Start with an Archangel

Chapter 582 Ultimate Faith

In the sad monarch's understanding, the Eviscerating Pope did not know that he was the ruler of the City of Sighs. He wanted to hear from the human Pope from the main plane what he said to the God of Death and the Wizards Guild in another identity. The view pursued.

How to answer is a test for Daliang. He must find a balance between Wushou faith and the Wizards Guild. The viewpoint must break away from the constraints of unsullied faith, and cannot deviate too far from the God of Death.

Daliang thought for a while and said: "In the philosophy of the Wizards Guild, God is also a kind of creature, but he is more advanced than us. I agree with this."

Having said that, Daliang carefully looked at the reaction of the sad monarch, and saw that he just listened without any action, and continued: "But the wizards of the Wizards Guild betrayed their belief in the God of Death and tried to be on par with the God of Death. I am opposed to this. .”

The Sad Lord said: "Your point of view is very novel. However, once the wizards find the way to become a god, the god will be pulled off the altar and become just a high-level creature. The worship of the God of Death by the Wustained Doctrine will no longer exist. How to maintain it?"

Daliang said: "In my spare time, I have been studying the Immaculate Doctrine, and the explanation of death in it has made me no longer afraid of death. Just like when I face a powerful undead like you now, I still have no fear of my own possible death. Worry.

The Immortal Teaching gave me the courage to face death and made my spirit stronger. My worship of the God of Death will not disappear just because he is no longer on the altar. The mark he left on my heart will never be erased. , nor will it be replaced by anything.

If I have the opportunity to experience the power of death in person, I will go there even if there are many obstacles. I'm not talking about death, which can only bring me back to the light of the God of Death. I'm talking about truly feeling him, touching him, and worshiping him.

If fulfilling my wish requires becoming a god, I will use all my abilities to become a god and continue to believe in him as a god. "

At this time, Da Liang looked at the disturbed foggy area below, as if looking at the ignorant sentient beings. His voice was calm, but what he said shocked the Sad Lord like thunder. He repeated: "Believe in another god as a god."

Daliang has already entered the state: "Yes. Our human race adheres to order just like the undead. Although we do not have as long a life as the undead, our family can be loyal to another family under an oath for hundreds or thousands of years. My identity will not change my unswerving belief in the God of Death. If I can see the God of Death with my own eyes, it will only make me more pious.

Therefore, I agree with the Wizards Guild's approach of wanting to become a god, because God really exists and as believers we should find him. But I don't agree with their idea of ​​being on the same level as the God of Death. Even if they can become as powerful as gods, they will never be as great as gods.

My belief in the God of Death is not in his power, but in the unsullied teachings and knowledge of life and death he taught me.

This is my ultimate belief. "

"Ultimate faith?" The Sad Lord murmured: "Because I believe in the God of Death, I became a god who believes in him!"

Daliang looked at the sad monarch who seemed to understand but not understand, and knew that his deception skills had improved a few levels.

Hahaha... When you are a bitch who wants to build a memorial arch, who wants to become a god but is afraid of being discovered by the Vulgar Holy See, I will help you with psychological counseling and give you a reason why you can become a god without violating the Vulture teachings.

This level passed again, and Daliang Dayi said Lingran: "Okay! Since I am going to die, I am not afraid to tell you these words that violate the duties of an Unsullied Holy See. I firmly believe that I will definitely see the God of Death. , after death, I will still follow the spirit given to me by the god of death as an undead soul, and insist on my ultimate belief.

You... do it! "

Daliang raised his neck, as if he wanted to die generously and regarded death as home.

But the Sad Lord looked a little excited: "Okay, okay, okay, you are fine! Your words solved a problem that has been bothering me for a long time. Yes, our belief in the God of Death should not change because of the change of identity. , neither the humble skeleton nor the noble god can change our belief in death.

This is the truly devout Immortal believer.

This is the true ultimate faith!

I need you, I need you to do something important for me. "

Seeing the sad monarch's epileptic appearance, Daliang was a little puzzled.

What's happening here? I just said some nice words to please the Death Lord so as not to be chopped down here. Why does it seem like the Sad Lord has discovered something extraordinary? Or maybe it's because my brother's flattery skills are so profound that he just hits the sad monarch's itch and makes this top powerhouse feel comfortable?

I can’t figure it out, I can’t figure it out.

The mind of the undead is difficult to understand.

Anyway, the sad monarch is now in a state of great joy, which will naturally bring many benefits in the future.

The Sad Lord praised Daliang with some incomprehensible words, and then said: "Hahaha... Do you really want to know who I am now? Let me tell you... I am someone you can't guess anyway, but You will soon know who I am.

Remember what you said to me today, don’t say it to anyone.

Wait until the next time we meet, I will surprise you and set your life on a completely new path.

I'm optimistic about you! "

After saying that, the Sad Lord turned around and flew away, his body slowly fading away. When he was about to disappear, he threw two magic spells downwards.

Death Ripple: A second-level earth-based life spell that causes damage to living creatures in a wide range.

This is a relatively low-level spell that can cause range attacks without mastering advanced earth magic. Da Liang can also cause death ripples, but although the attack range of death ripples is large, the attack power is too low, so Da Liang rarely uses this spell.

However, when the Sorrowful Lord's spell hit the block below, there was a flash of light and all non-undead players were killed.

The scope is the blockade area established by Xuyang Guild.

Then the second magic is Undead Killer. Its killing and attack range are similar to Death Ripple. The difference is that Undead Killer only kills undead creatures.

The undead killer swept across, and the entire blockade area was filled with deathly silence.

Completely inestimable strength, this is the level of power mastered by level 16 creatures.

After a moment of silence, the regional chat channel suddenly exploded.

"Who did this? With such a large-scale attack, everyone was killed instantly."

"Forbidden spell! It must be a forbidden spell, definitely a spell that can only be cast by a superhero."

"Yao Shou, there are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the foggy area. There are powerful heroes here hidden in such an ordinary neighborhood. There must be so many big guys like this in the entire city. As long as you can be lucky enough to recruit one, you can turn around! "

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