Start with an Archangel

Chapter 577 The Three-Headed Dog of Purgatory

The fire immunity was only four hours long, so it took a lot of time to clear the road and look for the purgatory creatures. There was not much time left. In order to save time, the arrogant Daliang led the team into the valley without even exploring the map, preparing to crush them directly. As a result, the team fell into an extremely dangerous mission.

The time is only twenty minutes. If you can't kill the source of extreme evil, the group will be destroyed.

The terrain in the valley was complex and shrouded in mist. Without knowing the specific situation of the three-headed dog in hell, Daliang was inevitably in a dilemma.

"Ah... it's a really comfortable place. It feels like home, and makes people want to stretch their legs."

Hearing the voice coming from beside him, Daliang was greatly surprised. He turned around and saw that it was indeed Juliet.

At this time, Juliet seemed to have just woken up, yawning and even slouching, revealing her thin belly.

Then he looked around with squinted hazy eyes and asked strangely: "What happened? Why did you call the person out without even saying a word of care? Did you know he was sleeping?"

Daliang did not give Julian the order to release Juliet;

Why did Juliet come out on her own!

Daliang quickly clicked on Juliet's attributes, and just seeing Juliet's name scared him into a cold sweat.

Juliet (Hells Angel)

In the past, Juliet's biological note was written as an incomplete form of Hell's Angel, but now it is directly displayed as Hell's Angel, which shows that Juliet has completely replaced Julian.

So what happened? It was completely unprepared for Julian to undergo such a major change.

Da Liang immediately recalled what happened...

It seems that after his team entered the valley, Julian directly turned into Juliet, and Juliet seemed not to know her change yet, thinking that she was called out by Daliang.

The extremely evil atmosphere in the valley must have affected Julian.

Daliang immediately said to Juliet when she had just woken up and had not figured out the situation: "We have now encountered a dangerous enemy, and we must kill him within twenty minutes. I give this difficult task to her." Here you go, there’s a three-headed hellhound hidden inside, kill him as fast as you can.”

"Okay, I hope it's a good opponent. This is hell, no wonder the evil energy is so abundant. I feel so full that I really want to sleep for a while." Juliet still didn't notice the changes in her body. The extremely evil energy here turned out to be... It made her feel a little drunk, her eyes could no longer be opened, and she looked lazy as if she would fall asleep at any time.

However, following Daliang's order, Juliet still drew out her swords and said lazily as she walked forward: "I have already felt his position, a big dog with three heads."

At this time, Daliang couldn't help but vomit in his heart: If you still need to feel his position, this three-headed dog of hell is almost putting its nose on your face.

Feeling that its territory had been invaded, the three-headed purgatory dog ​​had slowly walked out from the depths of the valley.

This three-headed purgatory dog ​​is two meters high and five meters long. Just like what the demon baby said, his whole body has a black-purple luster, and his white eyes don't show any sparkle.

The three-headed purgatory dog ​​had already walked in front of Juliet. His three heads were staring at Juliet, his nose was twitching and sniffing around, and then he opened his mouth at the same time and bit Juliet's head, arms and legs respectively.

Juliet, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly appeared above the three-headed dog of purgatory, stabbing her heart with two swords.

At this moment, a dog's head poked out of Juliet's back, its mouth opened, and its sharp teeth were about to pierce Juliet's body.

Juliet, who reacted quickly, changed her body to avoid the mouth, but another dog head stuck out from the air beside her and bit her.

Juliet changed positions again, but the dog's head appeared from beside her again.

Juliet originally planned to use her speed to quickly kill the three-headed dog, but she did not expect that the three-headed dog could attack in space.

This is really a space attack.

I saw the three-headed purgatory dog ​​standing there, with its three heads extending forward. Then there seemed to be an invisible layer of water in front of them. If you put your head in, you can stick out from another place, and then attack the enemy. .

Ignore distance and angle.

The three heads gave the Purgatory Three-Headed Dog no visual blind spots, and its attack frequency was so fast that it even hit Juliet, who was known for her speed, and found it difficult to parry.

At this moment, Daliang put away all his arrogance. The teleportation tactics of the super attack team were indeed sharp, but they were really nothing compared to the attack method of the three-headed dog of hell.

They can get you just by standing there, how do you hit them?

And seeing that it couldn't bite Juliet, the three-headed dog of purgatory actually started spitting flames, poisonous gas and acid again, forcing Juliet to explode with all her speed, leaving afterimages in the air.

Daliang said: "If we continue fighting like this, we probably won't be able to kill this three-headed dog of hell within twenty minutes. We must go up and help."

Shu Xiao was also very anxious: "How can I help? This attack method is too weird, there is no way to avoid it."

Gu Tao also said: "He has three heads that attack so quickly, and his defense seems to be very strong. The hero transformed by your archangel hit it with a few swords, but it didn't seem to cause much damage to it."

Daliang said: "I looked at it for a while. Although the three-headed dog in hell can carry out space attacks, it is not traceable. Its head is on its neck, which determines that its attack angle is limited; its field of vision determines The possible position of his head. As long as we can calculate the probability of his attacking defense, we can prepare defense in advance.

Then when the Purgatory Three-Headed Dog carried out a space attack, its body reaction was very slow. As long as we can contain some of its attacks, we can give Juliet a chance to kill it. "

The world of heroes has reached a stage of rapid development. Not only are more and more common ultimate creatures appearing in the hands of players, but there are even many special ultimate creatures, such as the Green Crystal Dragon.

Juliet is no longer as eye-catching as she was at the beginning of the game, and Daliang has a good status both inside and outside the game, so he doesn't mind that Juliet's existence is known to a small group of players.

After finding a feasible way to kill the three-headed dog of hell, Daliang immediately contacted the data support team specially equipped for the super attack team and told the backstage staff his ideas.

"We already know that the legion commander's method is indeed very feasible. We immediately calculated the range of the attack point of the three-headed dog of purgatory..."

The data calculation is left to the background, and the actual attack requires the cooperation of the team.

Daliang immediately arranged tactics: "Zhangyue and I are responsible for containing the attack of the three-headed dog of purgatory and creating opportunities for Juliet. I have 'Nicole's Jump' to deal with the space attack of the three-headed dog of purgatory. Dorothy pays attention to the status of broken moon. , once she encounters danger, immediately teleport her to a safe location.

Walsh and Emily are responsible for Dorothy's safety.

As long as Juliet has the advantage, we will immediately attack with all our strength and kill this three-headed dog of hell within the time limit. "

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