Start with an Archangel

Chapter 578 Juliet’s Changes

The background data staff analyzed the attack of the three-headed dog very quickly. Within a few minutes, the attack prediction of the three-headed dog appeared in the field of vision of Daliang, Shu Xiao and Gu Tao. Red is a high-probability attack point. The lighter the color, the smaller the chance of an attack.

Da Liang did a test for a few seconds with Juliet as the target. With Juliet as the medium red, it covered a large area around her, and the light red occupied another area. There was almost no place without color coverage.

It is still very dangerous, but time does not allow data support personnel to do further optimization. The big light activates "Nicole's Jump", and the Arc Flash Man appears above the three-headed dog of Purgatory.


Daliang first released a status magic on the three-headed dog of purgatory, but was reminded that the other party was not affected by mental magic.

There is no way to control it, making it even more difficult to fight.

At this time, the attack warning appeared, and Da Liang immediately jumped out of the attack range. The moment he disappeared, a dog head stretched out from above him and bit him. The sound of the teeth colliding was clear and harsh.

Shu Xiao also attacked the three-headed dog of purgatory at this moment. She did not have Da Liang's escape skills, but her nervous reaction was very sharp. Whenever a warning came, she could always escape from the attack point with a small chance. At the same time, the teleportation that Gu Tao had been preparing for had once again provided an insurance policy for Shu Xiao's safety.

Daliang and Shu Xiao's diversionary attack finally gave Juliet time to breathe.

The number of dog heads attacking Juliet has been reduced from three to one, which can be easily dealt with according to her speed. A dog's head poked out from her side again, and Juliet, whose anger had been aroused, kicked the head back with a kick to the nose.

The dog's head that was kicked in the nose let out a cry. When it wanted to continue the attack, Juliet had already rushed forward.

There is no suspense in the following battle. As long as an opportunity is created for Juliet, her stormy attack is enough to kill any enemy in a short time.

The three-headed dog of hell is dead.

The entire valley began to fade, and the red lava environment was covered again. The faded color turned into wisps of black and purple smoke and gathered inside the body of the three-headed dog. Then the three-headed dog returned to its original appearance, and a black and purple pillar floated from the body.

Da Liang grabbed the bead in his hand.

Source of Evil (Medium): Provides 5 points of evil energy.

Such a powerful purgatory creature was only given a medium source of evil. If this was a high source of evil, wouldn't everyone really be destroyed in it?

It seems that if you want to kill the purgatory creatures, you really need to scout the surrounding area carefully and pick out the weak purgatory creatures to kill, because Julian will not be able to follow them to kill the purgatory monsters next time.

The three-headed dog of purgatory was killed, the source of extreme evil condensed, and the place returned to the normal purgatory environment.

Juliet fell asleep and transformed into Julian again.

"Sir," Julian said to Daliang worriedly, "Juliet has become stronger."

Daliang saw Juliet's transformation through Julian's property panel. It shows that the time of Juliet's appearance has changed from one hour to two hours.

This is really bad news.

At this time, the time for fire immunity was about to end, and Daliang had no intention of continuing to kill the purgatory monsters here, so he announced that the event was disbanded.

Returning to Shangjiang, Da Liang became worried because of Julian's situation.

Obviously, the extremely evil gas in purgatory can speed up Juliet's transformation into the complete body of the Hell's Angel. Although Juliet is asleep now, when she wakes up, she will definitely notice the changes in her body and think of the reasons for this change.

For a long time, Daliang has been accustomed to summoning Juliet to deal with powerful enemies, but this time he had to bear the pressure brought by Juliet.

This matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

The only person who can help Da Liang solve this problem is Ergus, the creator of Juliet.

But how could Ergus help Daliang solve Juliet's problem? He hopes that Juliet will become a real Hell's Angel as soon as possible.

But it seems there is someone who can help.

The prophet...this old magician who seems to know a little bit about everything, may be able to provide me with some help.

Daliang said goodbye to Gu Tao and Shu Xiao, and then took Julian to the cave where the Black Pearl was parked.

In the cave, the aerial battleship Black Pearl has been towed to the dry dock on the shore. Scaffolding was built around the hull, and the three masters were directing the skeleton soldiers and stone puppets to replace the outer shell of the battleship with alchemical metal.

Da Liang found the prophet and told him the details of Julian.

"Julian is the guardian angel who guards Ergos. The 10,000-year guarding time allowed Ergos's evil power to affect her body and gave birth to a Hell's Angel named Juliet in her body. Originally this Hell's Angel was still An incomplete body can only appear for one hour a day.

But after she absorbed the extremely evil energy in Purgatory, she was rapidly transforming into a Hell's Angel.

I no longer dare to let Juliet out, because after she comes out, she will definitely go to purgatory to find the extremely evil atmosphere. At that time, I will completely lose Julian.

Julian was my first subordinate and my closest and most trusted friend.

Please master, please help me find a way. "

After listening to Daliang's words, the prophet fell into deep thought, seeming to be searching for the memory hidden deep in the depths, or relying on his own talent to gain insight into the "opportunity".

"Erges, known as the Fear Lord, was originally just a very ordinary abyss python, and later became one of the seven lords of hell. He has understood the power of the law, and I cannot find out more information about him. But from your description, I can guess that Ergos’ birthplace should be in purgatory, and he was once a purgatory creature.”

Daliang asked doubtfully: "Aren't all the creatures in purgatory mindless and only know how to kill?"

"There are exceptions to everything, and perhaps Ergos is a special case. His power comes from the source of extreme evil. What affects Julian's transformation into Hell's Angel is the extremely evil energy. This also explains why the extremely evil energy accelerates the Hell Angel. The change."

What the prophet said made sense, but it didn't seem to solve Julian's current situation.

Daliang continued to ask: "Master, do you know any way to solve the current trouble? Prevent Julian from transforming into a Hell's Angel."

The Prophet said: “Knowing where the real power that influenced Julian to become a Hell’s Angel came from, things can be resolved.

Do you know where the extremely evil energy comes from? "


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