Start with an Archangel

Chapter 587 Just talk about money

After listening to Daliang's words, the Sad Lord also realized that his habitual preaching was very inappropriate on this occasion.

Now that Daliang had smoothed things over, the Sad Monarch took advantage of the opportunity to drop the topic and turned to business cooperation.

“I have seen the changes in the foggy area.

To be honest, when I established the Mist Zone as a gathering place for non-undead races a long time ago, I just wanted these foreign races to bring different changes to my city. But what they ended up with were some heinous and desperate guys.

They did not bring good things to my city. Instead, they became a group of villains who claimed to believe in the God of Death, but secretly assassinated the Bishop of the Mist District.

Over time, I gave up my original idealistic wish and allowed this place to become a city of wandering and sighing outside the Holy See.

And when I came here again recently, I found that the appearance here overlapped a bit with my original vision. The foggy area was finally turning into what it should be.

Then I knew that the person who brought changes to the Mist Zone was my newly appointed Foreign Pope of the Mist Zone.

I was so happy to finally have someone capable of helping me realize my wish, and now I find that the Eviscerate Pope seems to be able to give me so much more.

Regarding business cooperation, as long as it can bring prosperity and wealth to the City of Sighs, I am willing to support you with all my abilities.

What business opportunities does the Eviscerating Pope have in mind now? In addition to selling rare resources. "

Finally got to the point.

Da Liang walked to a flat wall and hung a map of the main world on it.

Then the sad monarch introduced in detail the prosperity of maritime trade in the main world and the huge wealth contained in the ocean.

"Marquis Stanley is currently the Prime Minister of the main city of Shangjiang. His city is Jiading City, a subsidiary of Shangjiang City. The location here is very advantageous. In front of it is the Pacific Ocean, the largest ocean in the entire main world, and next to it is the busiest city in the main world. The river - the Yangtze River. Marquis Stanley's wealth gathered like a rainstorm, thanks to this unique location.

However, the wealth that this location can bring is far from being developed, and the wealth that it can expand is even more unimaginable.

What limits the speed at which Marquis Stanley can gather wealth is the gap between cities.

The monarch should know that the main world is a city-state system. Each city has a high degree of self-control. At the same time, several adjacent cities unite to form a city-state.

Although Shangjiang City is a powerful main city in the main world, its influence is still limited. This means that our Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's caravan can only cover the surrounding areas affected by Shangjiang City, and will be boycotted further away.

Now the Shuntong Maritime Merchant Fleet we have established is also facing this situation.

The best way to solve this situation is to directly show force. However, Shangjiang City's force is not enough to deal with the overall situation. At the same time, due to political influence, Shangjiang City cannot use regular troops casually, causing tension in the surrounding area.

Therefore, I originally planned to establish a connection between the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and the Fog District, export powerful heroes to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce as mercenaries through the Fog District, and cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce to use force to open up the market.

Now it would be better if the City of Sighs could get involved. "

The Sad Lord understood what Daliang meant, and he said: "You mean to launch a war to make those cities that are unwilling to open their markets to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce willing to open up?"

Daliang said: "Waging a war is the last resort, because war costs money, and we cannot launch a war every time we go. This will cause public outrage and affect the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce.

When the expansion of the Chamber of Commerce encounters obstacles, I first seek a peaceful solution through negotiation. If the peaceful solution fails to achieve the goal, we will show force; if the show of force still cannot make the other party surrender, we will launch a war.

In my conception, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will definitely encounter several battles in the early stages of expansion. As long as we can easily win, we can basically achieve our goal by showing off force in the future.

Shangjiang City has set up an ocean-going fleet specifically for the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. I am currently the admiral of this fleet. Our chamber of commerce already has the ability to fight across oceans. What we lack now is enough ground troops and heroes, and because we need to frequently deploy troops over long distances, I tend to form my attack group with high-level undead troops and high-level undead heroes, and use a large number of low-level undead troops to protect our commercial facilities. This can reduce a lot of logistical pressure.

Although Marquis Stanley's Jiading City has an army of undead, his army must guard the headquarters of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. It will be difficult to form an army of undead sufficient to defeat all enemies in a short period of time. "

The Sad Lord already knows what role his City of Sighs will play in future cooperation. He is a simple thug and does not need to use his brain. There is no need to consider the complicated business operations that the undead tribe is not good at.

If the army of the undead in the City of Sighs, who have nothing to do and are all buried deep underground, can be made to go out and make money, it will be a very profitable business for the Sad Lord.

The Sad Lord said: "If I provide you with an army of undead, how much money can I get?"

Finally it’s time to talk about money.

Da Liang said: "For low-level soldiers such as skeleton soldiers, walking corpses, and ghosts, we at the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce are willing to pay the normal weekly salary; for mid-level soldiers such as vampires and corpse witches, we are willing to pay a weekly salary that is 50% higher than the weekly salary; for high-level soldiers, we are willing to pay a weekly salary that is 50% higher than the weekly salary. Dark Knight and Terror Knight can get twice the weekly salary.

If there is a war mission, each soldier participating in the war can receive a war subsidy that is 50% higher than the weekly salary.

If a soldier dies in battle, the monarch receives a pension of double his weekly salary.

As for mercenary heroes, the remuneration is calculated separately based on the strength of each hero. We are willing to hire heroes like Captain Will even if they need to pay 100,000 gold per week. "

When Daliang was talking about mercenary remuneration, the sad monarch felt that a mountain of gold was pressing on him.

In the City of Sighs, low-level soldiers do not need to pay a weekly salary, and they do not even have to pay for their meals. Therefore, the weekly salary paid by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to the low-level soldiers is all for the Sorrowful Monarch; although the mid-level soldiers need to pay a weekly salary, Wugou The teachings are here, you little soldiers, do you have the nerve to ask for them? What's the point of asking for money? They can be dismissed with just a little money; senior soldiers have double commissions, half of which is paid and half is retained, and they have nothing to be dissatisfied with.

Moreover, there are subsidies for war and pensions for death.

Better to be dead.

The rewards for heroes are higher. By fighting with the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, you can not only train your own heroes, but also get money.

What a great thing.

"How many troops do you need..."

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