Start with an Archangel

Chapter 591 New Troops

When the mercenaries from the City of Sighs arrived in the main world, Bartlett couldn't wait to lead his army to the western border to deter all city-states located on the west side of Shangjiang.

At the same time, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce issued business agreement letters to all surrounding cities, requesting free trade rights, fiscal and tax preferential rights, allowing the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to lay logistics channels, and allowing the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's armed caravans to pass freely. Provide a concession to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, and the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will have administrative jurisdiction over the concession during the lease term.

The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's ugly appearance and arrogant unequal agreement made all the surrounding cities filled with indignation.

Shangjiang City has already squeezed the surrounding cities commercially by virtue of its geographical location. The business agreement letters sent around by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce this time are completely an economic invasion by Chi Guoguo. They want to destroy the own economic systems of these cities and incorporate them into Shangjiang's business circle.

As long as they agree to these terms, these cities will be economically kidnapped by Shangjiang City and become a flock of sheep, waiting for the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to shear their sheep at any time.

Such overbearing terms are of course rejected by surrounding cities.

However, the undead army of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is already pressing on the border. The sea of ​​skeletons makes everyone who sees it feel hairy. There are hundreds of bone dragons, ghost dragons, and thousands of dark knights and terrifying knights. Even an undead Lord... The city cannot easily pull out so many troops.

How could there be so many troops in Jiading City!

But doubts remain doubts. The opponent is sharpening his sword, and these city lords will not wait to be killed. Facing the undead army's pressure, cities that felt threatened were all actively preparing for war and preparing for a desperate fight.

But when these cities began to gather armies.

The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce once again sent more troops to the border, and an army of undead of almost the same size pressed on the border.

That wouldn't be fun.

Jiading City was able to recruit so many troops in just a few days. How on earth were they recruited!

Even if you dig from the ground, you can't dig it out so fast, and there are so many ultimate creatures and advanced soldiers that you can't dig out just by trying to dig them out.

The city lords who were threatened by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce felt a mountain of pressure. They could fight for their homeland against the undead army of that size at the beginning. But after the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce increased its troops, it was impossible to fight. After fighting all the troops, even the city would belong to others.

So these city lords began to ask for help everywhere, and the nearby big cities of Hangzhou and Nanjing received letters of help.

Before Hangzhou City and Nanjing City could react, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce once again increased its troops, and an undead army that was as large as the previous two times combined pressed on the border.

At this point, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's undead army at the border has reached 800,000 skeleton soldiers, 400 bone dragons, 40 ghost dragons, and 20,000 dark knights and terror knights. Ghosts and vampires can truly block the sky.

At the same time, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce issued an ultimatum to neighboring cities, requiring city owners to respond positively to the business agreement letter within 24 hours, otherwise "we will cross the border and use war to negotiate."

24 hours a day.

Even if Nanjing City and Hangzhou City agreed to support, reinforcements would not be able to arrive, let alone whether these two cities had the military strength to resist an army of this size.

Moreover, seeing the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce continuously increasing their troops in large quantities is as easy as drinking cold water. Who only knows whether they will bring out more undead armies.

The Sigh City mercenaries made a perfect appearance in the main world. They only showed off their force. Cities around Shangjiang City that received business agreement letters agreed to carry out "commercial cooperation" with the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

Shuntong Chamber of Commerce wants free trade, agree! If you want fiscal and tax benefits, agree! If you want the caravan to pass freely, I agree! If you want a concession, I agree. If you want administrative rights in the concession, I agree!

want to……


At this point, as long as Shangjiang City is not annexed, there is nothing that cannot be given.

When the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's logistics transfer stations began to be installed in these cities, the same business agreement letters were sent to the city lords of Hangzhou City and Nanjing City.

Whether to fight a war that could destroy the two cities, or to agree to the entry of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, the two city lords must choose as soon as possible. Because the undead army of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is already using the free passage of the caravan, passing through the cities between them and Shangjiang, heading towards Nanjing City and Hangzhou City.

