Start with an Archangel

Chapter 590 Protestantism

The Sad Lord did not break his promise, and he really surprised Daliang.

Even after the sad monarch left, Da Liang was still floating in the clouds and mist. He knew that the Sad Lord must have a mission to release, but he did not expect it to be such a top-breaking mission.

Modify the Immaculate Doctrine and establish the Holy See of Ultimate Faith.

Is it really okay to do this?

What are the forces in the Kingdom of Death?

The Immaculate Holy See system represented by the death monarchs; Yunzhong City supports the Wizards Guild; Hell Lord King Misuka, he has received the support of some death monarchs; the hell controlled by the fallen angels will never let Yunzhong City and the Hell Lord King The power takes root in the kingdom of death.

The war that is about to break out in the Kingdom of Death seems to be a battle of faith, but in fact it is a competition between various forces.

Yunzhong City hopes to kill the hardcore backbone of the evil camp, the Kingdom of Death; Hell definitely hopes that the undead can drag the undead out of Yunzhong City to buy itself time to prepare for war; the Hell Lord King wants to use the support of the Death Lord to return to Hell.

Now the Sad Monarch actually wants to set up his own business, compile a "New Testament" based on the "Old Testament", endorse his actions, legalize the research on becoming a god, and let the risks be shared.

As a result, the Immaculate Holy See will inevitably split, and the situation in the Kingdom of Death will become even more confusing in the future.

Daliang originally wanted to play on the sidelines in this civil war, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and enjoy the benefits of the fisherman, but he did not expect that he accidentally stepped into the center of the whirlpool.

If the establishment of the "New Covenant" is accomplished, as the proposer of the ultimate belief, Daliang will be the patriarch of the New Unsullied Church, and his power in the kingdom of death will naturally be unimaginable.

But how can it be so easy to change Wu Guo’s teachings? The Immaculate Holy See can rule the Kingdom of Death for countless years with this doctrine. How could they casually allow a new religion to emerge? What's more, the undead themselves are very stubborn, which makes it even more difficult.

The Sad Lord also knew that promoting the new doctrine of Immortality would definitely encounter great resistance, and his words echoed in Da Liang's ears over and over again.

"The core doctrine of Protestantism is the ultimate belief, but most of the undead will not understand my more lofty ideals in a short time. Even if I rashly propose the ultimate belief in my City of Sighs, it will attract a lot of opposition. Therefore, in the early days of the establishment of Protestantism To maintain absolute confidentiality.

The Mist District will become the first parish to embrace the Ultimate Faith, training the first batch of priests and church knights for the new religion.

When the Diocese of the Mist Area develops, we will slowly guide other dioceses to the correct path of faith. "

The church in the Mist District was rebuilt, and the Sorrowful Lord personally came to congratulate him. This event caused great shock in the City of Sighs.

When the bishops and senior priests who got the news speculated why the Melancholy Lord suddenly paid attention to the Mist Zone.

From the cathedral comes an important appointment.

Appointed the Church Eviscerate of the Mist District as the internal pope of the Mist Diocese, concurrently as the external pope, and the governing church knights.

The three powers of internal affairs, foreign affairs, and military affairs are in control. Although Daliang has not become the bishop of the Mist District, he already has all the rights of a bishop.

Then the Sad Lord officially granted the Misty Diocese a model parish, and specially approved 100 outstanding priest apprentices to join the Misty District Church for further studies.

Then, in order to commend Pope Eviscerate for his outstanding contributions to the Mist Zone and the City of Sighs, the Sad Lord also gave Daliang some personal rewards.

The Eviscerate Pope is hired as the special doctrinal advisor to the Immaculate Holy See in the City of Sighs. He can freely enter and exit the cathedral and provide doctrinal guidance to any priests under the City of Sighs.

Granted the status of High Curia Knight to the Eviscerate Pope.

Grant twenty Dread Knights to join the Eviscerate Pope's personal army.

"Meteor and Fire Shower" magic skill book.

A gem mine (daily output of 1 unit of gems)

Daliang looked down upon other rewards such as gold coins and resources.

His status as a special doctrinal advisor to the Immaculate Holy See and a senior Holy See knight made it easier for Daliang to promote the ultimate faith to the priests and knights he valued and draw them into the Protestant religion.

"Meteor and Fire Shower" magic skill book.

After Daliang saw it, he learned it without hesitation.

All along, Da Liang's ability to release the "Meteor and Fire Rain" relied on the "Meteor and Fire Rain" magic scroll obtained in the Outpost Territory War.

Meteor Fire Rain Scroll: A spell-casting prop that allows a mage who has mastered the intermediate wisdom spell to cast Meteor Fire Rain, a level 4 earth magic. (When the hero himself masters Meteor and Fire Shower, the magic power is increased by 25%)

Now that Daliang has completely mastered this powerful range of magic, with the blessing of the magic scroll, the power of the spell has once again increased to a higher level.

The humanoid bomber has taken shape.

A gem mine with a daily output of one unit of gems is already a rich-level rare resource mineral.

What made Daliang look forward to it even more was that the Sad Lord gave him twenty terrifying knights.

Dread Knight (Undead Level 12)

Attack: 18

Defense: 18

Kill: 150-300

HP: 1200

Special skills of the unit: 20% chance of cursing the enemy (killing is reduced to the lower limit), 20% chance of making a knowing blow (killing is doubled)

The Terror Knight is among the best among all types of soldiers at the same level. If you are lucky, you can defeat some weak level 13 creatures. All their attributes are impeccable, and their stunts make them even more powerful. If you have to say his weakness, it is that he can't fly.

We can't let them fly anymore. This unit has almost reached the limit of level 12. If it is further enhanced, it will reach the category of ultimate creatures.

Now there are twenty terrifying knights who are about to enter Da Liang's command.

This is the army that truly belongs to the Black Fire Territory.

Although Daliang helped the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce obtain a large number of troops during the negotiations with the Sad Monarch, the ownership of this army belonged to the Sad Monarch, and the right to use it was in the hands of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. It is very easy to dispatch military forces between system forces, but if players want to obtain troops from system forces, they need to be subject to many restrictions.

Therefore, although Daliang watched the entire army of high-level undead being mobilized from his own hands, he had no way to obtain ownership of any of the soldiers.

And these twenty terrifying knights are under the control of Daliang unconditionally.

Having acquired such a high-level undead unit, Da Liang must have tried what kind of surprises the evil prison in the Black Fire Territory could bring to him.

Da Liang waited in anticipation for the reward to be delivered.

main world.

Marquis Stanley brought the information of cooperation with the Sad Monarch back to Shangjiang City. A main city in the plane of death was willing to provide mercenaries. This was absolutely shocking news to the ruling class of Shangjiang City.

Joyce didn't expect that his maritime expansion had not yet begun, and Daliang, in the kingdom of death, would give such a big gift.

Shangjiang City's financial department and commercial department immediately formulated an expansion plan for the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, and at the same time established their own business group to prepare to follow the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

A headquarters specifically responsible for commanding this undead mercenary army was quickly established, and Bartlett personally served as the commander-in-chief of this army.

When the first payment of employment money was sent to the City of Sighs, the undead army arrived in Jiading City through a specially set up teleportation array.

One hundred and ten bone dragons and ghost dragons were flying in the air, thousands of dark knights and horror knights were galloping outside the city, vampires and ghosts covered the sky above the city, and skeleton soldiers formed a pale sea on the plains.

All the players in Jiading City were startled by the sudden appearance of the undead army.

While the players were guessing what kind of activities the system was organizing, this undead army began to march westward.

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