Start with an Archangel

Chapter 579 Solution

The prophet said: "There is a kind of creature above us outside this world, which we call gods. They exist in another world and cannot directly reach our world, but their power can come through.

The extremely evil aura is actually a kind of divine power that penetrates in. Hell creatures infected with the extremely evil aura will turn into purgatory creatures.

Since Julian was transformed into a Hell's Angel under the influence of the extremely evil aura, we just need to find a way to get rid of the extremely evil aura. "

Daliang asked eagerly: "To drive away the extremely evil energy, do we need something called the extremely good energy?"

The prophet smiled and said: "It can be called the aura of great kindness, but I don't know where this power is. But what is certain is that this must also be a kind of divine power, a bright and sacred divine power."

Divine power, god.

Daliang knew that the closest clue to this power was the six pieces of angel equipment in the City of Sighs. Now they are all in the hands of the Knights of the Holy See in the City of Sighs. One of them is the Prophet Sword in Will's hand.

For the six pieces of angel equipment, Da Liang originally planned to look for gradual progress. He had the mentality of grabbing it when he had the opportunity and waiting when he didn't. Now it seems that for Julian, we have to fight hard against the Knights of the Immaculate Holy See of the City of Sighs.

Just when Daliang was thinking about how to start.

The prophet added: "I remind you, if you eliminate the extremely evil spirit in Julian's body, the Hell Angel named Juliet will also disappear."

Juliet disappears!

After hearing this news, the first feeling in Daliang's heart was that of reluctance.

Logically speaking, although Juliet is extremely strong, she is also a time bomb that can explode in her hand at any time. She should contact her as soon as possible to feel at ease.

But why did I have this idea?

Daliang couldn't help but recall the moments he spent with Juliet... She was arrogant, cunning, bloodthirsty, and disobedient to discipline. She wanted to replace Julian and gain control of the body, and then use her power to forcibly terminate the contract with Daliang, and then...

Perhaps in revenge for the bloodbath of the Black Fire Territory.

However, she tried her best to fulfill Daliang's orders, although she often "exceeded" her own discretion.

Daliang didn't know what Juliet was really thinking, but he definitely didn't want her to disappear just like that.

So Daliang asked: "Master, is there any way to allow them to maintain balance in the same body and exist at the same time?"

"A body? No, no, no, the body of an angel is not the same as ours. Angels are composed of pure light elements. Since they are elements, they can be separated. I am very experienced in this aspect. Nicole can help with the soul. If If you can find the strength to fight against the evil spirits, I can help you separate them.

However, the fountain of life is needed to instantly replenish the vitality damaged when they were separated, and at the same time, an artifact is needed to balance their power.

Yes, balancing power.

Their powers must be consistent, which means the first step you need to do is to promote Julian to Holy Angel.

Otherwise separation cannot proceed..."

Each task is more difficult than the last.

Promoted to Holy Angel, when Julian accepted Da Liang's recruitment, the door was closed for Metatron.

In addition, we need to find the divine power to fight against the extremely evil energy.

An artifact of balancing power.

And the fountain of life.

The prophet seems to be looking for the fountain of life, which is found in the Poseidon's treasure.

Perhaps the Fountain of Life is the easiest of these conditions to complete.


Difficulties are difficulties, and finally there is a goal to strive for, which is better than just staring blankly without knowing anything.

Daliang said to Julian: "Juliet is not allowed to come out from now on. Let Juliet have a good rest during this period. I will gather everything together to separate you safely."

"Yes, sir."

Julian also knew that this was the best solution. She didn't want to disappear just like that, and she didn't want Juliet to disappear either.

After such a long time together, Julian seems to have gotten used to this "sister" who appeared out of thin air.

The following task is how to separate Julian and Juliet.

Daliang asked the prophet: "When will we go find the Poseidon's treasure?"

"After the Black Pearl's keel and hull are all replaced with alchemical metals, and after we have gone through some sea trials and confirmed that there are no problems, we can start our adventure. I really want to thank the Count for loading the Black Pearl with so much A lot of rare resources, these materials are enough for us to complete all tests."

Daliang, who was slaughtered, even smiled and said: "Yes, this is what I should do."

After saying hello to Keith and Nicole, Da Liang left the cave.

Over there in purgatory, Daliang doesn't plan to go there for the time being.

It's too cumbersome, and it takes too long to clear monsters, find purgatory creatures, and kill purgatory creatures all the way. Killing a three-headed dog in four hours and gaining 5 evil points was really inefficient. As top combat powers, Daliang, Shu Xiao, and Gu Tao need to try their best to improve their strength instead of wasting time looking for purgatory creatures.

Daliang asked Shu Xiao to organize a group of powerful players in the Judgment Legion to enter purgatory, specifically responsible for finding purgatory creatures and evaluating and grading the strength of purgatory creatures. After finding a group of purgatory creatures, the super attack team then enters purgatory and concentrates on killing them.

Save time and effort without delaying other tasks.

As for myself.

For the Fountain of Life, you can follow the three masters to find the treasure. The prophet's purpose is only to resurrect his wife, and the prophet should be willing to use the remaining Fountain of Life to replenish the vitality of the separated Julian and Juliet.

What Daliang has to do now is to get those six pieces of angel equipment.

Only by being close to the divine plane can one come into contact with the infiltrated divine power. When Daliang had to face whether to protect the elder or the younger, the first choice was to protect Julian first. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the divine power that can offset extremely evil spirits.

How to get six pieces of angel equipment?

It's impossible to attack the City of Sighs. With Daliang's few troops, it's okay to attack the outside. But facing the City of Sighs, you'll be wiped out with one finger.

You can only take the high-level route and contact the Holy See Knights first to learn the whereabouts of the other five pieces of angel equipment, and then concentrate all your efforts to steal them.

And how can I get in touch with the Knights of the Holy See?

Exporting rare resources for the sad monarch is an opportunity.

The lord mission is also an opportunity to attack the undead lords that Lord Melancholy wants to eradicate.

Economic and military measures were taken simultaneously. Now the entire Kingdom of Death is facing a big change. If I can show my ability to blind the eyes of the dead at this time, it will be difficult not to be taken seriously by the Sad Lord.

As long as you can enter the high-level ruling class of the City of Sighs, you can come into contact with the Knights of the Holy See.

Alas... Although I am planning to play farming, be free from desires, and recuperate in the kingdom of death, for the sake of my beloved archangel, I have to fight with these undead souls.

It’s a bit stressful!

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