Start with an Archangel

Chapter 585 Important Guest

All the senior leaders of the Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs gave the Misty Zone some face. Groups of low-level priests sent here have filled the main hall of the Holy See in the Mist District. It seems to be extremely lively, but in fact they are all here to fill up the numbers.

Time passed little by little, and the Misty District Church had no intention of holding a ceremony. The church's highest clerical minister, the Pope, was still standing at the door of the church waiting for the invited guests to come.

The impatient priests gradually began to make noise. Due to the gap in clerical positions, although the priests looked down on the Pope in the Mist District, they did not dare to be rude to him. However, the priests of the church in the Mist District did not need to take care of them. face.

A group of priests who participated in the celebration accused the priests of the church in the Mist District of being negligent. The long wait was delaying their time to study the doctrine of Immaculate Conception and serve the God of Death.

The priests of the church in the foggy area did not dare to refute, but cautiously said to their Pope: "Your Holiness, all the people we invited have arrived. Do you want to start the ceremony now?"

Daliang said: "Everyone is not here, and there are still important people who are not here."

Important person?

The priest of the Misty District Church looked at the undead priests in the main hall and said strangely: "The adults who received our invitation have all sent people here. This is a grand occasion that the Misty District Church has not seen for a long, long time. We really want to There is no one else from the Holy See who hasn’t sent someone here.”

Is this a grand event for a low-level priest?

I really have never seen the world.

As soon as the priest finished speaking, the screams of the ghost dragons filled the entire sky. In an instant, the ghost dragons falling from the sky filled the empty space of the church in the foggy area. More than a dozen ghost dragons landed in the church. On the back of each ghost dragon sat a famous knight. The flags on the tips of the spears showed their identities.

It’s the Immaculate Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs!

All the priests who came to watch the ceremony were surprised. Looking at the scale of the arrival of the Holy See Knights, it seemed that the leader of the Holy See Knights - the terrifying knight Will, was personally present.

Will is a confidant of the Melancholy Lord, and controls the strongest army in the City of Sighs for the Melancholy Lord. It is definitely a great honor for him to attend the establishment ceremony of the Holy See in the Mist District.

I just don’t know why the reconstruction of the church in the foggy area alerted Will to come.

"The Lord of Sorrow has arrived!"

A loud shout shook the entire foggy area, and many priests were shocked and immediately rushed out of the main hall, preparing to welcome the arrival of the Sad Lord.

It turned out to be the Sad Lord.

He personally came to participate in the reconstruction ceremony of the church in the Mist District. What does this mean? The priests speculated one after another, but no one could guess the purpose of the Sad Lord coming here.

The priests of the church in the foggy area were really excited.

Anyone who can become a priest is a loyal believer in Death. The Sad Lord is the spokesperson of Death in the world. His arrival is like the arrival of Death in person, which is absolutely a supreme glory.

In the eager anticipation of many priests, two ghost dragons that were much larger than ordinary ghost dragons landed outside the door of the church in the foggy area.

The ghost dragon tilted its wings to form a staircase, and the Sad Lord and Will walked down it.

Daliang immediately greeted him: "The Holy Father, Foreign Minister of the Mist District Church, paid homage to the Sorrowful Monarch. Your arrival has brought supreme glory to our church."

The Sad Lord has restored his appearance. He saw that Daliang did not show any abnormality, and then said with great majesty: "The Mist District is an important parish in the City of Sighs. When the Holy See cleared the Wizards' Guild, we discovered that the Mist District It is the only parish that has not been infiltrated by those exiles. From this, it can be seen that the Church in the Mist District does better than other churches. It also made me realize that I had ignored the development of the Church in the Mist District before.

The Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs must change its previous wrong practices.

The purpose of my visit this time is two-fold. One is to celebrate the completion of a magnificent and unsullied church; the other is to confer the title of 'Model Parish' in the Mist District. "

The priests did not expect that the Sad Lord's attitude towards the church in the Mist District would undergo a 180-degree reversal!

The only parish that has not been infiltrated by the Wizards Guild is an excuse.

There is no stronghold of the Wizards Guild here, because the Wizards Guild simply doesn't bother to develop in this misty area full of evil.

As a result... other dioceses spent manpower, material resources, and efforts to crack down on the Wizards Guild, but instead the Mist District, which had always been dedicated to killing Bishop Wugou, gained the title of "Model Diocese."

Isn’t this a bit much?

It’s understandable that the Sad Monarch wants to support the Mist District, but doesn’t doing so make other dioceses feel chilly?

However, the hierarchy of the undead was distinct, and these low-level priests did not dare to question the decision of the Sad Lord.

Da Liang also heard the signal given by the sad monarch. The title of a "Model Parish" shows the Sad King's determination to value the Mist District, and at the same time allows the Mist District to continue to be marginalized by other dioceses.

The Melancholy Monarch will make a big move in the Mist Zone.

Recalling what the Sad Lord said before leaving on the night when the Xuyang Territory was destroyed, Daliang felt that the real purpose of the Sad Lord's coming here should be to clarify his identity with him and then entrust him with important tasks.

As for what the mission is, we can only know it after the Sad Lord tells him.

However, it is definitely not an easy task to allow the Sad Lord to build momentum for the Mist Zone with such great fanfare.

Daliang expressed his gratitude and respect to the Sad Lord, and then said: "In order to celebrate the completion of the church in the Mist District, I specially invited one of my best friends in the main world to come to watch the ceremony. He is also an undead, a noble marquis. , a city lord of a level 12 city, and even a prime minister of the main city. I think he will be very happy to see you here."

The undead in the Kingdom of Death have no subordinate relationship with the undead in the main world. The Sad Lord knows that the prime minister of a main city in the main world must have a very high status. For such a marquis to come to the City of Sighs is already a big diplomatic event. .

The sad monarch couldn't help but be very curious about the upcoming undead noble. At the same time, he made a new judgment on the pope who could invite a prime minister of the main city. A person who can have a prime minister from the main city come to watch the ceremony must also be a very powerful person in the main world.

The Sad Lord said: "It is a joy for such a distinguished guest to come to the City of Sighs. When will your friend arrive?"

"Report to the Lord, he will be here soon."

Lord Stanley arrives in the kingdom of death.

He didn't expect that his good brother would obtain the teaching position of the Pope in the Mist District of Lament City in the Kingdom of Death in a short period of time. He couldn't help feeling how correct he was in insisting that everything Brother Daliang said was right.

Daliang was doing well in the kingdom of death, and Marquis Stanley also felt bright on his face.

When a good brother's church is built, the older brother must go and support it.

Not only did Marquis Stanley come, but he also remembered Daliang's instructions in the letter and put on his most beautiful newly made attire to show his wealth.

So when Marquis Stanley came to the foggy area, the unique gloominess of the plane of the undead could not suppress the brilliance he exuded.

The diamond chair, which was originally regarded as a treasure by Marquis Stanley, has long been looked down upon by him. Now Marquis Stanley is riding on a diamond carriage, and two ghost dragons are pulling the carriage. The ghost dragons are wearing a layer of gold lace clothing.

On top of the frame are a pile of pearls, agate, emeralds, gems...

Where are the people?

The sad monarch looked at the ghost dragon carriage that flew close and then stopped in front of him, and wondered in his heart: Could it be that the Marquis had something to do and couldn't come, so he sent two ghost dragons and a cart of jewelry to express his congratulations?

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