Start with an Archangel

Chapter 586 Don’t talk about ideals

At this moment, when all the undead were blinded by the extremely luxuriously decorated Ghost Dragon bicycle frame that showed off its wealth, and were frightened by the mountain-like jewelry on the bicycle frame.

Only Daliang knew that underneath the pile of jewels was Marquis Stanley.

Although Daliang had tried his best to imagine how shocking the scene would be when Marquis Stanley would appear, he did not expect that Marquis Stanley would once again set the lower limit of Daliang's knowledge of taste. Simply and violently displaying one's wealth is in line with Marquis Stanley's aesthetic concept.

Of course, this is also more effective.

People don’t understand the connotations of playing with the undead, such as antiques and works of art.

It's better to reveal your wealth directly, which saves you a lot of preparation.

Daliang walked to the front of the Ghost Dragon carriage and greeted the person suspected of being in front of Marquis Stanley: "Sir Marquis Stanley, my good brother. You are very welcome to come to my church completion ceremony. Your arrival is really a blessing." It adds a lot of richness to the place.”

Marquis Stanley was dressed in all kinds of attire, which made it impossible for him to move around normally. But he is also an extremely powerful hero, and this heavy jewelry costume cannot stop him from moving. He uses flying magic to fly down from the mountain of gems, and floats in front of Da Liang.

Then he stretched out the palm that was exposed twice by Gemstone Mountain, recalled the instructions in Daliang's letter, laughed and said to Daliang: "Earl Evisceration, my good brother, I always thought you were a gift from the God of Death, now look You have indeed been blessed by the God of Death, and you actually serve as the Pope of the Unsullied Holy See in the great city of the City of Sighs.

When I received your invitation, I couldn't wait to see you. You are still wise and amazing. "

Daliang hugged Baoshishan, and then said: "Thank you again for coming, and may the God of Death bless you. Please let me introduce you to another noble man. This man is the master of Sighing City, the great sad monarch. "

Marquis Stanley did not expect to see the Sad Lord here. Feeling that this top strong man and ruler, he immediately expressed his respect.

Daliang also formally introduced Marquis Stanley to the sad monarch, and specifically pointed out his wealth: "Where Marquis Stanley rules, there are more merchants than civilians, more caravans than armies, and the goods are piled up like an endless stream. It is an incredible mountain range. It can be said that every piece of land there has immeasurable value and is the brightest pearl in the commercial scope of the entire main world."

Thinking of the wealth he owned, Marquis Stanley couldn't help laughing: "All this is the credit of Earl Eviscerate. Before I met Brother Eviscerate, my city was a poor wasteland. It was Brother Eviscerate who helped me The city has brought prosperity. I used to pick up a copper plate when I saw it on the ground. Now, even if a gem falls on the ground, I won’t pick it up because I can’t bend down.


Marquis Stanley laughed so hard that his whole body trembled. Sure enough, a few gems fell from his body, but he really didn't pick them up with disdain.

The Sad Lord was equally happy to see Marquis Stanley. He was currently worried about the military expenses for preparing for the plane war. Although he had found a source of wealth by selling rare resources, of course, when fighting, the more money the better, especially when he does not have much savings in peacetime. For the city of the undead.

Now that I have seen such a rich and undead Marquis, of course I must find a way to drain some blood from him to replenish the treasury of the City of Sighs.

The Sad Monarch was very enthusiastic about Marquis Stanley and proposed to discuss business cooperation together.

Talking about business...

Marquis Stanley immediately said: "I listen to my brother about making money..."

The Melancholy Monarch, Marquis Stanley and Da Liang came to a relatively private room in the church. Will stood outside the door to prevent anyone from intruding.

As for the completion ceremony of the church in the Mist District.

The Sad Lord would not condescend to give a ceremonial speech for a group of low-level priests. Da Liang was waiting for the Sad Lord and Marquis Stanley, and he had no interest in praising the Immaculate Doctrine to a group of undead.

So the church priests presided over the completion ceremony of the church in the foggy area, and Da Liang accompanied the Sad Monarch and Marquis Stanley to discuss business cooperation.

"Everything in the world has a beginning and an end. Even the undead that can survive for a long time will eventually die. No creature can see through death better than the undead. Disappearance is not terrible for the undead, because every undead is a god of death. My child, my life is a reward given by the God of Death, and our death is also a call from the God of Death.

Everything about us comes from Death, including our rights, strength, and wealth.

Marquis Stanley, although we are in different planes, our beliefs firmly link us together.

At the same time, they were all favored by the God of Death.

He has given me the authority to rule the world on His behalf, and He has given you wealth that is the envy of everyone.

As a Lord of the Unsullied Church, I would very much like to hear your thoughts on the teachings of the Unsullied, and whether you have any thoughts on dedicating your wealth to the God of Death. "

Daliang, who had just sat down, was stunned by the words of the Sad Lord.

Occupational disease?

Didn’t everyone agree to discuss business? How come we talk about the Immaculate Doctrine and devotion first?

Is Marquis Stanley one of those undead souls in your kingdom of death who have never seen anything in the world? As soon as you mentioned the Immortal Doctrine, he immediately committed suicide and donated all his wealth to you.

What nonsense!

Even the God of Death's personal persuasion would not be able to bring down Marquis Stanley, who was climbing to the peak of wealth.

Marquis Stanley's expression could not be seen in the pile of gems. He remained silent and had no idea how to respond to the sad monarch's suggestion.

Daliang hurriedly said: "Praise the God of Death. Your Majesty, my first contact with the Immortal Doctrine was from Marquis Stanley. I can guarantee that the Marquis is a devout believer in the God of Death. If the God of Death is really calling him, I think he will not hesitate. Hesitantly threw himself into the light of death.

However, Lord Stanley still has a heavy responsibility. He not only needs to lead the main city of Shangjiang to glory, but also has the mission of bringing the Kingdom of Death to prosperity.

It is not enough for the development of a city to rely solely on the dedication of believers. It is like a bowl of water that will be gone after it is used.

What Marquis Stanley brought this time was a big river, which was a steady stream of inexhaustible wealth.

I invited Marquis Stanley to come this time, firstly to celebrate the reconstruction of the church in the Mist District, and secondly to discuss how to use the resources of Shangjiang City to boost the economy of the Mist District.

Please forgive me for introducing the concept of business into the foggy area without permission, because from my perspective as a human race, I hope that the city where I preach is a prosperous and lively place. "

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