Start with an Archangel

Chapter 592 New Hero

Daliang has great beauty in his heart.

Not only does the Vampire Sword Guard maintain the strength that a vampire should have, but the Vampire King, the advanced vampire unit, also inherits the blood-sucking special skills.

Blood-sucking can be said to be a perverted, shameless and shameless military stunt. It is effective on all living creatures. You can suck as much blood as you want. Not only can you restore your own blood volume, but you can also resurrect your companions.

If coupled with the spirit gathering magic that can resurrect undead creatures, the Vampire Sword Guard can completely scan the map with high efficiency and low loss.

However, just because there is a Vampire Sword Guard with blood-sucking special skills, it cannot be used unscrupulously. After all, four vampires can transform into a Vampire Sword Guard. The Black Fire Leader has not upgraded to level 7 and cannot build a mansion to recruit vampires. After all, the number of vampires who cannot be recruited by themselves and who rely on rewards for transformation is limited, and if the enemy discovers the special skills of the Vampire Sword Guards, they will definitely clear them out.

Therefore, in Daliang's mind, the Vampire Sword Guard is still in the position of a surprise soldier for the time being. He can break through the enemy's key positions at fixed points during the battle and use his speed to attack and withdraw quickly.

And the Lord's Guard.

In order to realize a little bit of lust in my heart.

In the process of vampire transformation, when Daliang began to increase the success rate of sacrifices, he tried to select short and ugly male vampires. After the success rate increased, he switched to good-looking and good-looking female vampires.

After Daliang's careful selection and hard calculation, he was able to transform himself into a guard force of more than fifty people, all composed of beautiful vampire sword guards.

The inside is a shiny black leather tights, and the outside is a slim black leather windbreaker, riding boots, and a sword on the waist. If you wear sunglasses, it will really look like the Matrix.

Hahaha... Looking at the rows of beautiful vampire sword guards, Daliang felt even more beautiful.

After all 800 vampires were transformed, Daliang obtained 213 vampire sword guards.

These vampire sword guards will all be handed over to the Kuka attack group that is doing territory tasks. There are many combat tasks there, so the vampire sword guards can complete the blood sacrifice as soon as possible.

Daliang is very much looking forward to the blood-sucking sword guard who has successfully transformed into a hero through blood sacrifice.

As a level 9 creature, the Vampire Sword Guard is already in the category of mid- to high-level arms. If they can become heroes, their growth rate and potential are generally higher than those of heroes evolved from other low-level arms. Even the weakest vampire sword guard heroes are much stronger than ordinary tavern heroes.

The grown-up Vampire Sword Guard heroes will become the middle and high-level commanders of the Blackfire Army.

Even if the blood sacrifice fails, the vampire sword guard can still play an important role in Da Liang's army as a senior soldier.

In order to satisfy his own selfish desires, Daliang formed a separate group of beautiful vampire sword guards who he selected, and Kuka took care of them and trained them.

"This unit was carefully selected by me. All of them have the best potential. We must give them the most important and fiercest combat missions. At the same time, we must control the losses and avoid unnecessary sacrifices. All those who have successfully promoted to All the vampire sword guards of the hero have been transferred to me. I have a very important task for them.

Very important task. "

Thinking of the days when he went out with a group of beautiful guards behind him, Daliang's face turned into a peach blossom smile.

Wipe your saliva, it's time to get down to business.

All the vampires have been transformed, and what remains is the terrifying knight that Daliang is looking forward to even more.

As a level 12 advanced unit, theoretically the Terror Knight can be transformed into at least a level 13 ultimate creature. In other words, as long as the transformation is successful, the result will be a high-growth hero.

The first transformed horror knight walked towards the evil prison under the command of Da Liang.

He was wearing black full-body armor and riding a war horse also wearing black armor. Facing the evil prison that was as red as a big mouth, he walked forward without hesitation.

The heavy sound of horseshoes echoed in the main hall of the meeting hall.

As if feeling a powerful creature approaching, the flames in the evil prison became strong again, burning the entire room like a furnace in a porcelain kiln, and the blood and fire seemed to become thicker.

The terrifying knight stepped into the prison, and his figure was slowly submerged in the red light. From the outside, he could not see the exact situation inside. He could only see the vague black shadow inside through the red light.

what's going on?

The evil prison emitted a vision that Da Liang had never seen before. Even if a more advanced bone dragon was put in, the prison did not react so violently.

The transformation process has not ended yet, which makes Daliang feel a little worried.

"Hayate, what happened inside? What happened to the terrifying knight I sent in? Why did the evil prison have such a big reaction?"

Soon the voice of Nightmare Unicorn Gale came from the prison: "Lord, the terrifying knight you sent in seems to have other powers. Although it is weak, it is a power that can rival the prison. It is this kind of power that can rival the power in the prison." The force caused a violent reaction in prison.”

A power that rivals the evil prison.

Is the Terror Knight so awesome?

Daliang had already guessed what the power in the evil prison was. The power within the Evil Prison comes from the dreadlord Ergoth, and the prophet says that Ergoth's power comes from the extremely evil air in the abyss of Purgatory.

The extremely evil aura is the divine power that has penetrated from the divine plane. The only thing that can fight against the divine power is the divine power.

But no matter how strong the Terror Knights are, they are a high-level unit. Will they carry divine power with them?

With doubts, Daguang opened the attributes of the terrifying knight waiting to be transformed around him.

Very normal Terror Knight data. If nothing else, these terrifying knights all possess one skill - Immaculate Faith.

Skill notes: As a former guard of the Immortal Cathedral in the City of Lament, he is a staunch believer in the God of Death and has also accepted the blessing of the God of Death.

Daliang saw this skill when he got these terrifying knights, but it seemed more like an honorary title without any substantial improvement in ability.

Now it seems these terrifying knights are truly blessed by death.

Although the power of this kind of blessing may be extremely weak, if someone has a high status, it will certainly arouse a very evil spirit and give him a warm welcome.

Now that the source of the vision has been found, how to break it?

Can only wait...

Anyway, Daliang didn't believe that the little blessing caused by Wushou's faith could enable the Terror Knight to withstand most of the power of Ergus.

Time passed slowly, and the strong flames in the prison finally weakened, and a red-armored knight slowly walked out of the prison on a red-armored horse.

The first one was successful!

Jones: Destruction Knight (13th level fiend)

Attack: 18

Defense: 18

Kills: 300-400

HP: 1500

Characteristics of the unit: all-terrain movement (including water), 20% curse attack, 20% knowing strike, ignores fire, evolveable (absorbing extremely evil energy can evolve into a level 14 destruction knight)

Hero Unit: Level 1

Attack: 11

Defense: 11

Intelligence: 10

Knowledge: 10

Hero Specialty: Immortality (as long as there is fire in this world, he will be resurrected in the flames after 24 hours)

Hero Special Skills: Intermediate Offense, Intermediate Fire Magic

Skills: Destructive power (ignores 50% of the opponent's defense and hits a fatal blow), collision...

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