Start with an Archangel

Chapter 581 Sadness

The skeleton mage who was able to escape from the Pope in the foggy area attracted enough attention from the Rising Sun Guild. When she learned that there was a hero beside the Skeleton Master, Feng Moying asked Tokugawa Nobunaga to mobilize heavy troops to support him in order to ensure that the mission was foolproof.

This task is related to the favorability of the Pope of the Mist District, and the Pope of the Mist District is Tokugawa Nobunaga's guide to the leadership of the City of Sighs. There is no task more important than this task.

In order to support Feng Moying, Tokugawa Nobunaga suspended his territorial mission, mobilized a force composed of corpse witches and terrifying knights from his own army, and quietly entered the foggy area under the leadership of a terrifying knight hero. .

The Skeleton Mage is a spellcasting profession. If he cannot be restrained in the early stages of the battle, the attacking troops will definitely suffer heavy losses. Moreover, if this skeleton mage can escape from the hands of the Pope in the foggy area, he must have mastered the skills to escape. The role of the Terror Knight hero is to lead the charge during the attack. As long as he can get close to the skeleton mage, he will not be able to escape.

In addition, Tokugawa Nobunaga mobilized the strongest boss attack team from the guild. The usual task of this team is to kill bosses found in various places. The members are all of high level and well equipped. The focus is on professionalism. Just like the Feng Mo team is good at strategy tasks, this boss strategy team specializes in killing bosses.

In addition to the Feng Mo team and the boss attack team, Tokugawa Nobunaga also gave Feng Mo Ying 200 high-level players as cannon fodder.

It can be said that in order to kill this skeleton mage, Tokugawa Nobunaga paid enough attention and dispatched the most elite force of the guild.

If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent.

It was dark and windy that night, and the Rising Sun Guild had sent people to clear the area for this sneak attack. All players within a 500-meter radius of the Skeleton Mage's residence were "friendly" invited out.

There was silence on the street, and curious players had gathered outside the street. Everyone knew that the Japanese game zone, Rising Sun Guild, focused on operating the foggy area. If they made such a big noise here, they must have received some big mission.

After nightfall, the Xuyang Guild began to take official action.

Players responsible for magic support occupied various rooftops and open spaces, and an army of corpse witches and terrifying knights marched onto the streets.

In the air, air combat personnel began to block the airspace.

The five artillery pieces removed their camouflage and aimed their muzzles at an ordinary house.

In a yard farther away, three trebuchets had completed preparations for launch, and a dozen Jinzhao No. 1 were tied into bundles and placed in catapults.

Feng Moying led the Feng Mo team and the boss attack team to the vicinity of the house.

"Each department began to check the time. Ten minutes later, each department launched an attack in order. Let me remind you again that our testers have evaluated the strength of the Skeleton Mage. All three were killed instantly. The target was very strong, and the strength was predicted to be super. Level 14.

This is a high-level hero we have never dealt with before, so everyone must be prepared to die. Put up all the legion assembly flags. Even if each of us dies two or three times today, we will kill him.

There are still nine minutes left before the general attack..."

The entire neighborhood was silent, and every player involved in the attack on the Skeleton Mage was nervously making final preparations.

As a player, Daliang certainly knew that the Xuyang Guild had made such a big noise in the foggy area.

At this time, all the regional channels in the foggy area are full of players discussing the activities of the Rising Sun Guild. Who do you think the Rising Sun Guild wants to deal with by launching such a big battle?

Da Liang was invisible and floating in the outer airspace, and the entire attack area was within his sight.

When Feng Moying found the Sad Lord, Polly also found him.

However, Polly kept in mind Daliang's reminder and did not take any unauthorized action after discovering the Sad Lord. He did not even leave anyone nearby to monitor him and reported directly to Daliang.

According to Polly's information, the Sad Lord was in the house surrounded by the Rising Sun Guild at this time.

With the Rising Sun Guild as the vanguard, it was a good time to test the strength of the Sad Lord and see how powerful the level 16 creature was.

If there is a chance, Elder Anthony can be rescued.

Time passed by, and finally it was time to attack.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...


A series of roars broke the dark tranquility first. Nearby artillery fired at the same time, and a row of projectiles easily penetrated the outer wall of the house.

The gunner ignored the effects of the shelling and quickly loaded the cannon and fired again.

After the bombardment began, bundles of Jinzhao No. 1 were thrown by trebuchets.

The dense explosion instantly flooded the house, and the house could be seen collapsed in the rising smoke.

The artillery fired again.

Hundreds of magic attacks came at the same time.

Lightning, thunder, ice and fire.

The entire foggy area was instantly awakened, and various sounds and flashes of light echoed over the city.

The attackers of the Rising Sun Guild used all their strength to carry out saturation bombing on the house.

All the people ambush elsewhere rushed out. After they rushed to the perimeter of the house, the coordinated shelling, bombing, and magic stopped immediately.

Feng Moying took the lead in rushing into position with the main attacking force.

At this time, the house had been bombed into ruins, and the bricks and stones had turned into small particles.

"Captain Feng Mo, no target found."

Feng Moying stood on the gravel, and the entire attack area turned into flat ground. The main attackers spread out to look for the target, but found nothing.

"Aerial surveillance post, report your findings!"

"Report to Captain Feng Mo that no target was seen escaping from the air."

Didn't escape from the air, did the opponent use space spells? However, space spells are easily disturbed. With such an intensive attack, it is impossible for the opponent to open the space door and escape.

But there is nothing here, where are they?

Daliang, like all players, is waiting for the next move of Xuyang Guild.

However, a voice suddenly sounded from beside Daliang: "Did you find these people to kill me?"

Daliang didn't expect that he would be discovered even though he was invisible in the air. He immediately turned around and saw the skeleton mage disguised as the Sad Lord floating beside him.

so amazing.

Daliang knew that his strength was too far behind that of the Sad Lord, so he simply removed his invisibility and said: "That's right! I found these people. I don't care what grudges you have with the Wizards Guild. Give me the wizard who blew up the church in the foggy area." , I will no longer cause trouble for you."

The Sad Lord was very satisfied with the conscientious Daliang. He turned to ask: "What do you think of the Wizards Guild, such as their blasphemous research?"

Daliang wondered in his heart, how could the Sad Lord ask himself such a question?

According to what Daliang knows, the Sad Lord is looking for a way to become a god, but he is the monarch of the Unsullied Holy See. To become a god on the same level as the God of Death is to blaspheme the God of Death and undermine the foundation of his rule.

At this time, the sad monarch must also be very confused. There is currently no successful case in this world for becoming a god. The research of the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild has only gone so far as to find the crystal wall that blocks the plane of God. A crystal wall that even gods cannot open. Can the power of this world open it? And what exactly is the divine plane like? no one knows. Can you become a god by opening the crystal wall? no one knows.

The Sad Lord's status at this time has reached the highest peak in the world. However, he is determined to pursue becoming a god. Once exposed, everything he has now will be in vain. The other six death monarchs will definitely unite to capture and imprison him, becoming an eternal prisoner.

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