Start with an Archangel

Chapter 584 The church is built


I really didn’t mean it, I was just talking casually with my big mouth. This girl picked it up too quickly. She really took Tokugawa Nobunaga’s money as money.

However, some players insist on giving money, and as an NPC, there is no reason to refuse.

Daliang asked Jonathan to send the happy Feng Moying out of the church.

Then I looked at this newly built church and thought to myself: The whole church is enchanted, and when the time comes, the magic light will shine, which will blind people.

And the potions needed for enchantment...

Daliang immediately contacted his alchemy laboratory and told the wizards: work overtime to make building reinforcement enchanting potions.

This money must not be made away by others.

Tokugawa Nobunaga, who was busy with territory construction tasks, did not expect that Feng Moying would receive a construction task from the Pope in the foggy area so quickly: church building enchantment.

Swallowing back a mouthful of old blood, he had such a big Sunrise Territory that he was not willing to enchant any important building. As a result, the first building to be enchanted turned out to be the Church in the Mist District. But since Feng Moying has taken over the task, let's enchant it. Make a church magnificent and radiant. When the Pope preaches in such a church every day, he will definitely always think about the people who funded the reconstruction and enchantment of his church.

But Tokugawa Nobunaga, who has been spending so much without getting anything in return, felt very uncomfortable: "Captain Fuma, I am very satisfied with your work efficiency. It's just that we have already invested a lot in the Pope in this foggy area. More, invest in rebuilding churches, investing in repairing roads in foggy areas, and investing in enchanting churches.

When will I see returns?

I ask you to obtain benefits as soon as possible, whether it is to ask the Pope to allow my army to enter the foggy area on a large scale, or to give me a street to expand my territory.

Anyway, I want a reward! "

"Don't worry, President, as long as we complete the enchantment of the church in the foggy area, I will definitely let the Pope give me a reward... at least know what we can get from him?"

The enchantment of a building needs to wait until the construction of the building is completed, but the potions and materials required for enchantment need to be prepared in advance, and an enchanter needs to be hired to complete the entire work.

Xuyang Leader does not yet have its own alchemy laboratory at this time. Even if there were, the level of alchemy and personnel would not reach the level of the Black Fire Leader in a short period of time.

The alchemy shop opened by Daliang has a complete set of one-stop services, although the price is a big pitfall.

But the alchemy industry is inherently a huge profit pit. Players without sufficient alchemy skills can only stretch their necks to be slaughtered.

They were slaughtered in other places, and they were also slaughtered in the foggy area.

The foggy area saves shipping costs, transmission fees and many twists and turns. Tokugawa Nobunaga decided to get slaughtered in the alchemy shop in the foggy area.

The deposit of one million gold coins was paid, and Tokugawa Nobunaga, who was facing an even tighter schedule, was eager for this investment to bring some returns.

In Da Liang's longing, his church in the foggy area was finally built.

Of course, enchanting is much more complicated than building a house, and everything needs to be carved slowly and step by step. But Da Liang can't wait for the enchantment to be completed, and the completion ceremony of the church in the foggy area will be held today.

This ceremony was originally a large network in Daliang's plan, and the purpose was to take the opportunity to establish relations with the ruling class of the Mist Area. Therefore, Daliang sent a very high-profile invitation to all the powerful and powerful officials of the Immaculate Holy See in the City of Sighs.

The Sorrowful Monarch, the Head of the Holy Order of Knights, the Speaker of the Holy See Council, the other twelve bishops, and so on.

The purpose of Da Liangfa invitations is: you can say that you have received the invitation but I will not go, but you can never say that you have not received the invitation for the new ceremony of the church in the Mist District.

On the day of the ceremony. The church in the foggy area was decorated in an extremely eerie manner, with skeletons piled up at the base of the walls, ghosts singing, zombies wandering around, and several vampires turning into bats and flying past. Daliang personally presided over the decoration of the entire church inside and outside. He referenced many zombie movies and TV series to make the place full of post-apocalyptic style.

The feeling of desolation, sadness, and desolation jumped out.

Jonathan has led the formation of the Knights of the Church in the Mist Area to complete the blockade around the church. At this time, Daliang does not want a mission maniac like Feng Moying to break in and delay his good deeds.

If I get caught, my reputation will be ruined.

Daliang stood outside the door of the church. In front of the door was a bluestone paved avenue, with knights of the Church Knights lined up on both sides of the avenue.

Church Knights are not just terrifying knights. This is a title. As long as you accept the heroes recruited by the Immaculate Church Knights, you can become a Church Knight.

However, Jonathan seems to have a soft spot for the Dread Knight.

Most of the church knights in the Church Knights of the Mist Zone are Terror Knight Heroes. Even the army directly under the Knights is mainly composed of Terror Knights, a level 12 undead unit.

Therefore, when the Knights of the Church of the Mist District came out to appear, they were instantly majestic with their neat black armor, black horses, and sabers.

Look at Jonathan's subordinates, and look at himself...

Daliang looked back at the priests behind him.

Walking dead priests, skeleton priests, walking dead priests...

Not only is the quality low-grade, but the quantity is no more than ten, which is quite shameful.

But Daliang’s teaching position is the external pope, and the domestic pope’s responsibility is to recruit and train priests.

So...if you don't have permission, you can only do it in a hurry.

The reconstruction of the church in the Mist District is also a big event in the City of Sighs, but this parish is really too special, and it is exactly where the Sorrowful King goes to deal with disobedient people.

Once promoted to the Bishop of the Mist District by the Melancholy Lord, he will basically go to see the God of Death very quickly.

Therefore, the senior officials of the Unsullied Holy See are not very willing to have anything to do with the Church in the Mist District. However, the Mist District is one of the thirteen major dioceses in the City of Sighs after all, so since they have received the invitation, they must not pretend not to know.

However, none of the original persons invited by the invitation came. They all just sent a low-level priest casually to show off.

However, even low-level priests have an innate sense of superiority when facing the Church in the Mist District.

After all, it is embarrassing enough for a church to not even have a bishop. The reason why the church was rebuilt was because it was bombed.

This kind of situation is completely unimaginable in other dioceses. Except for the church in the foggy area, none of the other twelve churches in Sigh City are as strong as clouds and as expert as rain.

The Mist District is a stepmother in the system of the Unsullied Holy See in the City of Sighs, a place of exile and a burial ground for priests.

Therefore, the Unsullied priests of other dioceses looked down upon the priests of the Mist Zone, and even the Pope of the Mist Zone did not look down upon them.

Maybe one day he will be dead on the street.

The priests of the church in the foggy area seemed to have become accustomed to the attitude of the priests from outside the area towards them. The same walking dead priest was actually three points shorter than others.

Oops... I didn't expect the priests of the Immaculate Holy See to be so snobbish!

Fortunately, I have a backup plan. Otherwise, if today's incident spreads out, how can I hang out among the senior officials of the Wugou Holy See in Sighing City in the future?

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