the valley.

Others followed in turn.

When all members of the team entered the valley, the entire scene suddenly changed, and everyone was brought into an independent space.

The valley is still the same valley, but the way back is blocked by an invisible wall.

[Warning: You are being corroded by the extremely evil aura. Please kill the source of the extremely evil aura within twenty minutes, otherwise you will be killed by the extremely evil aura. 】


This journey has been so smooth. The team's strength can deal with the demonic creatures in Purgatory. Those who can fight can beat them, but those who can't fight can escape. It is inevitable that Da Liang will be a little bit contemptuous of Purgatory.

The information about the Demon Infant has just been revealed. Players once came here, but they failed to kill the three-headed dog of Purgatory.

And Daliang, who has always been the leader in the player circle, naturally attributes the reason to the fact that these players are all scum.

But how can a player who can survive in purgatory be a weak player?

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