Start with an Archangel

Chapter 589 It’s too big

Although Shangjiang City has great economic and military strength, its territory is too small. The explosive development of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has easily reached a bottleneck. It is surrounded by barriers between city-states, and business activities have to be restricted by various taxes and checkpoints.

If it is normal business development, although there are many restrictions from the outside world, Shuntong Chamber of Commerce can still make profits and slowly expand by operating trade normally.

However, Daliang was not satisfied with the speed at which the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce was restricted.

The plane war has begun to brew, and the early contest between the major forces is about to trigger a war in the Kingdom of Death.

City of Sighs and Purgatory Furnace City are both accumulating funds and strength for future wars.

Daliang is also thinking about having a lot of financial reserves to deal with future chaos.

As Daliang's loyal ally and economic pillar, Marquis Stanley and his Shuntong Chamber of Commerce naturally want to be stronger.

Now, if the Sad Lord can be persuaded to provide mercenaries to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce can carry out violent economic invasions.

With the undead army clearing the way, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce can plunder as much as they want at low prices, and then dump them everywhere, destroying the economic order of other cities and amassing their own wealth.

This cooperation is a win-win situation for Sad Monarch and Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, the Sad Lord did not think anything about the size of the first mercenary army that Daliang said, and said readily: "This kind of army can be mobilized very quickly. There will be 100 bone dragons, not one of them will be missing, and an additional 10% of the number will be added." The ghost dragon.

In addition, I will let the Immaculate Church recruit priests and church knights into the mercenary army. With the blessing of the God of Death, you will find that the undead army I give you has extraordinary attack power. "

The Melancholy Monarch worked hard to promote his army, and as the Pope, Daliang also knew that priests and church knights did have attributes that increased the combat power of the undead.

Anyway, the size of the mercenary army in the future will be far more than this, and Daliang readily agreed to hire the additional army from the Sad Monarch.

As a result, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, which originally had a very good reputation, has now embarked on a notorious path, and has gone further and further away.

The recruitment of the first army has been agreed. The scale and type of the future mercenary army will require people from Shangjiang City to set up a special department to calculate.

In addition, Daliang also planned to delegate the command of this mercenary army to the Army Department in Shangjiang City.

Although Shangjiang City is now at a low point due to power disputes, the old team that fought with the old Donghai King are all based in Shangjiang City. Now the internal affairs of Shangjiang City have stabilized under Daliang's efforts, and all departments are operating normally.

Among them, the one who manages the army is Archangel Bartlett.

As Howard's right-hand man, Archangel Bartlett is an excellent commander with a very upright character. Having him command this undead mercenary army is far more reassuring than Marquis Stanley.

If Marquis Stanley is asked to command the army, his first consideration is usually how much it would cost to kill a skeleton soldier...

In short, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce owns 10% of the shares of Pudong Fleet, 10% of the shares of the Shangjiang royal family, and 10% of the shares of Shangjiang Finance.

With such a large amount of money, Shangjiang City will definitely strongly support the comprehensive expansion of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

A pleasant business negotiation ended in a happy atmosphere.

The undead did not hold a celebration banquet. After the ceremony at the church in the foggy area, Marquis Stanley returned to Shangjiang with the cooperation agreement from the City of Sighs to send mercenaries to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, preparing to welcome the arrival of the undead mercenaries, and Develop a business expansion plan.

Lord Stanley leaves.

The Sad Lord and Da Liang were the only ones left in the room.

Seeing the Sad Lord sitting there looking as stable as a rock, Daliang knew that he was going to have a showdown with him.

"Pope Eviscerate, I can see the trust that Marquis Stanley has in you, and I am glad that I have found someone as talented as you. You have not only changed the Mist District, but also the City of Sighs. I believe you will still have the possibility in the future. Change the entire kingdom of death.”

Daliang said humbly: "Your Majesty, I just do what the Pope of the Mist Zone should do. It is my duty to make the Mist Zone prosperous, and it is my duty to share the worries of the monarch. It is too ridiculous for the monarch to say that I can change the entire kingdom of death. liked."

The Sad Lord laughed and said: "No, in my opinion, you do have the ability to change the kingdom of death.

The ultimate belief you adhere to will surely bring about earth-shaking changes in the kingdom of death. "

The ultimate belief!

Da Liang immediately pretended to be shocked: "You! How do you... know the ultimate belief! I have never told anyone else... No, I said it to the powerful skeleton mage a few days ago. Could it be that the skeleton mage A subordinate of the monarch?

Please forgive me for my mistakes. I have just started to learn the Immortal Doctrine, and it is inevitable that I will have some other ideas.

But I don’t have any thoughts of blaspheming the God of Death. I just have a strong desire in my heart to see the God of Death with my own eyes...

If there are thoughts that go against the teachings of Immortality, please don’t blame me, Your Majesty. I will definitely get rid of those dangerous obstacles in my heart.

Be a devout believer in Death. "

The Sad Lord was very satisfied with Daliang's performance. He nodded and said: "About who the skeleton mage is? You will definitely know in the future.

But I'm very interested in what you mean by ultimate faith.

The undead really like to stick to the rules, and the doctrine of Undead has existed since the undead appeared in this plane. However, during these countless years, batches of undead considered themselves to be the most devout believers of the God of Death, but their faith remained at the most superficial level.

There is actually no undead person who wants to truly stand beside the God of Death to serve him and believe in him. The most ridiculous thing is that the person who has elevated this belief to a whole new level is not a human being who has studied the Undead for countless years and whose life span is only a few decades.

When I heard the ultimate belief, I felt that I had been a false believer in the God of Death. At the same time, I was glad that I was the first undead to accept the ultimate belief. That feeling is more joyful than earning tens of millions of gold coins every week. "

Daliang said excitedly at this moment: "When I had this idea, I thought I had become an exile abandoned by the god of death, and I never dared to tell anyone. If I hadn't thought that I was going to die, I wouldn't have said anything to that person. The skeleton mage said this.

I didn’t expect that the monarch would recognize my ultimate belief! This was simply the most exciting moment of my life.

It’s just that the ultimate belief that I have sprouted is still very weak, but I believe that it will definitely flourish in the hands of the monarch. "

The Sad Lord stood up, and then walked up to Da Liang. The solid soul fire in his eyes actually trembled: "Yes, the ultimate belief is the true belief in the God of Death. As a monarch of the Unsullied Holy See, I have Duty spreads this faith throughout the realm of the dead.

However, the ultimate belief will definitely be rejected by those conservative undead, and its spread will definitely attract all kinds of slander and attacks.

But my heart remains unchanged...

Are you...willing to help me?

Reorganize the Immaculate Doctrine and establish the Holy See of ultimate faith. "

Oh my god... I really went big this time!

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