Start with an Archangel

Chapter 588 Military Employment

How many troops are needed?

Da Liang thought about it in his heart.

On land, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce covers the entire Shangjiang area and radiates to the surrounding areas. Then it is blocked by Nanjing City in the northwest, and the important obstacle in the southwest is Hangzhou City. These two cities have reached level 13. Together with the surrounding vassal cities, although their strength alone is no match for Shangjiang City, if Shangjiang City uses regular troops to attack, it will trigger military turmoil in the surrounding areas and cause weak cities to unite. .

Moreover, things inside Shangjiang City are more complicated, and it is not appropriate to use the army easily.

Without the support of Shangjiang City, Jiading City alone would not be able to open trade routes.

At sea, the Shuntong maritime merchant fleet is actively being formed. With the Shangjiang fleet having just won a great victory at sea, Shuntong maritime merchants should be able to operate unimpeded in the waters surrounding the East China Sea and enjoy preferential trade.

As for other places…

The maritime trade of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is not like retail investors like players, who sell whatever they make money. By grasping the advantages of the Yangtze River artery and opening up the Yangtze River trade route, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce can eliminate many intermediate links and directly purchase bulk goods from the origin of the goods, and then dump them by sea.

This kind of trade behavior is a great damage to the local economy and will inevitably lead the local government to impose heavy taxes to protect the local business balance.

If the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce wants low-tax dumping, it can only use force to force the other party to sign a commercial contract that is beneficial to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

In Da Liang's plan.

The land route takes Shangjiang City as the center and radiates north to south to expand the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's logistics industry; the waterway extends along the Yangtze River to the hinterland of the China Game Zone, making the coast and surrounding areas of this river the production and sales place for Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's overseas goods. , and cooperate with the logistics industry to achieve seamless connection between seller terminals and seller terminals.

At sea, we must first ensure the safety of the Shuntong merchant fleet, and then establish exclusive trading ports for the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce around the world.

If this system is really established, the troops required are truly immeasurable. Neither the Black Fire Territory nor Jiading City can produce so many soldiers in a short period of time.

But if Sigh City is willing to send mercenaries...

Go all out to build your own business empire.

The first stage goal set by Daliang for the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is to fight against four level 13 cities at the same time and win in a short time.


The more troops the better.

Of course, we must proceed step by step, within the scope of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's capital chain, and we must not hire too many soldiers beyond demand and waste funds.

So Daliang said to the sad monarch: "Your Majesty, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce can use a budget of 3 million gold coins per week to hire troops to serve us in the early stage of cooperation. In the future, as the business scope of the Chamber of Commerce expands, this budget will continue to be increased. .

I predict that if the first phase of expansion of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce can be completed, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will eventually need to invest 8 million to 10 million gold per week in the maintenance of mercenaries.

even more.

But there is one thing I need to explain beforehand.

Since our Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is a commercial organization, war is not our goal, it is just a means that we will not use as a last resort. Therefore, during the period of employment, mercenaries must fully obey the orders of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and must not arbitrarily carry out military operations outside the scope.

At the same time, in order not to affect the operation of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, if the monarch wants to recall part of the army, he needs to inform us one month in advance so that the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce can mobilize other troops to supplement this part of the military strength.

In addition, there needs to be an upper limit on the number of troops that the monarch can call back every month.

This is entirely out of consideration for the original interests of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. If the monarch transfers too many troops, we will definitely not be able to provide too many manpower to supplement these shortcomings.


The weekly income of several million gold can reach tens of millions of gold in the future after the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce completes its initial expansion and continues to develop.

This is definitely a major fixed source of wealth for the City of Sighs, and all the Sad Lord has to pay is just the undead that the Kingdom of Death can capture at will.

As for the recall regulations that Daliang mentioned.

The Sad Lord also said that there was no problem. Not to mention that what Daliang said was reasonable and reasonable, which was the benefit of making money even without fighting. The Sad Lord only had the idea of ​​​​exporting more troops and had no intention of recalling the army.

At least before the plane war breaks out, this kind of mercenary army must fight for as much military expenditure as possible for the City of Sighs.

At this moment, the Melancholy Monarch has come up with a series of uses for the funds.

The long-idle alchemy system in the City of Sighs needs to be restarted. In the past, there was no money to invest in the research and production of alchemy equipment. Now, if you have money, you must build all the powerful alchemy weapons that have been parked in drawings and ideas.

The next step is to build the defense system of Sighing City. For the attack of Yunzhong City, more magic towers should be built.

The other is the study of witchcraft to become a god.

After Daliang's "enlightenment", the Sad Lord has completely untied the knot in his heart and served the God of Death as a god.

Under this ultimate belief, he will become the pioneer of the entire Immaculate Holy See.

It's just that the captured wizard didn't ask much, not even his name, let alone the method of finding the God's plane.

Now that all the forces of the Wizards Guild in Sighing City have been wiped out, the Sad Lord is not sure whether that wizard knows how to open the passage to the crystal wall of the God Plane. However, all the research materials of the Sighing City Branch of the Wizards Guild are in his hands. As long as he has time and enough funds, the Sad Lord is confident that he can also find the crystal wall of the God's Plane.

As long as I can become a god...

Cloud City, Hell, Michael, Satan, Lucifer, what are they?

The prerequisite is that the money must be obtained.

"No problem. You have the absolute right to command all my troops hired by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. I also have no objections to the regulations on the recall of the troops." The sad monarch can exchange the idle undead for gold coins. Very satisfied with the business, he agreed to the conditions proposed by Daliang and asked: "When can our cooperation begin?"

Daliang said with a smile: "For such an important matter, let's set the tone of cooperation first, and the remaining specific matters need to be perfected step by step. After Marquis Stanley returns to Shangjiang, he will immediately send someone to count the troops and allocate funds needed. .

At the same time, special plane teleportation arrays for Jiading City and Sigh City must be established.

Separate military camps for mercenaries also need to be built.

The monarch can first mobilize the first batch of armies, including 200,000 skeleton soldiers, 100,000 ghosts, 30,000 vampires, 10,000 corpse witches, and 5,000 dark knights. Each army is equipped with 10% of advanced units, and hero commanders at all levels are complete.

Bone dragons and ghost dragons, we want to hire 100 of them. If the monarch cannot deploy so many ultimate troops at the moment, you can give us 40 first.

In this case, in conjunction with the undead army in Jiading City, we can use force against Nanjing City and Hangzhou City to ask them to allow the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to build a logistics transfer station within the areas they control. "

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