I have never seen a caravan of millions of undead before...

When the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce was making great progress on the road of expansion, Daliang returned to the Black Fire Territory.

Accompanying him were twenty terrifying knights and eight hundred vampires newly incorporated into the Blackfire Leader's army.

In the territory mission of the Black Fire Territory, Da Liang's attack group can still easily win even if it attacks two level 6 undead territories at the same time.

The more troops he fought, the more troops he fought. Kuka became a natural at it, and his talent in offensive command was fully developed. In the process of conquering the level 6 territory, Kuka took advantage of a big victory to conquer a level 7 undead territory.

These 800 vampires are the reward for building a level 7 territory.

Vampire (undead level 7 soldier)

Attack: 10

Defense: 9

Kill: 50-80

HP: 300

Troop special ability: Bat transformation.

Except for the walking zombies and bone dragons, the undead's arms at all levels and the arms of all races at the same level can maintain a mid-to-upper level.

The practicality of vampires is absolutely top-notch among level 7 soldiers. Their bat transformation allows them to fly, and their unique agility makes their attacks unpredictable. Combined with their good offensive and defensive attributes, they can often get the upper hand in a battle, and then withdraw out of the opponent's attack range before the opponent can react. .

Moreover, there are no long-range troops in the undead army in the early stage. The only long-range soldier is the level 9 corpse witch. Therefore, vampires have to do more to suppress and attract local long-range troops in the war of the undead.

The newly obtained vampires and terrifying knights are the two types of soldiers that Daliang will transform through the evil prison this time.

With the intention of eating dessert first and dinner later, Da Liang ordered a vampire to walk into the evil prison.

The bloody flames engulfed the vampire, and when the flames fell, the remaining energy was absorbed by the nightmare unicorn Hayate who had been staying in the prison.

"Because the creatures you put into the evil prison cannot withstand the erosion of evil, they are automatically converted into sacrifices. Level 7 sacrifices are 26%."

It failed, but it can also be seen that the basic success rate of level 7 soldiers is 13%, and the success rate increases by 13% after the vampire transformation fails.

This success rate is already very good. Adding three more should result in one success.

Da Liang once again put a vampire into the evil prison.


When Da Liang's success rate increased to 52%, a vampire was reborn from the ashes.

The bloody flame receded from a brand new creature, and a species with a strong aristocratic aura appeared in front of Daliang.

He has an appearance closer to the human race than any other race, except that his skin is slightly pale and his ears are slightly pointed.

Wearing a black leather windbreaker, giving people a cold feeling, a sword was exposed from the hem of the windbreaker.

The first impression this unit gave to Daliang was that of a swordsman with noble blood.

Among all the armies of Daliang, this new unit is definitely the most impressive in appearance. If you are followed by a group of such guards when you go out, it will definitely be eye-catching and eye-catching.

Such a guard must be formed, and all of them must be women.

Wa hahaha……

Daliang laughed wildly in his fantasy, and then clicked on the attributes of this new unit.

Vampire Sword Guard (level 9 half-demon, half-undead creature)

Attack: 14

Defense: 10

Kill: 120-160

HP: 700

Characteristics of the unit: Bat transformation, blood-sucking (attacks have a blood-sucking effect, can replenish one's own blood loss, and can resurrect members of the same race), blood sacrifice (when the blood absorbed exceeds the upper limit of the blood volume, it can be accumulated, when the accumulated blood volume exceeds double the total blood volume, Blood sacrifice can be performed. After the blood sacrifice is successful, the soldier will evolve into a hero. If the blood sacrifice fails, the "blood sacrifice" characteristic will disappear. Note: The success rate of the blood sacrifice is related to the difficulty of obtaining the soldier's blood volume. After a fierce battle, the high-potential blood-sucking sword guard can still maintain enough kills. The higher the success rate.)

This is not a military branch, it is clearly a youth training camp for heroes.

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